bible reading for the modern woman

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/23/14 •  5 min read


We always hear that reading our Bible daily is the best way to experience closeness with Jesus. We’re told if we steep ourselves in Scripture like a cup of strong tea, we’ll be stronger in the Lord. We have been given this huge gift in the form of a giant, hulking book, and the best way to use that book is to mark it up, highlight the junk out of it, and dog-ear the pages.

But, for most of us, being in the Word every day can feel more like a to-do to cross off than a joy to indulge in.

My hope for the women of my generation is that we’d move from thinking we have to read the Bible to the mindset that we get to.

Here’s the thing, you don’t actually have to read the Bible to have access to God. We’re given access to our Father through His Son and the Holy Spirit. BUT, we get a richer understanding of our faith history and the miracles and character of God by reading the pages of the Bible.

I don’t worship Scripture, because the Bible isn’t the MAIN thing. Jesus is the main thing. The main person. But, the Bible is a book that details the life and times of Jesus and those who paved the way for Him. If you had a book written specifically about your best friend, your spouse, your child…wouldn’t you buy it immediately and spend the weekend on the couch sinking into every word, every story?

daily bible reading

So. In hopes that we’d be women who indulge in Scripture to learn more and worship better the MAIN thing (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), here are some tips and tricks (pick the ones that work for you, be inspired by ones you haven’t tried!):

  1. Have you heard of Bible Journaling? I first learned about it from Shanna Noel in an Influence Network class. You can check out the fun Instagram community with the hashtags #JournalingBible and #IllustratedFaith
  2. She Reads Truth is a community, a website, and an app. I have written for She Reads Truth for more than a year–and it touches tens of thousands of women. The devotions each day just point to Scripture. The point is to READ the Scripture.
  3. Find a local friend to meet with to discuss what you’re reading.
  4. I loved this massively shared post from Relevant about 9 things to think about when reading the Bible.
  5. Have you heard of Bible Study Fellowship? It’s a worldwide, intensive, community based inductive Bible Study. You should look into it.
  6. Make a comforting or enjoyable routine of it! Have a special seat, a special drink, a cozy blanket. Create a routine you look forward to!
  7. Have you heard of Hello Mornings? It’s a community that reads Scripture together. They gather in groups and on social media.
  8. An age-old devotional like Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening (I use this free app!)or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest include daily Scripture passages.
  9. Choose a book of the Bible and read a chapter a day for a month. Ephesians is a great place to start, because it’s 6 chapters so you can have a break on Sunday! By the end of the month, you’ll have Ephesians pretty well down pat.
  10. Listen to Scripture while you do a chore or driving. The YouVersion app has an audio option for many translations!
  11. Rewrite the Scripture you’re reading into your own words. Or just recopy it in your own handwriting. Something about writing what you learn (especially if you put the words into your paraphrase!) makes it stick more. It’s science!
  12. Writing in the Margins Did you know even Bach made notes in his Bible?
  13. Choose a modern translation that resonates with you. The ESV, the NIV, and the NASB are good places to start!
  14. See the JOY on the faces of people who get to read the Bible when they previously couldn’t. Ministries that bring the Bible into formerly non-translated languages are precious and important.
  15. Share it with someone else. It is a terrible lie to believe that you are not capable or equipped to give someone else the knowledge of the Bible. You don’t have to be a scholar to share. Romans 10:9-10 is a GREAT place to start.
  16. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you a spirit of joy and patience when it comes to reading the Bible. Pray that you’d be filled with excitement and hunger.
  17. If you find a particular passage confusing or maybe even thrilling, you can read more about it in a Bible commentary, such as Matthew Henry’s classic.
  18. I keep a Bible open on the kitchen counter when life gets particularly hectic. I have received that wisdom from a few older women in my life, and Molly Piper (daughter-in-law of John Piper) wrote about it on {in}courage.
  19. Read The Jesus Storybook Bible front to back, back to front, and then again. I recieved it when my son was born and it changed my view of the way Scripture all works together. It has single-handedly made me more excited about digging into my “big kid” Bible every day.
  20. Listen to Scripture filled music and then try to dig into the full passages used in the lyrics. I love Ellie Holcomb‘s album of Scripture inspired songs, As Sure as the Sun.

This is just an encouraging beginning. What do YOU do to make your daily Bible reading a joyful part of your life? I’d love if you’d leave your habits and routines, tips and tricks in the comments!


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