London Road Neighbourhood Association Proposed Bylaw Changes
Bylaw #Existing bylawProposed bylawComments
1Objectives of the London Road Neighbourhood Association
1.1To monitor and make recommendations on neighbourhood development issues.To monitor and make recommendations on neighbourhood development issues.
1.2To consider the Association as caretakers of the London Road Neighbourhood Association Development Plan.To work with the City of Lethbridge and other stakeholders to implement the aims and goals of the London Road Neighbourhood Area Redevelopment plan.
1.3To maintain the unique and historical residential character of the Neighbourhood.To maintain the unique and historical residential character of the Neighbourhood.
1.4To foster neighbourhood spirit, encourage enhancement and beautification projects within the neighbourhood.To foster neighbourhood spirit.Change
1.5To encourage enhancement and beautification projects within the neighbourhood.New
1.6To advocate and sponsor appropriate activities that enhance the safety of our neighbourhood.To advocate and sponsor appropriate activities that enhance the safety of our neighbourhood.
1.7To purchase or provide facilities and greenspace for the neighbourhood use.To provide facilities and greenspace for neighbourhood use.Change
Bylaws of the London Road Neighbourhood Association
1.1Residents of the London Road Neighbourhood, (boundaries are from 1st Street South to 13th Street South; 9th Avenue South to 3rd Avenue South not including the down town business district north of 6th Avenue South and west of 11th Street South as indicated in the attached map. Appendix 1A) (see Appendix 1) shall be eligible for membership in the Association.Residents of the London Road Neighbourhood (boundaries are from 1 Street South to 13 Street South; 9 Avenue South to 3 Avenue South, not including the downtown business district north of 6 Avenue South and west of 11 Street South, as indicated in the attached map (see Appendix 1A)) shall be eligible for membership in the Association.Change
1.2Residents of the London Road Neighbourhood, 18 years old or older, shall be eligible for voting membership in the Association.Residents of the London Road Neighbourhood, 18 years old or older, shall be eligible for voting membership in the Association.
1.2.1Resident is defined as the residing registered owner of a home, or the occupants.Resident is defined as any person occupying property within the London Road Neighbourhood boundaries.Change
1.2.2Only one voting membership is allowed per household.Delete
1.3Members must subscribe to the objectives of the London Road Neighborhood AssociationMembers must subscribe to the objectives of the London Road Neighbourhood Association
1.4Application for membership will be complete upon payment of the annual or lifetime fee to the Treasurer.Application for membership will be complete upon payment of the annual or lifetime fee to the Treasurer.
1.4.1Any member, three (3) months in arrears for fees or assessments,will be removed from membership in the Association.Any member, three (3) months in arrears for fees or assessments, may be removed from membership in the Association by the Board.Change
1.5Only members in good standing may enjoy voting privileges and may be officers of the Association.Only members of the London Road Neighbourhood Association may enjoy voting privileges and are eligible to act as officers or directors.Change
1.6The Board will establish membership fees from time to time as it sees fit, by the majority vote of the BoardThe Board will establish membership fees from time to time as it sees fit, by the majority vote of the Board
1.7Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon notice in writing to the Secretary.Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon written notice to the Secretary.Change
1.8Any member of the Association, may, upon a majority vote of all members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Association, be expelled from membership in the Association, for any cause which the Association may deem reasonable.Any member of the Association, may, upon a majority vote of all members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Association, be expelled from membership in the Association, for any cause which the Association may deem reasonable.
2President, Vice President, and Immediate Past President
2.1The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
2.1.1He/Shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Association Board.The president of the Association shall preside at the Annual Meeting, at Special Meetings, and at Board Meetings.Change
2.1.2In his/her absence, the Vice President shall preside at any such meetings.The Vice President shall assist the President and shall perform all the duties of President in the absence or incapacity of the President. Change
2.1.3In the absence of both, a Chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside.In the absence of the President and Vice President, a Chair may be elected to preside at a meeting by the Membership.Change
2.2The President shall have a term of office of two years and be elected on even calendar years.The President shall have a term of office of two (2) years, not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms, and be elected in even calendar years.Change
2.3The Vice President shall have a term of office of two years, and be elected on odd calendar years.The Vice President shall have a term of office of two (2) years, not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms, and be elected in odd calendar years.Change
2.4The Immediate Past President may sit on the board, is not elected, and has full voting rights.New
2.4.1Within 30 days of the AGM, the Immediate Past President must inform the board as to whether s/he will sit on the board.New
3Board of Directors
3.1Board of Directors or the Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association and will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, and Eight (8) Members at Large.Board of Directors or the Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association and will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Eight (8) Members at Large.Change
3.1.1No member may be considered or nominated to the executive position of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer until they have completed a minimum of one year as a Board Member. No member may be considered or nominated to the executive position of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer until they have completed a minimum of one year as a Board Member within the previous five years.Change
3.2The Board shall be subject to the bylaws or directions given it by the majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted.The Board shall be subject to the bylaws and directions given it by the majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted.
