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Richard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Scottish Government  : Stop dredging and bottom trawling in Scotlan

Richard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Scottish Government : Stop dredging and bottom trawling in Scotlan

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This petition has been created by Andrew B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Andrew B.
started this petition to
Richard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Scottish Government
Dredging for scallops and bottom trawling for prawns destroys seabed habitats and fish spawning and nursery grounds which prevents fish stock recovery. This is similar to clear felling a rain forest for short term gain. Scotland's newly created Marine Protected Areas deserve full protection from these destructive activities which many countries ban completely in their inshore waters. At present the Scottish Government is proposing to allow these activities within large sections of the MPA network designated last year. It is important the Scottish Government realises that this is not acceptable and takes action to prevent continued seabed habitat degradation. MPAs are an important first step towards this goal.
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