Real, practical, doable & not-bullshitable SEO

- Dave Collins, SoftwarePromotions -

Things I never mentioned but should have

Hello Tutorial Tuesdayer! This page outlines the main points of my talk, and also includes a few points that I didn't have time to cover. If you have any questions drop me an email and I'll be more than happy to help.

  • Most people don't do SEO because they don't know where to start. But you're not most people.
  • "SEO is dead" is a silly idea - don't listen to it, and don't say it to others (apart from your competition).
  • Google's organic results are generated by a system - which can of course be steered and optimised.
  • There are similarities between Google and a small child - both need serious hand-holding and tantrums are inevitable.
  • You probably don't need to pay for an SEO tool to start doing SEO. See below.

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The four beautiful things

Lucky's impression of Freddie Mercury

Getting Amorous with Analytics

Go into Google Analytics.

Set up an organic traffic segment.

Change the date range to at least a year.

Change the date view selector to week.

Celebrate. Or worry.

If you're hazy on how to do this, here's a two minute step-by-step video, and it'll also show you how to use quality indicators too.

Getting Cosy with Search Console

Google Search Console is amazing.

Make it your new friend, and spend a little time in getting to know each other.

In particular:

Performance - have a look at the date range and compare functions. Try looking at only one single metric (like clicks) to see which terms (or pages) have fallen.

URL inspection -  drop in a URL for one of your pages. See when it was last indexed and where from. Check the canonical and mobile friendliness.

Coverage - check on your errors and issues, but don't panic! Most websites have many, and some may be of little importance.

Sitemaps - make sure they're in there and error-free.

Mobile Usability - you may well have errors but how important are those pages? Dig deeper if required.

Watch this space - more funkiness is coming. Sign up for our occasional emails and be the first to know. Ts & Cs may apply.

Getting Cool with Chrome

Right-click on the page and choose inspect.

Pay attention to the audit tab on the top right.

Explore. There are some amazingly useful things in here.

Install some amazing extensions:

SEO META in 1 CLICK - a nice overview of META data, images, links, etc.

Blue Button - webpage X-ray - similar to SEO META but you may prefer it. Or not.

Free Backlink Checker by LRT - the quickest way of checking for broken links I've ever seen.

GSC: URL Performance Report Deeplink - fantastic time-saver that makes Google Search Console even more useful.

Gifts from Google

PageSpeed Insights - a detailed page speed rater, with actionable recommendations.

Mobile-Friendly test - do Google think your webpage is friendly enough?

Google Trends - the number of searches over time. Super-useful.

Google Alerts - let Google keep an eye on what's important to you.

If you have any problems with any of the above...

Don't panic. Instead email me at I'll do what I can to help you.

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