Cherri-Anne's Reviews > Power of Attraction

Power of Attraction by Taige Crenshaw
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it was amazing

Open your senses and embrace - Blackstone Haven.

WOW! Talk about your Power of Attraction! He was a sexual master who had her at his mercy. “You’re a dangerous man to my senses, Wesley” Even though this story started off in an odd way, I was fully pulled in! I LOVE the creativity and almost what you could call bizarreness to the first half or so, but then once the fog starts lifting, WOW! Just WOW!! And yes, even though it was a touch crazy in the beginning and I was feeling a little lost, the story was very intriguing and made me want to keep reading to find out what was going on! I actually went back to read the beginning chapter+ and it gave me a whole new perspective to, of and for the story. I did find that some questions were left unanswered, the odd part or two that was never really addressed. However I have a feeling that future books will expand, enhance and build on this one while also pulling us deeper into all that is The Blackstone Legend & Prophecy. I definitely want to know all there is to know about it and see it further explored. This is only my second book of Taige's but I am thoroughly enjoying her different writing styles between the two series I have read books in, and the books themselves and am looking forward to reading my way through them all! This book has a great mix of humor, magic, power, mystery, romance, intrigue, hot wild sex, prophecy & legends, friends & family and more! The story does flow pretty fluidly giving history while moving forward at the same time. I was impressed with the characters, finding myself drawn to them from the start. I love how Taige takes a popular paranormal in natural born witch Peyton and recreates it until it becomes a whole new kind of witch - Taige style!! And then for that near-the-end part with Wesley?? CRAZY!!! And more than a little creepy if I do say so myself! LOL Of course I LOVE Newton! In fact I almost stopped reading when I thought that she had...whew! Sorry! I almost gave a spoiler! All in all, this book is worth the read! With Taige's amazing writing style and obvious wealth of talent, you can never go wrong with any of her books!!

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Reading Progress

February 13, 2015 – Shelved
February 13, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
Started Reading
June 11, 2015 – Finished Reading

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