How accurate are “Top 10” Posts? How do you define influence or compare them or know if the author was being genuine?  Wonder no more…

You have probably seen countless amount of articles telling you that you must follow these top 10 industry influencers on Twitter or subscribe to their blogs. However, with Majestic’s Clique Hunter Tool, it is much easier to compare people or sites in these lists. By way of example, we have taken rocksdigital’s top 10 SEO influencers to follow, put the influencers website URL into the Clique Hunter and found out how influential these influencers are.

Top 10 SEO Influencers

Neil Patel – Co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar.

Rand Fishkin – Co-founder of Moz and

Matt Cutts – Head of Google’s Webspam team

Andrew Shotland – Founder of Local SEO Guide

David Mihm – Local search optimization specialist

Danny Sullivan – Founding Editor of Search Engine Land

Andy Beal – CEO of

Lee Odden – CEO of TopRank Online Marketing

Bill Slawski – Founder of SEO by the Sea

Brian Clark – Founder and CEO of Copyblogger Media

The Results

Clique Hunter Sankey (3)

The Clique Hunter chart shows where these influencers are receiving their links from. As you can tell, Matt Cutts is by far the most influential out of the list followed by Rand Fishkin. It is quite notable that the majority of links linking to Matt Cutts’ page are from Blogspot sites whilst Andrew Shotland (Local SEO Guide) receives a lot of links from Tumblr and SearchEngineJournal.

But how about if we change it up a little bit? How about we change it to root level? Let’s just say the results are a bit different…

Root Level

Clique Hunter Sankey (4)

As you can see, SearchEngineLand now dominates the graph with links coming through various different sites. Matt Cutts isn’t as influential at root level, with sites such as CopyBlogger and Moz having a much higher influence. This shows that businesses such as SearchEnglineLand have a much bigger influence at root level than individuals such as Matt Cutts. This is a result of the different individuals writing for SearchEngineLand which is far greater than Matt Cutts’ individual blog.

Try it yourself!

Have you got a top 10 list you want to analyse? Do you want to find out the biggest influencers in your industry? Or do you just want to compare your website with your competitors? If so, try out the Clique Hunter tool yourself!

Write a “Top 10 Exposed” post and let us know. We’d love to share!

David Kenning


  • John Doe

    This big data tool will become very interesting in political science, to monitor the US presidential candidates to see from where they are getting their Links, to analize their political influence.

    July 24, 2015 at 11:03 am
    • Dixon Jones

      Yes Certainly. Majetsic actually smelled a rat correctly on the last election: but now we have more tools at our disposal, the data might be more revealing.

      July 24, 2015 at 11:37 am
  • Cris


    July 27, 2015 at 9:05 am

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