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Ffydd, Gobaith, Cariad
Llwyd Owen
ISBN: 9780862439392 (0862439396)Publication Date: November 2006
Publisher: Y Lolfa
Format: Paperback, 1x1 mm, 341 pages Language: Welsh Available Our Price: £7.95 
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A powerful and profound novel, full of unexpected developments. Alun Brady, a young man who has led a sheltered life with his parents in a rich Cardiff suburb, is the focal character. When his grandfather comes to live with the family Alun is thrown into bizarre new situations, and encounters colourful characters. This is a novel about how a monotonous life is shattered and disrupted

Nofel rymus, ddirfawr sy'n llawn datblygiadau annisgwyl. Mae'r stori yn troi o gwmpas Alun Brady, dyn sydd wedi byw bywyd tawel a chysgodol yng nghartref crand ei rieni yng Nghaerdydd. Ond pan ddaw ei dad-cu drygionus i fyw ac i farw gyda'r teulu, dyma ddechrau ar newidiadau enfawr a dyfodiad cymeriadau lliwgar i fywyd Alun. Nofel am yr hyn sy'n tarfu ar dawelwch undonog bywyd.
Yn dynn ar sodlau ei nofel gyntaf, Ffawd, Cywilydd a Chelwyddau, daw ail nofel Llwyd Owen, Ffydd, Gobaith, Cariad. Unwaith eto mae’r nofel hon wedi’i gosod yn y brifddinas, ond nid bywyd bras y cyfryngis sydd o dan sylw y tro hwn, ac mae’r arwr, Alun Brady, yn annhebyg iawn i Luc Swan, prif gymeriad y nofel gyntaf honno. Mae ei fywyd saff, undonog yn troi o gwmpas y teulu a’u cartref yng Nghyncoed, ond pan ddaw ei dad-cu oedrannus i fyw atyn nhw oherwydd gwaeledd, mae pethau’n newid, ac unwaith eto, cawn ein llusgo i ganol bywyd llai parchus y ddinas: selogion y tafarndai, y troseddwyr mawr a mân, a’r pedlwyr cyffuriau.

Mae’r nofel yn agor gyda disgrifiad grymus o ddamwain car, ond ni chawn wybod tan y diwedd beth yw cefndir y ddamwain. Mae’r nofel wedi’i strwythuro yn arbennig o gelfydd gan osod dwy stori ochr yn ochr: cawn bennod yn disgrifio bywyd Alun ag yntau newydd ddod allan o’r carchar, ac yna pennod yn egluro'r digwyddiadau a’i hanfonodd yno yn y lle cyntaf. Beth ar wyneb daear yrrodd cymeriad mor sidêt i droseddu? Hynny, a dirgelwch y ddamwain car sy’n sbarduno diddordeb y darllenydd, ac mae’r ddwy stori yn cydio’n gryf yn y dychymyg.

Roedd nofel gyntaf Llwyd Owen yn tour de force go iawn, a llwyddodd ei ddisgrifiadau cignoeth o ryw a thrais, a’i iaith gref, ansafonol, i ddenu beirniadaeth ar y naill law, a llawer o ddarllenwyr brwd ar y llaw arall. Efallai na fydd arddull Llwyd Owen yn plesio’r rhai sy’n darllen er mwyn gwerthfawrogi iaith goeth, ond mae yna lawer o ddarllenwyr sy’n awchu am y math yma o nofel ddinesig, sy’n disgrifio byd sy’n debycach i Gaeredin Irvine Welsh neu i ffilm gan Quentin Tarantino nag i’r hyn a gawn fel arfer mewn nofelau Cymraeg. Mae Llwyd Owen yn storïwr penigamp, sydd wedi llwyddo unwaith eto i ddod â bywyd Caerdydd yn weledol fyw ar y dudalen. Bydd y ffaith fod yma lai o elfennau ‘ych a fi’ yn siomi rhai, ac yn rhyddhad i eraill, ond mae Ffydd, Gobaith, Cariad yn aeddfetach na’i nofel gyntaf. Gallwn ond gobeithio bod y ffaith mai dyma’r ail nofel i Llwyd Owen ei rhyddhau o fewn llai na blwyddyn yn arwydd bod llawer mwy i ddod eto gan yr awdur talentog hwn.

Kate Crockett

Gellir defnyddio'r adolygiad hwn at bwrpas hybu, ond gofynnir i chi gynnwys y gydnabyddiaeth ganlynol: Adolygiad oddi ar www.gwales.com, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.

It is possible to use this review for promotional purposes, but the following acknowledgment should be included: A review from www.gwales.com, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council.
Author Biography:
A native from Cardiff that has worked in several media jobs since 1998. "Ffawd, Cywilydd a Chelwyddau" ("Fate, Shame and Lies") is his first novel. At the moment he's finishing his second novel (which will be published later this year...hopefully) and has started the process of adapting Ffawd...into a film. He lives in Cardiff's Buddug Park area with his wife Lisa and their 'children' Moses and Marley.
Further Information:
Ffydd Gobaith Cariad
Ffydd Gobaith Cariad opens with flashing blue lights, illuminating a chaotic accident scene with only one survivor. Working backwards, a tale unravels of how Alun Brady, an innocuous thirty-year old who lives a comfortable existence with his parents in Cardiff, reached this point. Used to living in the middle lane, without anything much to disturb the unchallenging monotony of his existence, the catalyst comes when his irreverent grandfather comes to the family house to live, or rather, to die.
The Brady family are satirised for the predictable art in their home, their Volvo, Aga, traditional gender roles and conservative opinions, yet Llwyd Owen's greatest vitriol is directed against the religious beliefs which guide them. Alun Brady soon learns that holding certain moral ideals is easy enough until these values seem cruel in the light of actual human experience. The most bitter lesson of all is that he is not rewarded by any effort to do the right thing, and as soon as he loses his social footing, everything seems stacked against him. Homeless and unemployed upon his release from prison, all efforts to better his situation are thwarted. As the lost young man wanders the wilderness of Cardiff he disastrously mistakes the graveyard cartaker, Floyd, for a saviour of sorts. Alun has made a journey from middle class suburbia into the darkest pockets of the city's underclass, to find a core just as rotten. Prison leaves him nostalgic for family life, but the relationship with his dominant older brother is fraught, and a serious betrayal has long lasting repercussions.
As if to reveal the futility of expecting a greater power to organise a fair outcome in life, Llwyd Owen delights in confounding any hope for a positive resolution at the end of this novel. Peppered with contemporary references, the intricately woven narrative is alive with the pitch perfect voices of a host of characters. This is an affecting and haunting tale.
Cyfnewidfa Lên Cymru/Wales Literature Exchange
Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2007 / Wales Book of the Year 2007
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