17 Vibrant Perennials That Bloom All Summer for a Colorful Garden

It doesn't take a lot of work to keep these flowering plants blossoming during the summer.

butterfly blue pincushion flower blossoms
Photo: Mark Kane

Once planted, these perennials that bloom all summer do the work for you and will show beautiful colors for you to enjoy during warm days in your garden.

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Delightful Daylily

sunny gold stella d'oro perennial daylily
David Speer

Sunny gold Stella d'Oro daylily lights up the garden with trumpet-shaped yellow flowers all season. This tough perennial that blooms all summer scoffs at hot, dry conditions. Here, it creates a spectacular combination with blue ornamental onion (Allium azureum).

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'Immortality' Reblooming Iris

immortality reblooming iris with white blooms

Noted for its reliable show of snowy-white flowers in spring and again in fall, this stunning tall bearded iris is among the easiest perennials to grow. The ruffled blooms are borne on 30-inch-tall stems above the swordlike foliage.

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Luscious Reblooming Lilac

compact reblooming lilac variety

Enjoy lilac's heady fragrance in spring and again from midsummer into fall with Bloomerang. This compact variety fits neatly in any garden, growing just 4 to 5 feet tall and wide. This perennial that blooms all summer bears a heavy crop of lavender-purple flowers that are perfect for cutting.

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Heavenly Hydrangea

blue cluster of endless summer hydrangea
King Au

Most hydrangeas bloom once and are done for the season. But Endless Summer bears blossoms on new growth—so you can enjoy the flowers several times each summer. For gardeners in cold climates where winter damage prevents other hydrangeas from flowering, 'Endless Summer' ensures a spectacular show.

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Reliable Repeat-Blooming Rose

pink double knock-out rose bush
Dean Schoeppner

Beautiful Knock Out roses are truly some of the easiest plants you can grow in your garden. They bloom almost continuously through the summer and are virtually disease free and hardy to boot. Shown here is Pink Double Knock Out; the series also includes red, double red, single pink, yellow, and more.

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Climb New Heights with Clematis

jackmanii clematis with royal purple petals
Doug Hetherington

Jazz up your garden with Jackmanii clematis. Its royal purple petals cover the plant in early summer, and it blooms sporadically for the rest of the growing season.

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Deep Purple Delight

may night deep purple perennial salvia
Peter Krumhardt

As you might guess from its name, May Night perennial salvia puts on a spectacular show of deep purple spires in late spring. However, if you cut off the flowers as they begin to fade, it blooms again later in summer.

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Bountiful Blooming Bleeding Heart

fringed bleeding heart blooms
Peter Krumhardt

Fringed bleeding heart is the perfect size for semi-shady small-space gardens. And while the old-fashioned types flower just once in spring, this little dynamo is a perennial that blooms all summer. It slows down during the warmest days but picks up the pace again in autumn.

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Rozanne Reblooming Perennial Geranium

bright purple rozanne geranium blooms
Justin Hancock

Sporting clear purple blooms from late spring through fall freezes, Rozanne geranium makes a colorful statement in part shade to full sun. The spreading plant can reach 3 feet wide, creating a mass of beautiful foliage to boot.

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Blanket Flower Bonanza

orange tubular commotion tizzy blanket flowers

The orange tubular flowers of Commotion Tizzy blanket flower give the impression of exploding fireworks. This sizzling sun-loving perennial that blooms all summer does especially well if spent flowers are removed.

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Vibrant Valerian

vivid pink valerian perennial herb
Dean Schoeppner

Add a delightful dose of vivid pink to your yard with valerian. It blooms nearly nonstop from spring through fall in well-drained sunny sites. Deadhead the plant to prevent it from spreading by seed and speed rebloom.

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Sunny Coreopsis

orange and yellow domino coreopsis tickseed
Denny Schrock

Coreopsis, also known as tickseed, produces scores of sunny yellow flowers in summer. 'Domino', pictured here, has a mahogany band near the bloom's center. Pluck off spent blooms to prevent seed formation and to keep the plant blooming profusely.

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Delightful Shasta Daisy

white becky shasta daisy blossoms
Denny Schrock

The pure white blooms of Becky Shasta daisy brighten the perennial garden with their cheery display. As flowers fade, cut them off, and you'll be rewarded with a repeat showing.

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Constant Color from Catmint

purple spikes of walkers low catmint
Catmint. Dean Schoeppner

Lovely purple flower spikes set off the gray-green foliage of Walker's Low catmint. Give the plant a haircut after its initial flush of flowers in late spring to keep it compact and initiate another bloom cycle. Count on catmint to be low-maintenance and to stand up to hot and dry conditions.

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Sensational Speedwell

white speedwell perennial flower spikes
Denny Schrock

An unsung hero of the garden and a perennial that blooms all summer, speedwell comes in a variety of shades of blue, pink, or white. All produce upright flower spikes on mounded plants. After the first set of blooms begins to fade, shear the plant to encourage branching and rebloom. This combination of spike speedwell, Knock Out rose, and Six Hills Giant catmint creates a spectacular season-long show.

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Versatile Rose Verbena

cascading pink rose verbena groundcover
Dean Schoeppner

Rose verbena forms a cascading groundcover that spruces up a slope with season-long bloom. It flowers best in the cooler weather of spring and fall, but it is seldom without some splashes of color.

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Stick with Pincushion Flower

butterfly blue pincushion flower blossoms
Mark Kane

Butterfly Blue pincushion flower is a nonstop perennial that blooms all summer. The cushion-like blue flowers are on slender stalks reaching 12 to 15 inches tall and are a surefire way to attract butterflies.

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