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From New York Times bestselling author, J. Daniels, comes a sexy new STANDALONE novel.

For the past nine years, I’ve kept my heart as far away from my dick as possible.

Those two can’t be anywhere near each other. They don’t play nice, and one of them undoubtedly winds up getting hurt.

Not my dick. My dick is good.

The women I take home know exactly what they’re getting from me—sex. Nothing more. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. The sweet brunette from Kentucky I set my sights on tonight shouldn’t have been any different. I had her right where I wanted her. Where I needed her. But when my past comes walking into McGill’s pub, the woman in my arms decides to take things to a whole new level, putting me into a situation I never saw coming.

My heart is about to get f**ked. My dick can sit this one out.

343 pages

First published March 17, 2015

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About the author

J. Daniels

20 books8,149 followers
J. Daniels is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Alabama Summer, Dirty Deeds and Sweet Addiction series, as well as her MM romance: The Tragedy of Felix and Jake.

Best known for her sexy, small-town romances, her debut novel, Sweet Addiction, was first published in 2014 and went on to become an international bestseller. Since then, she has published more than fifteen novels, including the Dirty Deeds series with Forever Romance.

Daniels grew up in Baltimore and currently lives in Maryland with her husband and three kids. A former full-time Radiologic Technologist, she began writing romance after college and quickly discovered a passion for it. You'll still catch her in scrubs every now and then, but most of her time is spent writing these days—a career she is eternally grateful for.

Always an avid reader, Daniels enjoys books of all kinds, but favors Romance (of course) and Fantasy. She loves hiking, traveling, going to the mountains for the weekend, and spending time with her family.

Be sure to follow Jessica on BookBub for the latest on sales: http://bit.ly/jdaniels_bookbub

Books/Shop/Info: https://bit.ly/shopmybooks

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,146 reviews34.8k followers
March 4, 2016
5 REED stars!!!

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It seems that each J. Daniels book I read is better than the last. This is by far my favorite of hers. If you’ve read her Alabama Summer series, you know Reed. Reed is the best friend of Tessa. He’s also the guy who always has a different girl with him (always). He’s a complete and utter manwhore. But for a good reason. Once upon a time, Reed got his heart broken. And ever since, he doesn’t put himself out there. He was burned once by letting his heart lead the way, it won’t happen again.

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Then he meets Beth, a girl so different from any of the others. Beth comes from a different world than Reed and his friends. She hasn’t had an easy life. She’s moved to Alabama to live with her aunt and uncle and start fresh. She meets Reed at her families bar. I just adored the way these two met. So fun and memorable. Beth sort of knocks Reed for a loop. Just one kiss. One kiss does it.

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Beth is a heroine I completely adored. I felt for her. She had a beautiful and shining personality. You can’t help but love this girl. It’s so easy to see why Reed would let down his guard some for her. Reed can’t help but feel for her. He doesn’t feel… but something about Beth makes him start again.
“I want this. Whatever this is between us, I want it.”

And Reed…. you gorgeous, sweet and filthy man. Reed is going on my book boyfriend list. He was something else. I loved this boy hard. He had the dirtiest mouth and I couldn’t get enough of him.
“Maybe you can get dressed and then we can talk.”
“Or you can get naked and ride my face.”

“I just want to eat and fuck all day. You in?”

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This book was so special. I laughed so many times, it hit me in the feels and it was smokin’ hot! Can’t ask for anything more than that. It was the perfect book for me. I started it and read it cover to cover. Could not put this one down. I feel like I was late to the game when it comes to J. Daniels books, but after this series (and this book in particular) she is going on my auto-buy list. She writes it, I’ll read it.

If you’re looking for a fresh, fun, emotional and sexy romance, READ THIS BOOK!

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Profile Image for • Lisa •.
559 reviews1,567 followers
March 17, 2015

"I was in love once. Once. One time too many ..."


There are books that you enjoy. Books that you will recommend. Books that make you smile and not regret for a single second that you decided to start turning the pages. Then there are those books that are all of the above and more, the books that you will never forget and you will undoubtably think about time and time again. This is one of those books and Author J Daniels has proved once again why she is my ultimate go to girl and favourite author. If I could bottle up how I feel when I read a Mrs J Daniels book and then sell that feeling for a dollar a piece I'd never have to worry about my one click addiction again. Thank you Author J for bringing your characters and their wonderful stories to life. Beth and Reed are incredibly special and my only unrealistic complaint is that I'll never be able to hug the day lights out of this fictional couple in real life. Here's the rest of my 'crazy in love' with this story thoughts ...

What's it all about?
One woman, a little broken but willing to love. One man shaken by his past with a lock down on his heart. A meet cute that warms the heart and a fake relationship that inspires a love story that will make the stoniest of hearts melt. add into all that a whole lot of healing, an inspired amount of sexy and a love story that blew me away and you get a complete Author J Daniels tale of love. Beth and Reed have a journey to tell and I for one will never be forgetting it.


What did I love?
Author J has a special way of building up a story and giving the reader intimate details of her characters lives in a way that constantly reminds me of why I fall in love with her writing style more and more with each book that she creates. 'When I fall' is not exempt from the sexy but heartfelt treatment that this author gives to her work, in fact this story is my favourite to date and I never thought any book would rival Luke and Tessa's story in the previous book of the series. With truly loveable characters and a plot line that just makes sense there was no room left for me to be anything but blown away by the care and attention that was put into creating this book. One moment would have me smiling like a crazed book junkie and in the next chapter I'd be squeezing my kindle hard with heartache not to mention being utterly taken over with surprise at the authors hottest sex scenes to date. Yes, author J has nailed this story and for my reading tastes this novel was bang on. I adored everything that this story had to offer and I'm left feeling a little sad that it's all over and yes I can admit I have no shame in begging author J for more. As always I'm more than happy to see a series include characters from former books and fans of the 'Bama boys (and girls) will be pleased to hear that we definitely get to have more than a glimpse of favourite characters in the series. Nobody creates family and relationships quite like J Daniels does with her books and don't be surprised that you'll be laughing, crying and feeling a little more than hot under the collar as those characters have there own part to play in the storyline. Reed and Beth were gorgeous characters to fall in love with and had their own perfect mix of insecurities, amazing one liners and off the charts relationship chemistry. I have no shame in admitting that I'll be re reading my favourite bits over and over and once again I find myself a little repetitive in my wishing that I could read their story for the first time all over again. Bravo Mrs D as always you have rocked my book world and I'm waiting in line for you to do it again, roll on next release.


Final thoughts ...
Readers if you love an author that can make you laugh swoon and blush then you need not look any further. I can't recommend this series anymore than if I was to one click for you myself. With romance at the heart of each story these books are not to be missed and as for 'When I fall' who can resist an unrequited love story with characters that are easy to love? Author J, I purple Heart you. I love that you allow me a little time to get into your head and thoughts and I feel astounded every time you create characters that I can't help but fall in love with. Once again you easily stole five stars from me and I can say with confidence that it won't be the last time. Release day is not too far around the corner. Add to your 'To be read' pile readers you won't regret. Enjoy ... Kisses.


*Beta version read, devoured and loved. This author will always have my heart.*
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,975 followers
March 31, 2015
4 Stars

I wish more authors realized the power of a good epilogue. A good epilogue can change or intensify a readers feelings about a story and its characters. This book's ending bumped my rating up from a solid 3 stars to 4 stars. That's how happy I was when I finished this story. As you can see, I really liked the ending.

Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,147 reviews13.2k followers
July 15, 2015
5 Stars

I don't know how she does it, but she manages to look this perfect blend of innocent and I'm-about-to-fuck-your-world-up.

You know what I love when finding a new author? When that author never sticks to a formula and shows growth with every book she writes. I also love that she has her signature voice in her characters, but every book is refreshingly different, entertaining, and oh so sexy. To say that I was anxiously anticipating Reed's book would be a major understatement. What I wasn't expecting, however, was to love it as much as I did.

I loved Reed as a secondary character in All I Want. If you follow my reviews or know me at all then you know just how much I love me the manwhores. And Reed? He's the manwhore king.
This is just sex, and the only thing this chick needs to know is how I fuck, not why I fuck the way I do. I’m not getting personal. My dick is. End of discussion.

5 years ago, a relationship gone wrong twisted Reed's world on it's axis. The last thing he wants to do is dive back into the clutches of love and have his heart torn to shreds again. He will never allow himself to be that pathetic and vulnerable.