3.3The Board shall have full control and management of the affairs of the Association.The Board shall manage the affairs of the Association.Change
3.3.1The Association may not borrow funds.The Board may not approve the borrowing of funds.Moved from Bylaw #12
3.3.2The Board of Directors may create committees to help with the work of the board.New
3.4The Board shall meet as often as necessary but at least every three months.The Board shall meet as often as necessary but at least every three (3) months.Change
3.5The President shall call meetings of the Board.The President shall call meetings of the Board.
3.6A' Special Meeting' of the Board may be called at the request of any two (2) members  provided they request the President in writing to call such a meeting and state the business to be brought before the meeting. .A Special Meeting of the Board shall be called at the written request of any three (3) Board members, requesting such a meeting and stating the purpose of the meeting. Change
3.7Meetings of the Board shall be called with ten (10) days notice, by a motion at a board meeting, by written notice mailed to each member, or by three days notice by fax, email, or telephone.Meetings of the Board shall be called with ten (10) days written notice presented at a board meeting and mailed to each member, or by three (3) days notice by fax, email, or telephone.Change
3.8Any seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.Any seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.
3.9Meetings shall be held without notice if a quorum of the Board is present, provided however, that any business transactions at such meetings shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Board; otherwise they shall be null and void.Delete
3.10Directors serve a term of office of one (1) year.  A person appointed or elected a director becomes a director if they are present at the meeting when being appointed or elected and do not refuse the appointment. They may also become a director if they were not present at the meeting but consented in writing to act as a director before the appointment or election, or within ten (10) days after the appointment or election, or if they acted as a director pursuant to the appointment or election.Directors serve a term of office of one (1) year. A person appointed or elected a director becomes a director if s/he is present at the meeting when being appointed or elected and does not refuse the appointment. S/He may also become a director if s/he was not present at the meeting but consented in writing to act as a director before the appointment or election, or within ten (10) days after the appointment or election, or if s/he acted as a director pursuant to the appointment or election.To be renumbered as 3.9
3.11Any director or officer, upon majority vote of all members in good standing who are in attendance at an Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Association, may be removed from office for any cause which the association may deem reasonable.Any director or officer, upon majority vote of all members in good standing who are in attendance at an Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Association, may be removed from office for any cause which the association may deem reasonable.To be renumbered as 3.10
3.12A Board member may be removed from office if they miss three consecutive meeting without just cause.A Board member may be removed from office if they miss three (3) consecutive meetings without just cause. This removal can occur at a regular Board meeting, by majority vote of all members in good standing who are in attendance.Change. To be renumbered as 3.11
3.13Only one member per household can serve on the board at one time.New. To be renumbered as 3.12
3.14Each board member can serve a maximum of 6 consecutive years.New. To be renumbered as 3.13
3.14.1If a board member has served for 6 consecutive years, s/he can sit on the board again after a one-year absence.New. To be renumbered as 3.13.1
4.1It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings of the Association and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same.It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings of the Association and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same.
4.2He/She shall have charge of the Seal of the Association , which, whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President, or, in the case of the death or inability of either to act, by the Vice President.The secretary shall have charge of the Seal of the Association, which, wherever used, shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President, or, in the case of the death or inability of either to act, by the Vice President.Change.
4.3In case of the absence of the Secretary, such officer as may be appointed shall discharge his/her duties.In case of the absence of the Secretary, an officer may be appointed to discharge his/her duties.Change.
4.4The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the Association and be under the direction of the President and the Board.The Secretary shall have charge of receiving all correspondence of the Association and be under the direction of the President and the Board.Change.
4.5The Secretary shall keep a record of all the members of the Association and their addresses  and provide notice of the various meetings as required.The Secretary shall ensure that a record is kept of all the members of the Association—including their addresses—and shall ensure that notice is provided for the various meetings as required.Change.
4.6The Secretary shall also collect and receive annual dues or assessments levied by the Association. Such monies shall be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in a Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, or Treasury Branch account, as required.The Secretary shall oversee the collection and receipt of membership fees. Such monies shall be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in a Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, or Treasury Branch account, as required.Change.
4.7The Secretary shall have a term of office of two (2) years and be elected on odd numbered calendar years.The Secretary shall have a term of office of two (2) years, not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms, and be elected on odd calendar years.Change.
