Sunday 28 June 2015

Use Java 8 Optional and Stream to completely remove if else statements

There have been some articles on how to use Java 8 Optional to avoid making verbose checking of nulls in the code.

This article shows a way to combine Java 8 Optional and Stream to completely remove if else statements.

Let's look at some code:
public class ExpressionBuilder {

    public String buildExpression(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2) {

        String expression = "";

        String list1Expression = buildList1Expression(list1);
        String list2Expression = buildList2Expression(list2);

        if (list1Expression == null && list2Expression != null) {
            expression = list2Expression;

        if (list1Expression != null && list2Expression == null) {
            expression = list1Expression;

        if (list1Expression != null && list2Expression != null) {
            expression = list1Expression + " and " + list2Expression;

        return expression;


    private String buildList1Expression(List<Integer> list1) {
        String expression = null;
        if (list1 != null && !list1.isEmpty()) {
            expression = "(";
            for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
                if (i != list1.size() - 1) {
                    expression = expression + "list1:" + list1.get(i) + " or ";
                } else {
                    expression = expression + "list1:" + list1.get(i);
            expression = expression + ")";
        return expression;

    private String buildList2Expression(List<Integer> list2) {
        String expression = null;
        if (list2 != null && !list2.isEmpty()) {
            expression = "!(";
            for (int i = 0; i < list2.size(); i++) {
                if (i != list2.size() - 1) {
                    expression = expression + "list2:" + list2.get(i) + " or ";
                } else {
                    expression = expression + "list2:" + list2.get(i);
            expression = expression + ")";
        return expression;

The code above will convert two list of Integers into a String. For example, if you have:

list1 = 10,  20,  30
list2 = 40,  50,  60,  70

The result would be:

"(list1:10 or list1:20 or list1:30) and !(list2:40 or list2:50 or list2:60 or list2:70)"

If you only have list1:

list1 = 10, 20, 30

Then the result would be:

"(list1:10 or list1:20 or list1:30)"

If you only have list2:

 list2 = 40,  50,  60,  70

Then the result would be:

"!(list2:40 or list2:50 or list2:60 or list2:70)"

 The code needs to handle the following cases:
  • list1 is null
  • list1 is empty
  • list1 has only 1 element
  • list2 is null
  • list2 is empty
  • list2 has only 1 element
Therefore, we can see there are a lot of if and else statements in the code which makes it hard to read and prone to bugs.

Let's look how Java 8 Optional and Stream can help in this case:
public class Java8ExpressionBuilder {

 public String buildExpression(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2) {
  return Stream.of(buildList1Expression(list1), buildList2Expression(list2))
               .filter(op -> op.isPresent())
               .map(op -> op.get())
               .reduce((result, s) -> result + " and " + s).orElse("");

 private Optional<String> buildList1Expression(List<Integer> list1) {
  return Optional.ofNullable(list1).flatMap(list ->
                 .map(i -> "list1:" + i)
                 .reduce((result, s) -> result + " or " + s)
                 .map(s -> "(" + s + ")"));


 private Optional<String> buildList2Expression(List<Integer> list2) {
  return Optional.ofNullable(list2).flatMap(list ->
                 .map(i -> "list2:" + i)
                 .reduce((result, s) -> result + " or " + s)
                 .map(s -> "!(" + s + ")"));
A couple of things worth mentioning here:
  • The reduce method is very good for concatenating a list of elements into a single String.
  • Put two Optionals into a Stream so that Stream Api and Optional Api can be used together.
However, the time complexity of the above algorithm is $O(N^2)$ which is not very efficient as string concatenations are used. To fix this problem, we can use StringBuilder:
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

public class Java8ExpressionBuilder {

    public String buildExpression(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2) {
        return Stream.of(buildList1Expression(list1), buildList2Expression(list2))
                .filter(op -> op.isPresent()).map(op -> op.get())
                .reduce((result, s) -> result + " and " + s).orElse("");


    private Optional<String> buildList1Expression(List<Integer> list1) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(list1).flatMap(
                list -> -> new StringBuilder("list1:")
                        .append(i)).reduce((result, s) -> result.append(" or ").append(s))
                        .map(s -> "(" + s.toString() + ")"));


    private Optional<String> buildList2Expression(List<Integer> list2) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(list2).flatMap(
                list -> -> new StringBuilder("list2:")
                        .append(i)).reduce((result, s) -> result.append(" or ").append(s))
                        .map(s -> "!(" + s.toString() + ")"));

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