Beth has never had anyone in her life to rely on. When her alcoholic mother dies, she's left homeless and without any family. Loneliness and desperation makes people do things that they're not proud of, and Beth has definitely been through her share of bad memories. So when she learns that her mother has a sister that she knew nothing about that's willing to take her in, she's absolutely thrilled. She picks up her meager belongings, mainly her beloved Kindle, and moves to Alabama.

Given Reed's sexual proclivities and just how absolutely sweet Beth was, I wasn't sure how the author would pull off their connection at first. But I should have known better than to doubt the brilliance of J. Daniels, because not only does she pull it off, she does so effortlessly.

I absolutely LOVED the way that Beth and Reed meet and how their relationship develops. These two have absolutely sizzling chemistry from their very first shared look. Then there's Reed's absolutely filthy mouth, and who the hell can resist that?
My mouth goes dry, but luckily, the image he just put into my head makes me salivate instantly.
Bent over the table.
Doing the bending.
My chest shudders on an exhale.

I'm usually a reader that enjoys the tough and sassy heroines, so it was shocking to me just how much I loved Beth since she was neither one of those things. Well, I can't say she wasn't tough, she did survive most things that would turn others into someone bitter and angry at the world. She was like a ray of sunshine; always seeking the positive, caring, and so sweet she'd make sugar melt. But it was never in a naive way, not really. She was just incredibly endearing. And watching someone like that bring the town's infamous manwhore to his knees? Well it just made it THAT much more satisfying.
This isn't fucking. Not this. I can't stop looking at her. I can't tell her how wet my dick is. I can't ask her to suck me while I finger her ass.
I don't want to stop.
I don't want to come.
I don't want anything but her.
I've never been this terrified.

Considering just how much I love me my dirty talkers, it's not too hard to see why Reed was my favorite character in the series, is it?
I want to watch those perfect fucking lips wrap around around my cock, sucking me while you finger yourself. I want you bent over, spread out on the floor, tied to the bed while I'm fucking you raw.

Right then.

I devoured this book in practically one sitting. I honestly can't tell you one thing I didn't enjoy about it. I love how each new book in the series gives us a continuation of the previous couples. It was so great getting those extra moments with Luke and Tessa, and Mia and Ben. This book had everything; humor, a fantastic and heartfelt story, a dirty talking hero that will melt all panties within a 20 mi radius, and a beautiful romance. I loved it! Fans of the series will definitely enjoy this book. And if you haven't discovered this fantastic author yet, I couldn't recommend a better book. While you'd best enjoy reading this series in order, since you'd have a better appreciation for the characters, you may still easily read it as a standalone. I've been a fan of this author since her Sweet Possession series, but after this book she's going straight to my auto-buy list.
Hope is a funny thing. Even when you think you have none, it refuses to lied down quietly. In the darkest moments of my life, I've always had hope..

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
March 24, 2015
4 “Beth Davies from McGill’s” Stars.

Beth is a girl with a bad past. Alone in the world she recently finds she has an aunt, so she goes to Alabama to live with her.
There she meets Reed, the sexy guy who had his heart broken once and refuses to let himself be hurt again.
They immediately hit it off and what started to be a fake date in front of Reed’s ex-girlfriend soon starts to feel more real. But between a guy that doesn’t want to fall in love and a girl that doesn’t believe that can be loved, how can they ever find happiness together?


I swear this series keeping getting better. After having a bit of trouble with the amount of angst in the previous book, I was a little scared of this one. However, what I get it was a sweet, romantic story, with heartwarming moments. It had some drama and some angst but it only made me be even more invest in the story. There some minor annoyances for me, but in overall, it was a romantic, funny and steamy story, well written and fast-paced that you should definitely read if you’re in the mood for a sexy hero.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: I’ve already liked Reed in the previous books, but in this book we has amazing. He definitely put Ben and Luke to the corner. He was sweet, sexy and a little broken. It was great so see him trust Beth and slowing losing his fears. Beth was such a sweet girl. She had a bad set of cards handed to her, but it was great to see how she fought her ghosts. I really liked her. It was great to see more of the other 4, especially Mia & Ben. I loved their “moment”.
Steam: Hot. Except for one particular scene that was disturbing as hell!!
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Sleepless Readmore.
163 reviews306 followers
March 26, 2015
4.75 I'm not EVEN dicking with you STARS
I have never heard
such a word that made
me feel both
terrified and relieved.

Reed and Beth

You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live ..►♫


I look down at my dick.
Standards. Let's rethink those .."

I was REALLY looking forward to Reed's story and J. Daniels did not disappoint. Reed and Beth were absolutely perfect for one another and just what the other needed! I thought nothing could be HOTTER than the lovely police officers in the last couple novels .. however I stand corrected. Picture this .. Reed shirtless .. sweat dripping down that delicious body .. arms FLEXING (MUSCLES RIPPLING IN PLACES YOU NEVER KNEW EVEN EXISTED) .. with a tool belt wrapped around this ADONIS lookalike .. outside in YOUR backyard constructing a patio .. yeah so I'm definitely about that construction "book boyfriend" life. If that doesn't want you devouring this novel perhaps the plot will which all begins with 2 strangers + 1 B*TCH OF AN EX & one helluva kiss. J. Daniels sure knows how to construct a strong plot, loveable characters, as well a LAUGH OUT LOUD dialogue.

And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here .. ►♫


I was playing pool,
and I had no idea what I was doing.
You came over and gave me a few pointers.

I showed you how to handle my pool cue.
And your balls.


When I Fall J. Daniels
- Sleepless, Readmore. Twitter

Where I Belong (Alabama Summer, #1) by J. Daniels All I Want (Alabama Summer, #2) by J. Daniels When I Fall (Alabama Summer, #3) by J. Daniels
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews688 followers
March 17, 2015
★★★★★ 5 Stars ★★★★★

Amazon - http://amzn.to/1LndIHs
Amazon UK - http://amzn.to/1bdmgR3

Well, this was my first J. Daniels book and I am left wondering why the duck I haven't read anything by her before. This book was exactly what I needed. Sexy, funny and with a heroine I would love to be friends with. This was a book that that I would love to read again. It was fabulous, I loved it!

Reed has been burned by love, he has switched his heart off and established some ground rules. He doesn't get close to women, he offers sex and nothing else. He doesn't kiss.

Beth is new in town and after leaving a man who verbally abused her and made her believe she wasn't anything special, she is ecstatic to find out that she has an aunt and uncle who are ready to welcome her into her home.

When Reed spots her at McGills, he does what he does best and tries to chat her up but then his long lost Ex girlfriend Molly turns up and Beth surprises him by kissing him, smack on the lips.

Henceforth, Reed can't get enough of the sweet, kind, sexy woman with her flowery Doc Martens and a sense of humour that matches his.

_ _ _ _

The development of their relationship was spot on, I loved the chemistry and the banter and also the scenes between Beth and Reeds' best friends from previous books. Like I said before, this was my first J. Daniels so I was not familiar with any of the side characters but I was equally interested to read about their interactions with both Reed and Beth.

I loved Reeds' dirty mouth and I loved the way Beth was not afraid to go for what she wanted.

There is nothing more delicious than watching the town man slut fall in love with a strong female character and this definitely delivered for me on that front.

"I just want to eat and fuck all day. You in?"

Yes, fucking please!

Anyhoo, I wholeheartedly loved Reed and Beth Davis, from McGills - I will definitely be checking out a few of the other books from this author. <3

Oh, and P.S - Tessa calling Molly a 'Cunt Hair' LMAO!

This is book 3 in the Alabama Summer Series, but can be read as a standalone.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
979 reviews1,298 followers
April 6, 2015
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Title: When I Fall
Series: Alabama Summer #3
Author: J. Daniels
Release date: March 17, 2015
Rating: 5 stars
Cliffhanger: No

Where do I even start with this book?? I'm struggling to find the right words to express how much I enjoyed this latest trip into J. Daniels' Alabama Summer series. Ever since I read Sweet Addiction, I've been hooked on this author's deliciously addictive style of writing and I've never looked back. She's now become an immediate auto-buy author, no synopsis required. Her books tend to cover all the necessary bases:

1) Funny as hell.

I'm still clinging to him like we're on the Titanic and that bitch is sinking fast, and he's holding onto me like he wants on that door that we all know would've fit more than one person.

