Robert Tulip: Comment on Glasgow

The following is in response to The Economist’s Facebook video report

17 November 2021

The Economist Magazine published a positive review of Glasgow, at

To which I commented with the following rather disgruntled response.

In this summary, Catherine Brahic from The Economist refers to Glasgow as “Paris Plus”. That is the most naively rose tinted lily gilding silk purse from sow’s ear comment imaginable, up there with the emperor’s new clothes. In fact it is Paris Minus. For the last five years, nations have been meant to be ratcheting up their Paris pledges, but suddenly we get to Glasgow and find the cupboard is bare.

The ratchet mechanism from Paris has failed, turning out more rat shit than ratchet. It is as though Brahic sees a remarkable positive in recalcitrant nations having suddenly discovered that the IPCC actually calls on them to reduce their emissions. But this failure was inevitably built into the spinning nonsense of the Paris Accord.

The tragic farce here is the avoidance of the reality that only geoengineering will prevent dangerous warming in this decade. The resolute refusal to engage this basic science of global security is likely to prove the most gross dereliction of planetary duty in all human history.

Robert Tulip

Published by doug350

Go Slow Quickly. Srsly!

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