4.8Upon leaving the office, the Secretary will ensure that all records and files of the Association are turned over to the President.Upon leaving the office, the Secretary will ensure that all records and files of the Association are turned over to the President or the new Secretary within fourteen (14) days of leaving office.Change.
5.1The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Association and be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch the Board may order.The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Association and be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch the Board may order.
5.2He/She shall properly account for the funds of the Association and keep such books as may be directed by the Board.The Treasurer shall properly account for the funds of the Association and keep such books as may be directed and specified by the Board.Change
5.2.1He/She shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Board at each Association Meeting and whenever requested.The Treasurer shall present a budget update at each Board Meeting.Change
5.2.2He/She shall prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting a statement, duly audited, of the financial position of the Association and submit a copy of the same to the Secretary for the records of the Association.The Treasurer shall prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting an audited (see 6.1) financial statement of the Association and submit a copy to the Secretary.Change
5.3One person may fill the office of the Secretary and Treasurer if, at any Annual General Meeting, a majority of the members present so decide.Delete
5.4The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Secretary is responsible for the annual filing of the financial report, renewal application and other reports as required under the Societies Act to Alberta Registries.The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Secretary, is responsible for the annual filing to Service Alberta of the financial report, renewal application, and other reports as required under the Societies Act.Change. To be renumbered as 5.3
5.5The Treasurer shall have a term of office of two (2) years and be elected on even calendar yearsThe Treasurer shall have a term of office of two (2) years, not to exceed two (2) terms, and be elected on even calendar yearsChange. To be renumbered as 5.4
5.6Upon leaving the office, the Treasurer will ensure that all records and files of the Association are turned over to the President.Upon leaving the office, the Treasurer will ensure that all records and files of the Association are turned over to the President or new Treasurer within fourteen (14) days of the leaving office.Change. To be renumbered as 5.5
5.7The Treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee.New. To be renumbered as 5.6
5.8All cheques and disbursements must have two signatures/authorizations, one of which must be the Treasurer and the other either President, Vice-President, or Secretary.New. To be renumbered as 5.7
6.1The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once a year by a duly qualified accountant or by two (2) members of the Association elected for the purpose at the Annual General Meeting. A complete and proper statement of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The records of the Treasurer shall be audited at least once a year by a duly qualified accountant or by two (2) members of the Association elected for this purpose at the Annual General Meeting. A complete and proper audit statement of the records for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor(s) at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The records shall be passed to the auditors by May 15. Change.
6.2The fiscal year end of the Association in each year shall be April 30th.The fiscal year end of the Association shall be April 30.Change.
6.3The books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer of officers having charge of same.The records of the Association may be inspected by any member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer(s) having charge of same.Change.
6.3.1.Each member of the Board shall, at all times, have access to such books and records.Each member of the Board shall, at all times, have access to such records, as in 6.3, but within 7 days of the request.Change.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
7.1The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting on or before July 30 in each year.The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting on or before June 30 in each year.Change.
7.1.1Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given eight (8) days prior to the meeting by written notice (newsletter) or public notice.Notice of the AGM shall be given fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting by written notice.Change.
7.1.2The AGM shall consist of the Agenda, the Previous Minutes, the President’s report, the Financial Statements, the appointment of the Auditor(s), the election of Officers and Directors, unfinished business, and any special resolutions.New
7.1.3The minimum number of people (quorum) needed to carry on business at the AGM of the Association is thirteen (13) members in good standing.New
7.1.4These bylaws may be rescinded, altered or added to by a “Special Resolution” at an AGM of the Association.Change. Moved from 14
Special Meetings of the Association
7.2A Special Meeting of the Association must be called by the President or the Secretary upon the receipt of a petition signed by one third of the members in good standing.A Special Meeting of the Association must be called by the President or the Secretary upon the receipt of a petition signed by 10% of the members.Change.
7.2.1The petition must set for the reason(s) for calling such a meeting.The petition must set the reason(s) for calling such a meeting.Change.
7.2.2Notice of a Special Meeting of the Association will be made eight (8) days prior to the date of the meeting by written notice (newsletter) or public notice.Notice of a Special Meeting of the Association will be made fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting by written notice.Change.
7.2.3The minimum number of people needed (quorum) to carry on business at a Special Meeting of the Association as 7 (seven) members in good standing.The minimum number of people needed (quorum) to carry on business at a Special Meeting of the Association is thirteen (13) members in good standing.Change.
General Meetings of the Association
7.3The secretary, upon the written instruction of the President or the Board may call General Meetings of the Association at any time.The President, upon approval of the Board, may call General Meetings of the Association at any time.Change.