2) Dirty Indecently filthy-mouthed hero. (In some cases the heroine equally so.)

3) The hero putting his money where his mouth is.

In other words-her books are scorching, blisteringly, incinerate your panties HOT. Holy hell, this woman can write some deliciously good sex. It's not just purely the graphic quality, it has that intensity to it. The heart pounding build up that explodes when it finally hits it's peak. It's so delicious, I want to lap up her stories with a spoon and savor them slowly. Every time I think she's outdone herself, she steps it up another notch. Reed is most definitely my favorite hero in this series.

But most importantly,

4) Her stories keep me absorbed and coming back for more.

So, what's this story about?

Reed is an unapologetic, unrepentant manwhore, yet somehow charming in his blatant slutty ways. He makes no bones about the fact that he loves women-just not for any longer than one night of pleasure.

Most manwhores piss me right the hell off, but if they can make me laugh, I'm done for. This guy's sense of humor actually had me busting out laughing on more than one occasion. He's the definition of cocky, but I'd be lying if I tried to tell you I didn't love him. His lure is irresistible.

Beth: "Stories should feel real. Wanting something wild and romantic at the same time feels real to me. I think relationships need both. And it's not porn. Porn doesn't make me cry."
Reed: "I could disagree with you on that. There are people out there who are into some really fucked up shit. I've almost cried watching some of it."

Reed is happily ensconced in his hit it and quit it ways ever since his ex tore his heart out and shredded it years ago. Molly, or as I like to call her, Adolf Titler, is back in town and delighting in rubbing her engagement in his face. Even after all these years, she can still dig her claws into him and leave him raw.

Cue Beth, our heroine. she's adorably sweet, even after being raised by a druggie mother and becoming homeless after her death. She went through a lot more hardship than most at her age, but she still hasn't lost her positive attitude and giving nature. Right away, I fell in love with her character. I saw a lot of myself in her and I could really connect with her. I love heroines that are book lovers and this chick was as connected to the hip with her Kindle as me. Also, she's just very humble, down to earth, and generally a caring person. She's not afraid to be herself and I loved that about her. She's a boots and flannel type of girl. Low maintenance and low-key sexy.

So, they meet, they flirt, Reed predictably tries to get into her panties. She rescues him from his ex and makes him face his feelings of betrayal that he's tried to ignore and soothe with sex. Unpredictably, he's dazzled by Beth and can't get her out of his head. I loved this couple's interactions as they got to know one another. Reed isn't used to spending time with women and enjoying their company in any other way than sexual. But he quickly comes to realize that Beth is not only fun and easy to be around, but her understated sexiness sneaks up on him until it's taking everything in his power to not jump her. But oh lord, when he did...he was a very dirty boy and I savored every minute. When this type of hero falls, he falls hard and I must admit, I relished in his demise. Poor Reed never stood a chance.

This book had everything I love in a 5 star reading experience, I came away from it a very satisfied customer. I loved both MC's, the humor, the chemistry and the welcome addition of the past couples in the series. Most especially my girl, Tessa. Her characters are a solid staple in my romance repertoire but Tessa? I LOVE THAT WOMAN. Love. She is so badass, every one of my favorite scenes involving the secondary characters were with her.

If you haven't started this series yet, you're missing out. Simply put,

It was good.
It was hot.
Read it.
You'll thank me for it later.


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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,117 followers
March 17, 2015
4 Reed Stars!

There are three things I've come to expect when reading a book by J. Daniels: a sweet heroine, a hot hero, and a story peppered with humor and a little bit of angst. When I Fall delivered on all of those and then some.

Reed likes to keep his life and relationship simple. By simple meaning, no commitment beyond a night of pleasure. He has been burned badly before and he doesn't intend to get hurt again. Beth is lost soul. She had no one. Her past was bleak and her future even bleaker until she found her aunt who happens to live in the same town Reed lives in. Despite that Beth has retained her optimism and even though the people in her life had let her done, it didn't turn her into a bitter person.

I loved the chemistry between Reed and Beth. I had concerns at first about this book being a love triangle after reading the blurb. But my concerns were totally unfounded. Let me just lay to rest those worries for bit: For those who are asking if this is a love triangle, I will assure that it's not. Reed and Beth, while they had issues to work on individually and as a couple, were in it 100%. I loved how their story progressed. Some of their banter was hilarious especially when you put Tessa in the mix.

Reed was the epitome of a reformed manwhore. The moment he acquiesced to what his heart was saying about Beth, he was amazing. And oh my gosh, I never thought he would be the kinky one in the group but he is. I love how he is with his friends, with Tessa and I especially love how he was with Beth. The other bonus for me were the cameos of the previous couples of the series.

Overall, another enjoyable read from J. Daniel. This author is definitely among my go-to authors when I'm in the mood for some sweet romantic read.

ARC provided by J. Daniel in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for mel ☽.
369 reviews10.8k followers
November 21, 2019
2.75 stars

this honestly wasn't that bad but oh boy i rolled my eyes to the heavens so many times, i lost count.

usually, i judge the H more than the h because from the books i've read so far, their dumbassery is just in a whole other level but the main reason for my eyerolls was definitely because of the h in this one.

this has the H is hung up on ex and said ex is getting married to the dude H saw his ex sleeping with when he walked in on them a millenia ago and now h and H schemes to make the ex jealous so cue all the fake relationship tropes i love...

that said, all the things that drew me in fell flat and anticlimactic, and the whole fake relationsip/make H's ex jealous, only happened once which is a huge disappointment.

what i liked:
— the MCs were actually really cute when they were together but it was just meh.
Nolan. this kid was so cute!! oh lord, Ms. Daniels is really good when writing child characters because she makes them 1000x cuter than kids in real life.

what i disliked:
the dynamic between the MCs.
this is the number one reason why i eye-rolled so many times. i really dislike when h is sweet and innocent and makes it easy for the H all the while H is a self-proclaimed man ho. it's just not a good mix.

don't worry, h wasn't a virgin but the way she acted almost seemed like she was.

anyways, i just hate it when h just made it so... easy? like, she didn't play hard to get, ya know? H is used to getting girls he wants since he's the man ho of the town, so why make the h NOT play hard to get? i've read books with the h being all innocent while H is the complete opposite and it worked for me because the h made H work for it but here? nope. H didn't even do anything to be honest.

the h doing all the work, meaning she was the one doing all the chasing.
H literally didn't do anything until the end. he didn't do the chasing, he didn't do the wooing, he didn't do ANYTHING.

h was the one who kissed him first, who planned the whole fake relationship, asked to hang out first, made the first moves, and was the one who said "i love you" first.

again, the H is the MAN HO. he's used to getting girls easily and the fact that the h made it so easy for him?? arrrggghhhh it was so annoying. like, can i get a little chase from the H?

even when they were fighting, H was all like yeah... i'm not gonna talk to her right now, she needs space blah blah blah. uh, nope. that's like the most common error every boyfriend in the world makes. and the h is the one who talks to him first after a fight. ugh.

the h's unrealistic trust towards the H.
listen, the h just got out of a fucked up relationship before meeting the H and she literally didn't know anyone. so the fact that she was so trusting towards the H when he was a near-stranger was just one of the biggest wtf moments in this book, considering how she met her ex.

so, ex was basically a wolf in sheep's clothing. he met h when he saw her sleeping in her car and he charmed his way through her and she ended up staying with him because of said charm. throughout their "relationship" she realized how much of a manipulative sociopath he was.

so, AGAIN, why the f did she trust the H so easily?! she literally kissed him the first time they met.

and the fact that she knew he was a man ho and the first time they were intimate, she let him go bare!!! mind you, H was so drunk their first time together (he didn't even remember their sexathon by the way) and h knew he was drunk as hell, so why would she trust anything he would say while in this state?! jee-ZUS.

the dumbassery !!!

and the fact that the first time they hang out, h sees him full-on flirting with this employee from Verizon while waiting for her and she still makes it so easy for him after that? damn girl, i would've made him work for it.

the OW or any kind of drama resolved unsatisfyingly.
after H forgot their first night together, h was embarrassed (rightfully so) and agreed to a date when she was asked by this OM. H felt rejected then went to the bar the next day to pick up a woman. he succeeded and when they almost exited the bar, he was like oops never mind. don't want this. and when he sees the h (h works at this bar) he went into this weird trance where he remembers some of the things that happened the night they were together and he was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize that the OW was whipping out his thing and almost gave him a bj.

