Cherri-Anne's Reviews > Divinity Temptations

Divinity Temptations by Michelle M. Pillow
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it was amazing

No need for a prescription!

Michelle is the cure! This box set covers the three books in the Divinity Healers series. What a series it is! I completely loved each book and how they intersect, relate & combine into one FANTASTIC series! (please see my facebook page for full review)

Ariella’s Keeper (Divinity Healers book 1) - Captive. Prisoner. No escape. 5 stars

The universe lined up and she understood. AWWWWW! I LOVED this story!! There are so many extremes like cold, sterile, nasty, offset by warmth, sweet & truth. I thoroughly adored Ariella and my heart broke for her...until Sebastjan comes along and then I was totally envious of her!! Thankfully Sebastjan is NOT like his father! Supreme Walter is one horrible person and rather without morals for someone who is Medical Supreme! But of course, different planes have different ideals, among other things. I loved the pace of this story, how it played out, as well as all of the creative thought that went into making this such an addictive read! Michelle certainly has a way with words! The tech, the medical aspects, the whole idea of different planes, worlds, etc. is interwoven so perfectly making this a unique & HOT story that you do not want to miss out on! Once again Michelle has shown yet another side to her phenomenal talent, adding further proof – as if you need any! - that every single one of her stories is a perfectly flawless, sparkly gem worth keeping & reading over & over for many years to come! Who knew that Michelle M. Pillow meant “Midas Touch” in reader-ese! Michelle M. Pillow, Author of All Things Romance™ - that says it all!

Seducing Cecilia (Divinity Healers Book 2) - This man was chaos. She was about control. 5 stars

She was locked in a box with his pheromones. She wanted nothing more than to tear off his clothes and go for a round two…and three…and four…and… (and the problem is...? Oh right! You are there to 'work')! Another fantastic story by Michelle!! This one has so many great features like characters that are easy to love, mysteries to ponder, hotness to melt the frostiness, anxiety, nerves and most anything caught in their path. I love all of the creativity from the humor to the seriousness, the different ways of the people like the histories, the laws, rules & customs, the contrast of the two different planes like their different views on relationships, - one is all rigid and controlled while the other is almost the complete opposite. All of that and more are the very reasons that this story as well as the other 2 books in this series, are so unique and captivating! Of course, this all works together so perfectly because of Michelle & her phenomenal wealth of talent! No matter how many of her books I have read, I am still in awe of Michelle's ability to write so many fantabulous stories across a variety of subjects, story lengths, heat levels, etc. With each one I am enchanted, enthralled & thoroughly captivated from the front cover to the back. I am held in the story's grasp until the very end, connected with the characters, experiencing right along with them, happily, contentedly & excitedly living the story as if it was MY story, enthusiastically devouring it word by word, line by line, chapter by chapter. As per usual, my only complaint is when I reach those two little words most hated by readers everywhere - THE END. Thankfully you not only get a ton of story powered by a terrific storyline or two, but you will always have another book to lose yourself in. After all she is Michelle M. Pillow, Author of All Things Romance™

Linnea’s Arrangement (Divinity Healers book 3) - He imagined this was what destiny felt like. 5 stars

AWESOME! Man-oh-man did I ever love this one! I love the humor, the hotness and of course...the romance! Linnea is one great character who I just couldn't help feeling for her! I wanted to give her big hugs and become her friend because she so desperately needs one. Sam is a character that I was intrigued with from the other books, but of course we don't know much about him until now. I have to say that Linnea is lucky to have met him first, otherwise I would have snagged him myself! LOL This is definitely my favorite one of the three, but that's not to say I didn't like the others! I think it was mostly because of the ending in this one. It’s actually quite beautiful and with oh so very much irony and a huge spoonful of justice brought the three books together for this terrific ending that sweetened the series to a level of perfection that so very few authors can achieve, and yet Michelle is able to do just that so flawlessly & effortlessly, time and again! I love how Linnea's and Cecilia's stories start together, cover the same time period, intersect periodically but yet are actually two different stories. It's cool to get each characters perspective on the shared scenes or situations. Michelle is aces at being able to tell the same scene(s) and/or story from multiple viewpoints & perceptions while at the same time keeping it so enjoyable & interesting!! Okay, let’s be honest, Michelle can write about almost anything and make it interesting & enjoyable! Although that's a more than just a bit misleading! Michelle's books are oh so very much more than "just" interesting & enjoyable - they are fantabulous, sweet, romantic, addicting, engrossing, hot, funny, touching, intense, passionate, just to give you a rough idea! After all, Michelle is THE Author of All Things Romance™!!

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Started Reading
August 4, 2015 – Finished Reading
September 19, 2015 – Shelved

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