Everfrost Michiru Bokido Interview add


Check out our interview with Japanese manga artist, Michiru Bokido about our upcoming album and collaboration on his upcoming manganoke, Knight of Fae! We appeared in an article as Everfrost with Michiru and were interviewed by Mitch Campbell. Check it out below or here!


The Blue Eyed Emotion album visually will combine anime/manga with our music to tell a story. It’s not by definition a concept album but it is heavily story-based with characters who exist in the music and album visuals. We hadn’t really seen this kind of thing done with anime and manga before outside of Japan so we weren’t sure how it was going to turn out. But then we were lucky enough to get a chance to work with professional Japanese mangaka, Michiru Bokido!

It turned out that he was beginning work on a brand new manga of his own called ‘Knight of Fae’ and throughout this process invented a new form of manga he dubbed, ‘manganoke’. The manganoke concept is to present a coloured manga comic and make the reader feel as if they are reading an anime. This will lead to a fully animated anime trailer for the book which we were asked to compose a song for!

More about the song will come later but it will be out soon with the trailer release. The song will also appear on our upcoming album so the trailer release will be like the first official single for the album. This has brought Michiru very close to the band and our music and we’re ready to announce that he will illustrate the story and album visuals of ‘Blue Eyed Emotion’!