Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sleepy Time

Fruity Blast Challenge 05/07/13
Kiwi Blast Challenge
Design Seed Palette Here:  -°∆°-

Well, we all know what I'm interested in now....(this was also a trial on how to draw bubbles and without lines to create a more vectorized look, that kind of failed so I just went with whatever after that).

Yeah. I want sleep. And lots of it. Hibernation as soon as school's done, but now, it's gonna be work as hard as I can. While grades are looking better than I expected (especially for how much I slacked this semester....oops), exams are sounding horrendous right now...

Uh, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one....right.....?

Anyway, the weather's been nice, so despite the lack of sleep, my mood's great, which means I'm getting pretty hyperactive recently (mostly contained in my bubble though). But I have to say, sorry about those people with allergies, apparently, it's pretty bad this year...

Eh, that's it for now.

Also, just a reminder, this Sunday is mother's day, and you should probably prepare something for your lovely mothers, because I was kindly reminded this morning...(also, I missed the asian "mother's day" this year, and my mother kindly reminded me that she wanted/expected something grand for the actual mother's day. Eh...I'll work on that....
....and yeah, I'm horrible with twitter hashtags.)



The Kiwi-Blast Challenge (Part of the Fruity Blast Challenge series): Challenges accepted by CuckooClock, usually in areas of realistic, sketches, graphics, or experimentation in Photoshop painting. To be completed Tuesdays, Thursdays, and (bi-weekly) Saturdays

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Tell us how you like this post or anything else about the Fruity-Blast Challenge by commenting below or contacting us through email.

Thank you!

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