Saturday, July 20, 2013

Balloons: AKA Balloon Explosions & It's Raining Confetti

Saturday Snippet
Update 07/20/13

And I fail at spelling sometimes and spelled it "Baloon" and was too lazy to change it at one point in time...
So, for Inky's birthday, we exploded these giant balloons (on the packaging, it said 12 inch diameters...) But yeahhhh, it was a wonderfully fun time, and it actually did not take that long to clean up either, so that was even better :D

So basically, what we did was just stretched out the balloons, and then filled them around 1/4 to 1/2 full of paper stars and confetti (well, in inky's case, it might have been 3/4 full for one balloon), and then we blew them up, and tied them up.

You know the rest of the story, which was freaking awesome!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done for now, look forward to Culturally's embarassing video next week (because we couldn't figure out the file this week...ooopppsss....)

~Cuckoo Clock

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