Fear the walking dead

Fear the walking dead

Fear the walking dead

With just under a month left until the hit zombie thriller The Walking Dead returns to our screens, there's no better time to review the prequel spin-off that started a few weeks ago Fear the Walking Dead.

1 month walking dead

Set in Los Angeles at a period when the zombie outbreak is merely a rumour in the conspiracy forums of the internet, we follow a unique extended family as they deal with the outbreak as it starts to break into the public eye slowly but surely.

Having watched the series from the start and also having read the comics I know that this prequel is entirely new ground. I also know that it's being handled just right with the outbreak not being something that people belive yet, it would start slowly, spreading until it reached a point that it couldn't be stopped or ignored. This of course hasn't happened yet in the prequel they are still only 2 episodes intothe 6 episode series however the family have already started to see the zombies surfacing and are starting to realise what they're going to need to do to survive.

The family (actually 2 familes) is a bit of an acquired taste with the way some characters are being portrayed. Consisting of a hispanic mother, son and ex husband who is living with a caucasian mother and daughter recently reunited with her drug addict son (who's the first in the family to come in contact with the outbreak of zombies). The series is obviously leading the characters or rather the ex-husband up to a choice of which family survives or rather how they're going to survive but whatever the case we know a few of them aren't going to make it...I can't wait to see who dies!

If you haven't watched it yet don't worry I haven't spoiled much so get watching Fear the Walking Dead in the lead up to the main event that is The Walking Dead.

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