Kathy Jackson's Reviews > Fireproof

Fireproof by Alex Kava
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really liked it
bookshelves: nook

It took me three days to complete this book – not because it was boring but because I have been busy with work and family events. I do enjoy Alex Kava and the Maggie O’Dell series though it has started getting a little bit the same in some ways.

The killer was easy to figure out despite the red herrings Kava included throughout. I guess him the first time he was mentioned in the story because he seemed to have the greatest motive plus a high level of arrogance. That fact did not take away from the story but it did make the story seem to drag in a few places where it shouldn’t have.

Maggie is her usual tragic self which I can say gets old but then again, if I were in her job I can’t imagine I would fair any better. The ending is left up in the air a bit but I feel like I know how it would end if everything had been revealed. I have the next book to start reading so will find out if I am right then. I will take a break though because I do not want to approach the new story until the residue from this story has faded.

The book is decent and fast paced with a lot of action. It also has personal interactions between the characters – Maggie and her half-brother, Patrick, plus her mother. It was a good book and I do recommend it if you have been following the Maggie O’Dell series. I give the book an A.

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Reading Progress

June 10, 2013 – Started Reading
June 10, 2013 – Shelved
August 2, 2013 – Finished Reading
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: nook

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