

Bethesda Software have announced that TESO (The Elder Scrolls Online) will be a free to play game from 17th March 2015. All subscriptions will no longer run from this point and the game will get a new title. Elder scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited as it will be named, wont be totally free to play as you will have to purchase the game. Don’t worry if you already own the game then your accounts will automatically be switched to the new name and system. Once purchased or upgraded your account will entitle you to full access to the game features and previously released updates. No game price has been released at this time.

If you wish you can pay for a new ESO Plus membership, which will give access to all the future DLC. These will include new zones and area’s which will be taken away if the payments stop,but you will get to keep items and rewards gained in these areas during this period. Also available will be mounts , pets and a new Character progression system where you will be awarded the new in game currency ‘Crowns’ these can be used to purchase the aforementioned pets and mounts. The new memberships will be available in 30, 90 and 180 day slots, but cost info hasn’t been released as yet.

“What happens if i’m still a Subscriber when the game becomes ‘free to play’ and i have time left” ? I hear you say. Well this is covered too. Your account and time will automatically be switched to the new ESO Plus system and you will get the corresponding amount of days left. There will be no Refunds offered to anyone, should this not be taken up.

Any players who previously canceled their subscriptions will be given 500 Crowns if they log into the new ‘free to play’ environment, using their old account. This is a good start off point and bring players back and help fill the servers.
Thanks for your time