so anyways, h saw H being dragged by this OW and she didn't talk to him for 6 days. this is what she said that made me like her for a moment:

It's Reed's turn to grab my face and kiss me without giving me a choice in it. It's his turn to reach for my hand, to touch me first. He's miserable? He's jealous? Let me see it. The only thing he's shown me is how easily he can be dragged out of my work.

and i was like f YES. fina-fuckin'-lly. but then, literally the next page she texts him first!!! and the H apologizes for the whole OW thing through TEXT! the fuuuu??


this is another example as to how h doesn’t make the H work for it.
i hate heroines who are like this. honest to god.

and let's not start with the h running away AND going back to the sociopathic ex just because the H didn't tell her "i love you" back. like, i get it. her father didn't show up and her emotions were at an all time high but damn... she could've wait just A DAY but nope. she had to be so dramatic about the whole thing *eyeroll 100x*.

anyways, i read this because i thought this was going to be like Bad for You or Down Too Deep. those books were filled with so many things i want from romance (character development, family relationships, cute and genuine and relatable moments). but here? the inner monologue was just 95% horny thoughts and i absolutely LOATHE that. i need more substance you know?

it's so incredibly annoying when the MCs just talk about how hot their love interest is or how much they turn them on. truly an eye-roll moment for me.

again, main reason why i was annoyed with this was because of my personal preferences so some might find this quite enjoyable and it was! but i just can't get over the dumbassery !!!
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,151 followers
April 2, 2020
 photo FB_IMG_1425856976930_zpsos6lhgym.jpg

I'm literally happy as pig in bloody pigs shit right now!

I'm giddy as fuck and it's all down to these two characters.

Reed & Beth.

I just fucking LOVED them so pissing hard!

And holy fucking hand job Reed as one filthy fucking mouth on him!

& Beth, you freaking slut you sat on the fuckers face....I bow to you!

I felt warm all over including warmth in my underpants whist reading this fucking book!

It was cute, oh so fucking CUTE! Beth is one of the most ADORABLE fucking heroines EVER! I want to hug the shit out of her! I kept wanting to cry every time she fucking spoke. She so delicate with a dirty mind and I want to be her.

I felt like I was watching porn in some of the scenes. It was fucking BRILLIANT!

Ben will always own my lips (not the ones on my face) and Luke, my bean but Reed can so have the nipples!


These books will stay with me and my vagina, always <3
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,940 reviews1,515 followers
March 17, 2015
LIVE! - > http://amzn.to/1MGW0Mj

4 Kissable Stars

When I Fall is a standalone and is book 3 of the Alabama Summer series.

Reed is an impossible flirt. Have you watched that show, Heart of Dixie? You know Wade, the bartender? Reed reminds me of him. He’s good-looking, cocky and loves attention from women.

Years ago, Reed’s ex cheated on him. He hasn’t kissed a girl since. He’s had plenty of sex since then, just no kissing.

Until he meets Beth

Beth is the new girl in town. She has issues and is looking for a fresh start. When Reed approaches Beth for the first time, instantly sparks fly and there’s a crazy attraction.

Reed sees Beth reading and he’s just thinking with his man parts. He sees a pretty girl and wants into her pants. Beth thinks Reed is wicked hot and welcomes Reed’s presence. As they get to know each other (a.k.a flirting like mad), Reed runs into his ex and tensions fly!

Reed’s ex is engaged **gasp** and invites Reed to the engagement party. Beth feels sorry for Reed and pretends to be his girlfriend and accepts the invite.

Isn’t that a crazy awesome story line? I like that Beth is so sweet towards Reed. I loved that she felt his emotions and wanted to help him out. Reed doesn’t fall in line easily. He’s very hurt by his ex and guards his heart, but he can’t stop his pull towards Beth.

Beth really likes Reed. She tries very hard to help him move past his issues by being supportive, yet not clingy. It was a bit difficult for me to connect with Reed. I thought he was hot, sexy and very manly, but his guarded heart was hard for me to push through. I understand his issues. I feel for him. He’s been hurt and he doesn’t want to hurt again, but Beth is an awesome girl.

Okay, Beth has her faults too. She’s human, so she’s not going to throw herself at Reed. She does push back too and I did enjoy those parts. So there’s mild tension and angst throughout the book.

I thought the steam between Beth and Reed was major hot. I’ve read a lot of steamy books, but J. Daniels super hit the mark on this one. I was blushing like a little girl.

You also get the gang from the previous books so yay! So if you love the series, this will make you happy.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review

Where I Belong (Alabama Summer, #1) by J. Daniels REVIEW | AMAZON
All I Want (Alabama Summer, #2) by J. Daniels REVIEW | AMAZON $1.99
When I Fall (Alabama Summer, #3) by J. Daniels AMAZON $2.99
Profile Image for Andie .
285 reviews382 followers
April 2, 2016
I absolutely can't get enough of J. Daniels' writing!! This is without a doubt my favorite of the Alabama Summer series!

Fans of Alabama Summer all know Reed, the Ruxton Manwhore. Reed only does one night with a girl and never speaks to her again. That's all he needs. In All I Want, we were given a little insight to what made Reed the way he is. 9 years ago he gave his heart away only to have it burned. He won't let that happen again.

Beth is new in town. After her mother suddenly dies from drug overdose, she moves to Ruxton to stay with her aunt and uncle who she never knew existed, until now.

Reed and Beth meet at McGill's Pub, which happens to be owned by her aunt and uncle. Beth isn't like the other girls in town and Reed needs to get his fill of her. But just one kiss will knock Reed on his ass and everything he thought he wanted goes right out the window.

I loved these two from their very first interaction. It was smooth, fun, and natural. They have amazing chemistry! Their text messages had me laughing my ass off! And I can't begin to explain the perfection that is Reed!! He is a dirty, dirty boy. Just the way I like them. I love his filthy mouth and his bedroom adventures. Mmm mmm.

This book was everything I wanted it to be! It was sexy, hilarious, and even sad at times. I don't think there's another author out there who makes me laugh and swoon quite like J. Daniels can. I've been hooked on her writing since Sweet Addiction. But look out Reese, Reed is my new book boyfriend!! I urge everyone who loves a good laugh, sexiness, and fun, memorable characters, to pick up her books.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,047 reviews356 followers
June 14, 2015
4.5 I fell for Reed Stars!

I was going to get fancy and fill this with images and quotes, but honestly sometimes a good book with good writing by a great author just doesn't need it!

So quickly, this is book 3 and it is no less than stellar than the first 2. Reed Tennyson was always the cool cat. The mysterious, sexy king of the one-nighters, but he is amazingly loyal and fun all around. HE just doesn't believe in love and relationships. Isn't it always the good/hot ones that were burned that turn out to be the best?

Reed is no different...he just didn't love the right one. Enter Beth...a "nobody" gal from north who deserves love like no other. With a hard life and no comfort to embrace her, she comes to Alabama for a chance for family. Her hard life never dulls the smile that fills her face. Lucky for Reed, she just cant help falling for his sexy act, especially when his "I don't date" persona looks suddenly wrecked when his ex strolls back in town!

I cannot say this wasn't predictable, but damn if it still wasn't fabulous. Great friends to lovers. Great building of emotions and laying of strong foundations. Great sexual chemistry and explosive against the wall intimacy. Reed many not know how to be in love, but damn if the man cant make love! Good thing for him that Beth can give as good as she gets!!!! Never met a gal in a book that was so perfectly matched for a bad boy! Kudos to J. Daniels for a fun, hot and perfectly ended read in this series!
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
May 23, 2015
Wow, so dirty, so hot, but so freaking sweet too!! I love these Alabama boys!

Full review to come.

Profile Image for Vanessa Booked Up.
934 reviews436 followers
May 11, 2015
3.5 Brave Girl Stars!

Hmm, not bad but not great. 5 stars for the dirty talkin' and the HAWT sex scenes. 3 stars for everything else. We'll just call it a day at 3.5 total.

I don't have it in me to do a full-length review. I've been so disappointed with some of the recent new releases that I think I'm totally going to change how I select my next reads...and just because it's a shiny, new release, is definitely not going to be a factor anymore.

