Maria Lynn's Reviews > Wicked Waves

Wicked Waves by Sharon Kay
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I was blown away by Ms. Kay's writing style in Wicked Winds, and her ability to create an unbelievably detailed world and fill it with the most amazingly unique characters. This second installment of the Solsti Prophecy Series does not disappoint! Wicked Waves is an awesome paranormal read that combines the perfect blend of action, suspense, drama and romance.

It seems highly unlikely that anything remotely serious, or even just plain friendly for that matter, could ever be in the cards for Brooke and Kai. Yet they end up going to Torth, the Demon Realm, together in search of a plant that will help the Lash Demons in their battle against the Neshi Demons that have been popping up around the city. Being in Torth will also give Brooke a chance to practice and develop her powers as a Solsti.

While searching for this special plant, they are captured and end up at the mercy of Draven, the son of Drant who Kai was able to escape from during his enslavement many years earlier & subsequently murdered. Needless to say, Draven is out for blood to avenge his father's death and has had many years to devise the perfect plan to ensure the maximum amount of suffering.

From the moment they're captured Kai and Brooke face one obstacle after another. Each seeming more and more impossible to overcome. When they don't return home as planned Nicole, Brooke's sister, starts to worry and insists that something be done to find her sister and Kai. Enter Matthias, The Hunter, who's able to track down anybody anywhere, guaranteed. And that's where I have to stop, this is one wild ride you'll have to experience for yourself!

You will be completely captivated by this story from beginning to end. Ms. Kay does a fantastic job of building up the suspense and creating one hell of a page turner! There's never a dull moment, you will literally be on the edge of your seat the whole time. What I loved the most about this novel is the variety of demons and other worldly creatures Kai and Brooke encountered in Torth and how the Demon Realm is portrayed. I was just completely fascinated every step of the way. The story is seamlessly woven together, and the characters are very well developed. I greatly appreciate when authors let you come to your own conclusions instead of spelling everything out for you, it makes the plot twists that much more exciting and shocking. And that's exactly what Ms. Kay achieved in book 1 and book 2.

I can't wait to learn more about Gin in Wicked Flames. I'm especially curious to see how Nicole and Brooke will be able to get her to embrace the supernatural world and her powers. I'll be anxiously awaiting it's release! And if you're looking for an awesome PNR series to get lost in, this is it!

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Started Reading
January 1, 2014 – Finished Reading
January 20, 2014 – Shelved

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