Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Fruity Blast Challenge 05/01/13
Strawberry Blast Challenge
Design Seed Palette here:  ≧◠◡◠≦✌

Culturally accidentally overwrote this post, but no worries! It's on its way to being fixed up as soon as possible. In the mean time, this was part of her original post:

I attended the very last required class for the art seminar class I am taking, and the final speaker was absolutely brilliant. She was really inspiring and also told us, she teaches in a way to let her students fail without fear. Failing without fear. I like that concept. And dissatisfied I am with this piece, and flawed as it is, with all the things that are wrong in this piece...I present to you...Citadel. A city of correction.

Cheers to the beginning of another month!



The Strawberry-Blast Challenge (Part of the Fruity Blast Challenge series): Challenges accepted by CulturallyBewildered, usually in areas of original characters, anime-style, graphics, or experimentation in Photoshop painting. To be completed Mondays, Wednesdays, and (bi-weekly) Fridays

Click here to find out about this project or other projects and tags.
Tell us how you like this post or anything else about the Fruity-Blast Challenge by commenting below or contacting us through email.

Thank you!

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