I guess it's another case of, it's not you, it's me because this one definitely seemed to be a crowd pleaser. Here's the thing, I'm finding that a lot of the recent releases are written according to a recipe: hot sex, dirty talking "alpha" male, some laughs, some angst, and a whole lotta drama...end of book. Where's the depth? Where's the intimacy? It's like eating a meal with no flavor. The difference here is that, I recognized within the first 30% of this book that this author is actually talented and can really write. I enjoyed her writing style and, don't get me wrong, I laughed my ass of a few times here. But once again, I think this is another book that had the potential to be soooo much better.

What I Really Liked:

I loved Beth. (Well, until the very end...more on this later.)

I loved the secondary characters.

I loved the premise of the book.

I loved the witty writing style.

I loved the humor. (Some of the text exchanges were damn hilarious!)

*I loved the dirty talk and the sexy time scenes....

(*In fact, if you go into this book strictly looking at it as a guilty pleasure, smut read, you will not be disappointed. If I were evaluating it as one of those, I would've given it 4.5 stars. But, why can't we have all that PLUS some depth, emos, feels, and intimacy?? If you tell me Contemporary Romance, that is exactly what I am going to expect...and sorry, there's little to none of that in this read.)

What Drove Me Bananas:

I didn't like that the MCs don't meet until 17% of the story.

Reed was a frustrating hero and I didn't find him to be "alpha" at all. The author didn't sell me on why his past with Molly was still effecting him to such an extent, 9 years later. As a result, at times he came through like a whiny little bitch to me. I also really didn't like Sorry, but this seriously reminded me of some of the guys I knew when I was a freshman in college. That's being an ass, not a swoony, sexy, alpha male hero.

The book needed A LOT more intimacy and depth between the two main characters. I think this is the main area where the author missed her mark here. (There was more depth and range of emotion in the secondary storyline btwn Mia and Ben than there was in the whole rest of the book btwn Beth and Reed, IMO.)

The conflict at the end? Drama llama...didn't feel genuine to me. So I am supposed to believe that And this is coming from a reader who LOVED Beth up until this point. These actions were COMPLETELY incongruent with the character I had been reading about for the other 92% of this book. If this was the case, that she would do something like that, then her character was not fleshed out nearly enough, therefore making these actions come out of total left field to me. She would have had to have a lot of low self-esteem and self-loathing issues going on in order for me to believe this, neither of which I got from her character.

The epilogue...umm, about as OTT and unbelievable as it gets. Please! I have trouble believing that this would ever happen in real life.

Again, I did really like a few components of the story and take my review lightly because I am in the vast minority here.

This was my first read by this author. I understand from reading other reviews that a lot feel that her writing has improved with each book. For that reason, I would be willing to read her again because I did see some major potential here. I just thought this book desperately needed some balance...for me anyway.

All in all, if you're looking for a quick, simple, sexy read that will make you laugh, you'll probably love this book!! But if you're looking for a full, in depth, emotional read, with some deep character development...well, keep looking.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,278 followers
July 25, 2016
4.75 When The Real Deal Smacks You in Face Stars
* * * * 3/4

Nobody likes emotional pain...and when a guy puts himself out there only to be destroyed by a heartless bitch...the usual results are not pretty.
Women, we seem to deal with this crap of sledgehammers to heart and suck it up...We eat a ton of ice cream, whine to our friends until an intervention and then get on the love merry go around again. A little wiser but hopefully not too bitter and willing to be open for the next possible chance coming our way.

Guys, though.... oh, they do it all differently. They first are not to show their emotions; to get them to admitting they care for you .... let alone love you... OMG... it is a huge deal and better be prepared...its like the Winter Solstice or something equally fleeting. So, when you have a fella who put himself out there and discovered the girl he was willing to wait for and marry... was not...that is a crusher for the delicate heart... and turns him into something very different than who he was.

Reed was destroyed by his high school girlfriend....shredded, pulverized, stomped, drop-kicked and any other way you can think of.... It was so bad, Reed decided then and there to Never, repeat Never to feel for a woman, let alone love one.... Nope, the game plan was to stick his dick... dip the wick, thread the needle...to plug the ... you get my drift...and then get rid of the woman nice and easy.

He had a system:

Pick one out
Talk very briefly
Make sure they got the rules
Double check- agreement on the rules
Do the nasty
They could stay till morning but then out
No Exceptions- PERIOD.
Oh- and NO KISSING (just like in Pretty Woman)

It had been working just fine. He keep his mind busy with his family, friends and construction work. He got laid regularly on his schedule. Things became difficult when he heard his ex was back in this small town...he did not want to see her... hell what did it matter anyway... he was over her for the last 9 years....Right....

Beth is another person just trying to get by. She had a hard life for a young person; mother- a drug addict, no father and then the mother's untimely death. She had to figure out survival; slept in her car and tried to go it alone until she couldn't. All she had of her mother was a shoebox full of old photos ... moments captured of her as a child and a few of her mother's life before her. She finally took a look in that box one day... and discovered she had a real family thrilled to open their arms and embrace her. She packed up what little she had and left the man who took her in when she was at her lowest...He told her she would be back as she left him...he continued to plant and nourish the seeds of doubt even as she closed the door.

Beth drives to her new Aunt and Uncle. She is excited to have a chance at a life different then the one she has lived and was recently living. She knows good things exist... her mother even had moments with her which were good. Her new family take her in, loves her up and Beth is on the road to a life.

She is sitting in the bar her family owns doing what she loves, reading. Her kindle is her best friend and tells her of love which always holds strong and true. With all she has experienced....homelessness, life with the underbelly.... she still has a sweet soft center...believing in good.

Reed has come to the bar as usual. The aunt sees him and tags Beth as off limits. Reed jokes... that is so not going to happen...and goes to see this little miss... see what she is all about. He sits right next to her in the booth...taking her by surprise...He chats her up, taunting and teasing and surprises himself with it. She lays a smile on him which captures who she is in a second...he almost can't breathe.

As Beth is having this exchange with Reed and enjoying every single second of it.... a dark cloud pass over his face...Gone is the sweet, flirtatious, sexy charming man...slow burning rage and tension shoots through the body that was loose and at ease... Beth is very perceptive and senses something awful happened between this man Reed who she was liking and the fancy-schmancy woman standing over them.

In an instant, Beth decides to intervene and help Reed whether he wants it or not. Grabbing his face, she plants one on him.... she kisses him with passion and reckless abandon which was only more shocking by Reed's response to her. He took off on her mouth like a man possessed...tongues, hands, hair held... the whole nine yards. When they finally need to breathe, ex girlfriend is standing there staring and not believing what she saw. Beth takes this one step further and proclaims she and Reed as a couple. Ex informs of her engagement party as a top that...Beth does by saying they will be there to wish her well causing ex to stomp away.

What the Hell just happened....Beth explains to Reed she just wanted to help with putting that bitch in her place. He can either go to the party or not ... she will be going as his girlfriend. Reed is still in shock as that was the first kiss he had had in 9 F*@king Years!

This was an amazing read. There were characters from the other books, fully formed and with their own stories. It was not difficult to see what was what with them... so I could figure everything out. There was humor and care between all of them and we felt that.

Reed was love-smacked. He was done. The Stick-a-fork-in-me -I-am-done... done. He was so smitten with Beth... and the way the author allowed all the dirty, filthy, sexy talk to happen...it was glorious. These two characters belonged together....they were in sync from the start. She had the understanding of it sooner than him. He was scared shitless... she thought she was living one of her romance novels.

And let the romance begin...well, at least the erotic kind first...so hot, the fan in my house was on overdrive hot....but it was balanced with a sweetness too...because this guy and even the men pals... all were love guys deep down...wanting to claim their women, protect them and just love them up.


I only had one little,tiny complaint; Beth was so perceptive and able to see all of Reed's needs. She was not a silly girl and an action she did frustrated me causing me to deduct a quarter star...I know... it was a part of the story etc....but I wanted her to react differently.

Again.... It was a wonderful read and I hear from my friends who have read the other books in the series... they all rocked, too. So go... partake of J. Daniels; enjoy and be prepared to fall for Reed... I did.

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Profile Image for Polly.
676 reviews249 followers
March 23, 2015
I don't think anyone is more shocked than me that I'm giving this book 5 stars after the last book in this series.

It was so good though!

Reed is a man whore. Usually that makes me run far away

After my informant told me it was safe though, I dived right in.

I really loved Beth. She was funny and strong.

Reed was dirty. My favorite kind of dirty though.

