Thursday 13 September 2012

嘉康利-胶原蛋白功效 Shaklee Collagen Powder

嘉康利胶原蛋白提供高达4000毫克独创的RSS(Red Snapper Scale)胶原蛋白,原料取自深海珍贵红鲷鱼鱼鳞,一种高精纯以及优质的胶原蛋白,是领先的胶原蛋白补品。除此,嘉康利胶原蛋白更附加7种关键活性成份以全面增强其效力,这包括了茶花籽萃取物,巴西人参萃取物,鱼胶原蛋白,贝类萃取物,嗜酸乳杆菌和维生素CB群可以给您一下的好处:
• 支持制造胶原蛋白,恢复柔软嫩,平滑的肌肤

• 收紧粗大毛孔,抚平细纹和邹纹

• 嫩白及平滑肌肤

• 促进强韧指甲,厚实和亮丽的头发

• 使胸部更挺拔更结实

Shaklee Collagen Powder gives you a healthy collagen supplement consists of 4000mg proprietary RSS(Red Snapper Scale) Collagen, a pure and high quality collagen extrated from the scales of Red Snapper. It is also added with seven key ingredients including Camellia japonica seed extract, Pfaffia extract, fish collagen, shellfish extract, Lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamin c and vitamin Bs that gives you the following benifits:
• Supports collagen production for a firmer, elastic and supple skin
• Reduces visible pores, wrinkles and fine lines
• Fairer and smoother skin
• Stronger nails, thicker and more lustrous hair
• Firm bust

Greenheal Enterprise
健斌Kiang Ping

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