They were by far my fav couple this author has written.

I loved little Nolan and his little tool belt.

The bathroom scene in the club?

Reed got my stamp of approval! This one is a must read.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,034 reviews939 followers
March 12, 2015

“I knew Reed was a freak.”

How do you spell #BookLove ? Why; you spell it Alabama Summer series by J. Daniels of course. Because that’s what happened – we read and we fell in complete love and can’t stop talking about these books. We fell in love with everything. The writing is superb across the series; sexy, passionate, beautiful and incredibly emotional and raw at times. The characters; well there hasn’t been one we haven’t fallen head over heels in love with. This series boasts some of the best heroes and heroines we’ve come across in a long time. Everyone feels like close friends of ours now and they have stolen our hearts. This Author was new to us and we’ve very quickly added J. Daniels to our automatic 1Click list of Authors. After all she brought us our #BamaBoys

‘Hope is a funny thing. Even when you think you have none, it refuses to lie down quietly.’

We were so excited to start Reed’s story. We’ve followed him in the previous two books and he’s an important part of this circle of friends that include Ben & Mia – Tessa & Luke. Reed has taunted and teased us with his exploits and to say we thought his story was going to sizzle was an understatement to what actually transpired. Reed’s passion rolled off the pages as our pulses raced and our skin tingled. This man…..THIS MAN – filthy dirty talking Reed takes some beating in any room at any time, this man knows all the tricks. He does not hold back. Reed consumed us as readers – we’ve actually become as obsessed with him as we became about Ben from the first book in this series. And…guess what? He’s a construction worker; how original and refreshing. How amazingly HOT!

‘I’ve never met a man so self-possessed before. Normally, cockiness isn’t something I find charming. But with Reed, his confidence only adds to what makes him appealing.’

Reed personified power and passion. However, not only that, he was an incredible friend. A loyal compassionate man with a heart of pure gold. A man who’d been hurt so bad he had an innate desire to avoid any romantic attachments for fear of having his heart twisted and broken. That is until Beth.

“I’ve been jealous twice in my entire life. And both times have been with you. It’s confusing. I don’t know how to deal with it.”

Now, Beth is without question one of our favourite heroines of recent reads. She’s beautiful, inside-out and whilst having been dealt a rough hand she’s still smiling. She’s adorable, so entrancing, genuine and down to earth. Beth hugs her kindle – we hug our kindles – ergo this is LOVE.

‘My soul missed her, my body craved her. Sleep evaded me.’

Beth is thrust into an established group of friends but you’d never know and that is what’s also so incredibly brilliant about this series. Nothing feels forced – it flows so beautifully and naturally it’s as if we’re there with them all, following their lives with a different focus from story to story but all-encompassing of all the other characters at the same time.

‘It’s hard to imagine how bad things can be when you’ve never had everything taken away from you.’

Beth inadvertently helps Reed out one night and their journey begins; changing them forever as they make new discoveries about themselves and each other. Their intense want and need. The overwhelming desire and inability to take a breath without the presence of the other. We felt every step of their path; we laughed with them and at them – at their antics. We cried big fat tears at the emotional parts and we felt the feverish moments of animalistic passion that had us desperate for some freezer time to cool ourselves for a bit of a time-out.

‘It’s Reed’s turn to grab my face and kiss me without giving me a choice in it. It’s his turn to reach for my hand, to touch me firsts.’

Sadness and a happy discovery brought our Beth many beautiful moments, a new life – and it brought her Reed. This Author brought it all to us as she highlighted once again the beauty of friendships and love, through new eyes, whilst bringing back the loves and perfection from those past. Perfection!

“Your voice might be my favorite sound.”

**Reviewed from an ARC copy provided by the author, with thanks**


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Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
866 reviews1,148 followers
April 15, 2018
4.5 'You and me, brave girl' Stars!

My God. These Alabama boys are making my heart (and my panties) flip! This series keeps getting better and better with each book. Every now and then, when I am in the mood to get back to a series, I always get back to the ones that I loved. The Alabama Summer series by J. Daniels is one of those. I fell in love with these characters since the very first meeting and now it’s time for the playboy Reed to fall head over heels for a kickass heroine and boy, does he fall hard!

When I Fall is the third installment in this series and it tells the love story between the playboy in the Alabama crew, Reed Tennyson, and the young woman looking for a new life after living a bad past, Beth Davis. Reed has sworn off love, he was hurt in the past by a woman and he is not having it. He surely is a one-night-stand type of guy. At least he is until he meets his one true love: Beth. Beth is starting a new life, she is enjoying being with her aunt and uncle and she loves the sparks she feels when she is near Reed. Prepare because this ride will become sweet, sexy and emotional (especially when feelings get involved!).

“I couldn’t leave you alone,” he confesses, his eyes following his hand. “I couldn’t sit at the bar, watching you, and only wonder what you felt like against me. I think I would’ve gone a little mad just staring at you.” His eyes meet mine. “You see that, right? You see that I had to come over here.”

J. Daniels stole my heart with her Sweet Addition series but I do confess that The Bama boys and the women in their lives are also taking a piece of my heart! I loved the interations with all these characters (loved seeing Ben, Mia, Luke and Tessa again!) but now let's talk about the main event here: Reed and Beth are amazing together! I really enjoyed the start with the "fake relationship" they have, the sexual tension and all those feels! Gah, J. Daniels kills it everytime!

“I want all of me inside you. Every inch, Beth.”
All of me. All of you.
You and me.

Of course, as you can imagine (if you have read anything by this author before), Reed is one hell of a dirty talker. Oh yeah, the sex is off-the-charts and you'll definitely enjoy all that yummyness. But what I also love about this books is that they can also get very heartfelt. The past of both main characters is not as easy as the present they are living (especially Beth's) but these two are so strong together and they fight for what they feel. I loved how sentimental it got towards the end and I am so happy this couple ended up together and happy!

“It’s only ever been you, Beth.” [...] “Only ever loved you, brave girl. No one else.”

Therefore, my rating for When I Fall is 4.5 STARS because I fallen in love with the Bama boys all over again, especially Reed this time of course! J. Daniels delivered another stunning love story and another outstanding couple. The series keeps getting better and better for me and this story was gold: I loved Reed and his brave girl! Highly recommend reading this one.

Profile Image for Wendy ⏃: ✦Nerdy Book Reviews✦.
946 reviews298 followers
March 11, 2019
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+++ 5 'YOU AND ME' STARS!!! +++

When I Fall was one of those stories that will not only make you feel every emotion, but connects you with each and every one of the characters on some level.

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All it took was one kiss for the main characters' beautiful journey to begin and that was all it took for me to FALL for Beth & Reed.

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Reed Fucking Tennyson paints the picture of being this womanizer and manwhore but deep inside he's sweet, he's beautiful, he's caring and oh SWEET BABY JESUS don't get me started on his filthy, sexy as all hell mouth. 'Cause hot damn... he melted my panties, my insides, my ovaries. Ugh.
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I loved Reed in Where I Belong and All I Want, but it was just something about being inside his head. He hides his scars well and is someone who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve; so every thought, every emotion he felt BLEW MY MIND!

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Beth Davis. Oh lord BETH! This woman by far is my favorite heroine from any of J's books. In all honesty, every one of her heroines are fierce, independent, badass women! But Beth, ugh she has this sweetness to her yet she's still sassy, and she's a total minx, just as filthy as Reed lol. Her journey and her story was beautiful to watch and one that touched every part of my soul; for Beth Davis, from McGill's, is my SPIRIT ANIMAL.

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This book will have your feels pulled in different directions. One moment you'll be laughing and the next crying. I must give it to J, for she knows how to use the secondary characters perfectly in a story making sure that they intertwine. And she does it in a way where you will never be able to forget them (Nolan!!!) for sure.

I was taken on a journey of self discovery and I loved every moment of it. From the smiles, to the texting, to Reed singing *sigh*. J, thank you for the Bama Boys; for my heart loves them all but Reed is on a whole other level. He's a rare breed... A mystical creature.

P.S. Thank you, love and OMG GIMME BOOK 4 RIGHT NOW!!!

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Profile Image for Jen.
741 reviews138 followers
May 4, 2015
5 You and Me Stars!

I am in love with J Daniels' Alabama Series. If you have not read this series yet you are seriously missing out. When I Fall is Reed and Beth's story an the third book in this series. I've been looking forward to reading this book ever since Reed hit on Mia in Where I Belong.

Reed is one of Tessa's best friends and the local manwhore of Ruxton. And of course I love a good manwhore. Reed's heart has been closed off for the last nine years after he found his girlfriend in bed with another. He doesn't ever want to feel that way again so he's made sure not to let anyone get close. If he never lets anyone in he can keep his heart safe.

Beth comes from a difficult background. Her mother is an alcoholic who passes away and leaves her all alone. When Beth finds out she has family that lives in Alabama she quickly picks up and moves to Alabama to live with her Aunt and Uncle. It's her chance to actually have a real family, people she can depend on.

When Reed sees Beth in his local bar, he walks up to her with his usual game plan in mind..pick her up, take her home, have a one night stand and move on to the next girl. But little did he know that just one kiss would be all it would take to turn his world upside down.

The chemistry between these two could be FELT while reading. I enjoyed watching their relationship grow. Beth was just so genuine, you couldn't help but love her. She did everything she could to help Reed face his ex-girlfriend when she came back to town. And Reed's dirty talking completely took away any chance Beth had of resisting him.

I have to say that I loved seeing more of Ben, Mia, Nolan & Chance along with Luke & Tessa. I absolutely loved Ben from the beginning and the way he made it clear to everyone how much he loved Mia. While Reed made my book boyfriend list, watching Ben go through the situation with Mia in this book immediately moved him onto my book husband list.

I love J Daniels for bringing these amazing Bama Boys to us. She quickly became one of my favorite authors after reading her Sweet Addiction series. I would highly recommend both series. I'm really looking forward to the next book which is CJ and Riley's story.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,869 reviews2,065 followers
May 23, 2015

“I knew Reed was a freak.”

How do you spell #BookLove ? Why; you spell it Alabama Summer series by J. Daniels of course. Because that’s what happened – we read and we fell in complete love and can’t stop talking about these books. We fell in love with everything. The writing is superb across the series; sexy, passionate, beautiful and incredibly emotional and raw at times. The characters; well there hasn’t been one we haven’t fallen head over heels in love with. This series boasts some of the best heroes and heroines we’ve come across in a long time. Everyone feels like close friends of ours now and they have stolen our hearts. This Author was new to us and we’ve very quickly added J. Daniels to our automatic 1Click list of Authors. After all she brought us our #BamaBoys

‘Hope is a funny thing. Even when you think you have none, it refuses to lie down quietly.’

We were so excited to start Reed’s story. We’ve followed him in the previous two books and he’s an important part of this circle of friends that include Ben & Mia – Tessa & Luke. Reed has taunted and teased us with his exploits and to say we thought his story was going to sizzle was an understatement to what actually transpired. Reed’s passion rolled off the pages as our pulses raced and our skin tingled. This man…..THIS MAN – filthy dirty talking Reed takes some beating in any room at any time, this man knows all the tricks. He does not hold back. Reed consumed us as readers – we’ve actually become as obsessed with him as we became about Ben from the first book in this series. And…guess what? He’s a construction worker; how original and refreshing. How amazingly HOT!

‘I’ve never met a man so self-possessed before. Normally, cockiness isn’t something I find charming. But with Reed, his confidence only adds to what makes him appealing.’

Reed personified power and passion. However, not only that, he was an incredible friend. A loyal compassionate man with a heart of pure gold. A man who’d been hurt so bad he had an innate desire to avoid any romantic attachments for fear of having his heart twisted and broken. That is until Beth.

“I’ve been jealous twice in my entire life. And both times have been with you. It’s confusing. I don’t know how to deal with it.”

Now, Beth is without question one of our favourite heroines of recent reads. She’s beautiful, inside-out and whilst having been dealt a rough hand she’s still smiling. She’s adorable, so entrancing, genuine and down to earth. Beth hugs her kindle – we hug our kindles – ergo this is LOVE.

‘My soul missed her, my body craved her. Sleep evaded me.’

Beth is thrust into an established group of friends but you’d never know and that is what’s also so incredibly brilliant about this series. Nothing feels forced – it flows so beautifully and naturally it’s as if we’re there with them all, following their lives with a different focus from story to story but all-encompassing of all the other characters at the same time.

‘It’s hard to imagine how bad things can be when you’ve never had everything taken away from you.’

Beth inadvertently helps Reed out one night and their journey begins; changing them forever as they make new discoveries about themselves and each other. Their intense want and need. The overwhelming desire and inability to take a breath without the presence of the other. We felt every step of their path; we laughed with them and at them – at their antics. We cried big fat tears at the emotional parts and we felt the feverish moments of animalistic passion that had us desperate for some freezer time to cool ourselves for a bit of a time-out.

‘It’s Reed’s turn to grab my face and kiss me without giving me a choice in it. It’s his turn to reach for my hand, to touch me firsts.’

Sadness and a happy discovery brought our Beth many beautiful moments, a new life – and it brought her Reed. This Author brought it all to us as she highlighted once again the beauty of friendships and love, through new eyes, whilst bringing back the loves and perfection from those past. Perfection!

“Your voice might be my favorite sound.”

**Reviewed from an ARC copy provided by the author, with thanks**


TB Reviews for Where I Belong and All I Want


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Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews656 followers
May 7, 2015

Genre: Romance – touch of BDSM
Cover: 7/10
Writing: 8/10
Heroine: 8/10
Hero: 8/10
Humour: 3/10
Hotness: 5/10
Romance: 8/10
Extra book Details: Heroine & hero POV; 1st person. Part of a series with different H&h in each book, can be read as a stand-alone.

I really enjoyed When I Fall and as my first read from the series, it made me wish I'd read the other 2 books first.

Both characters were very likeable, the side characters too, the romance was hot, fun, and interesting.

I liked Reed's obsessiveness when it came to Beth, his inner-monologue was sharp and witty. And Beth, well, she had a heart of gold.

There were funny situations, a touch of drama and a little bit of hot sex.

All in all, it was a solid read that I couldn't fault, or put down.

Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews483 followers
March 8, 2015
This book. This. Book. I'm so in love with it, and with Reed, that I'm kind of at a loss for words. Except I'm not. Because When I Fall was spectacular, heartfelt, sweet, dirty, kinky and amazing, and the book I wanted from the minute Reed appeared in Where I Belong.

Reed Tennyson is a man-whore. To protect his stupid heart from getting him hurt, he follows his cock. And that works for him. Until her.

She's new in town, and has a heart-stopping smile that makes him want to agree to anything. And when Reed's ex saunters back into the picture and throws him off his game even more, he finds himself in an awkward situation. With her.

Suddenly, his cock isn't the only one calling the shots. His heart wants back in the game. But what if it leads him back into heartbreak?

Reed. MY REED, to be precise. I just love him. Every. Single. Thing. About. Him. Talks to his dick? Awesome. Tips obscene amounts of money? So generous. Wants to tie you to a bed and f--ck five ways to Sunday? Oh HELLS yes. He can dirty talk me anytime. Or sweet talk me, that works too.

As a (very lucky and proud) beta reader, I got to see this book in many forms, and this final version was spot-on, book perfection. It was laugh-out-loud funny. It was sexy...sweet baby Jesus in a basket, it was sexy! And it was more.

It was about friendship, about being there for someone no matter what. It was about facing your choices, and trying to make the right ones. It was about believing in yourself, in your heart and in your ability to trust.

And it was about love. When I Fall was unbelievably real; from the friendly, teasing banter that friends who love each other share, to the deep connection between two people that just know, even when they don't know, that's it's right and true and strong. Every one wants that love. I have it with this book (and this author).

Ugh. This book. This. F--king. Book. I've loved Reed from the start and this just cemented him as MY 'Bama boy. Perfect. Couldn't be better, which is why I'll give it.... ~ Beth, 6 this book is my book stars


When I Fall is about meeting a stranger for the first time and deciding if that person will stay in your life, or leave after you meet. It's about two strangers becoming something more. It's about finding that person who makes all your firsts come true, or makes them better. It's about finding that one person who proves to you you're worthy of being loved.

I went into When I Fall thinking it'd be a little fluffy, but boy, was I wrong! J. brings on the tears in this one, so make sure you have a couple tissues next to you. She pulls at those heart strings, hard.

Luke will always be my favorite ‘Bama Boy, but Reed Tennyson is a very close second.

I always anxiously wait for J. Daniels to release a new book. This woman does not disappoint, ever. As always, I can't wait to read more from her. ~ Keisha, 5 “brave girl” stars

Profile Image for Kristen Ollie.
117 reviews26 followers
March 14, 2015
It ain't the falling in love
I'm scared of, it ain't the
moonlight shining in your eyes,
it ain't the falling baby,
cause the falling i've always liked.

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**5 All of me. All of you. You and me. Stars**

I was given an ARC for an honest review. So, I'm going to be honest. I LOVED this book with every fiber of my being. I have read ALL of J.Daniels books and this by far is my favorite. I adore ALL of the characters in the Alabama Summer series but Reed is my favorite Bama boy. He's sexy, hilariously funny, and the boy likes to play :) I started this book when I was having the absolute worst day. I knew it was going to be a breath of fresh air and just an all around enjoyable read. What I wasn't expecting was to be giggling like a little kid when reading over half of the story. Oh, and I don't laugh easily. I'm pretty much a stone cold b*tch with zero emotion, so that right there should tell you something. This author is amazing with her words, and you feel like you are best friends with the whole gang and are a participant in their wild, fun lives. Reed Tennyson, you are officially being added to my book boyfriend list! I adored Beth as well. She was cute, fun, and had a little bit of a spark to her! She was honest about who she was and where she comes from and I have so much respect for that. I can't wait to read more of REED in book #4!!! When I Fall is just one of those books that makes reading so enjoyable and fun! And Beth and those BOOTS! "Those fucking boots, looking like she's had them for years, all tattered and scuffed up, but still somehow sexy as hell. She looks like she's ready to enter a damn pageant, then kick the asses of the other women in it after she takes the crown. Beauty and badass rolled into one hot little package."
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Profile Image for WhatIReallyRead.
781 reviews540 followers
April 5, 2020
I rather liked the other books in this series. But When I Fall was awful in so many ways I wish I could give it -1000000000 stars. Spoilery rant ahead.

HEROINE: a sob-story that makes no sense. Beth has had a tough life - a drug addict mother, no father, a trailer for a home. But if you look closer at what is told about her life, it simply makes no sense:

1) Book: Beth didn't know if her mom has ever had a job. Money appeared somehow, bills got paid, and Beth never questioned it.

Me: okay, if she was 10 at the time, I would have gone along with this. But Beth was 22 years old. How on earth did she not know IF her mom had a job, let alone what it was? AND she never questioned it. WOW.

2) Book: Beth's mom got the bills paid and was adamant that Beth shouldn't work. So Beth didn't. And it was ok until her mom died and the unexplained influx of cash stopped.

Me: Okay, so Beth graduated from high school at 18, 19 at the most, right? She never went to college because they were poor. And she never got or even tried to get a job. So... she's been sitting in the trailer staring at the wall with her high mom for the past 4 years? And she never thought about her future? So, she thought it would be okay to live this exact way for the rest of her life? I mean, the author is trying to sell us on the idea that Beth never did drugs herself and was just a hard-working woman in a tough spot, but it just doesn't add up.

3) Book: when Beth's mom died, Beth got kicked out of the trailer and had no money. She tried to get a job then, but because she had to live in her car with no way to shower, and had a hungry look about her, no one hired her. But she's a good conscientious girl! None of this was her fault.

Me: Yeah. Except if she worked for the past 4 years, she would have had money and skills.

4) Book: a handsome rich dude picks Beth up, gives her food, money, lets her live in his house, buys her Kindle and other stuff, pays for everything, tells Beth he loves her. Three months pass, Beth just reads books and never tries to get a job. She doesn't do anything for him at all and he never asks her to. He never raised a finger on her. Then she stops sleeping with this dude, but he still fully financially supports her. He gets another girlfriend but still lets Beth live off him. Reason: he's a monster and a villain. And Beth is a victim.

Me: Wait, what? I thought Beth couldn't get a job because of lack of shower and hunger. Now she showered, ate, got clothes and stuff but somehow never got around to that job interview. Also, hot rich guys are so interested in smelly homeless girls, sure. No way could he have gotten himself a better deal. And his "villainous" behaviour sounds more like friendzone, frankly. And Beth taking advantage of him. She said he abused her verbally, but no examples were given, so I assume he asked her if she ever planned to work, and that "made her feel worthless" but still "failed to crush her spirit". A strong woman indeed!

5) Book:
“You volunteer at the soup kitchen?”
“Because I used to be homeless.”

Me: This is lazy writing. Who the hell asks ”why?” to a person saying they are a volunteer for a good cause? 😂

HERO: asshole manwhore but it's really just because his heart has been broken. You know this trope, right? Well, in this book it's taken to the extreme.

1) Book: He lives in a small town. For the past 9 years, he picks up girls at this one bar several times a week. He never sleeps with the same woman twice.

Me: Wait, wouldn't he have run out of women quickly? Well, maybe he just has a bad memory.

2) Book: he picks up the girl at the bar and tells her "No kissing. Just sex". He hasn't kissed for the past 9 years.

Me: Is this Pretty Woman LOL?

3) Book: tells women they'll have to go first thing in the morning. And when the sun rises, rudely wakes them up, says they have 10 seconds to get their things and get out, counts, proceeds to throw the woman and her stuff forcibly out of his house.

Me: Um. If he's THAT big of a jerk, it'd be all over town fast, and even the few women who lived there wouldn't have come anywhere near him.

4) Book: he buys a girl a drink, and before she even drank it, she takes him out of the bar, kneels on the asphalt right outside the bar, starts giving him a blowjob. When he stops her, she's upset.

Me: Really? The author really pushes the "suspense of disbelief" thing. C'mon, how can anyone take this garbage seriously?

RELATIONSHIP of heroine and hero: Beth throws herself at a complete stranger. Starts an impromptu make-out session before finding out his name. Invites herself to a party with him. Announces herself as his girlfriend. Asks him out on a date. Asks him to take her to bed. Suggests moving in with him within a month of their first date. Asks him to marry her three weeks after that.

1) Book: Beth dates Reed for a month, says "I love you". When he doesn't immediately say it back, she packs her stuff, moves out of her relatives' home (people who gave her money, home and a job at their family business) without saying goodbye, just leaves a note with no details about where she went (and everyone knows she has no money and will be hungry and sleeping in her car in a day) and sobbing rides out of the state.

Me: guuuurl, if you can't handle saying it first, don't say it first. THIS is NOT handling it. The dude dates for the first time in 9 years, it's only been a month - give him a minute! He could have replied the next day.

2) Book: Reed immediately thinks "it's all my fault, I love her and I lost her" and follows.

Me: I bet in reality he would have thought "what a psycho, good riddance".

3) Book: Beth finds her dad and arranges a meeting. Reed accompanies her. Dad never shows up. Reed calls dad and yells "You're a shitty person for not coming! You don't deserve her! If you ever come near her, I'll beat you up!"

Me: LOL Reed isn't the root of the problem exactly the fact that Dad DOESN'T want to come near her?

4) Book: Reed and his 2 cop friends Luke and Ben show up at the "villain's" house. They break into the house and break the dude's nose. They don't have an order to do that. He committed no crime. They are cops from a different state and have no authority here.

Me: WTF. Does the law mean nothing in this country?

5) Book: Beth says she's moving in with Reed on their way back to the state. How charming and romantic!

Me: Yeah. This girl has 0 money, no property, no car, no education, no skills and a waitressing job at her relatives' bar. Her "let's move in" when said to the wealthy hero with his own house and his own family's business means basically "please fully financially support me, we've been dating for a whole month!" YUCK!!!!

EVERYTHING ELSE was a mess, too.

- cheap drama for Ben and Mia. People go batshit for no reason. Very manipulatively written by the author.

- female friendship is all about discussing the husbands' dicks and sexual preferences. That's private! And they hang out together as a group, that's gross!

- that sex in the bathroom at the club where all 3 couples went and could hear each other was disgusting.

- what is good parenting all about? According to this book, it's about badging all adults around you into submitting to your child's whims so that he never discovers the world doesn't revolve around him. Nolan says real men drink milk, so he orders it with his pizza. Mia makes all men at the table also order milk, because heaven forbid he finds out he's wrong and real world disappoints him. She'll raise the most ill-equipped and delusional kid this way! Also, milk + pizza = gross!

VERDICT: Want to forget this like a nightmare.
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