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England’s rugby players take giant strides in O2 advert

This article is more than 8 years old

Also this week, Trainline provides a comedy masterclass. Guinness highlights growing acceptance of sexual diversity in society and Nike goes vintage

Trainline: “I Am Train” (Starts at 00:06) – UK

This is such an excellent spoof of corporate advertising that you can’t be entirely sure of its destination until the word ‘banana’ crops up – and it then builds beautifully towards its ridiculous pay-off. Director Ringan Ledwidge, who recreated the trenches of the Great War for Sainsbury’s last year, demonstrates terrific versatility with this comedy masterclass.
Agency: Anomaly London
Director: Ringan Ledwidge

O2: “Make Them Giants” (Starts at 01:09) – UK

Ever wondered why rugby players are so huge? According to this delightful advert drawing attention to O2’s sponsorship of the England team, it’s because of our admiration for them. Each glance of appreciation received by Chris Robshaw and his team-mates has them grow a little until they are giants striding across the fields towards Twickenham.
Agency: VCCP
Director: Elliot Dear

Guinness: “Never Alone” (Starts at 03:11) – UK

It speaks volumes for our progress as a society that, ahead of the Rugby World Cup, Guinness should opt to focus much of their marketing muscle on former Wales player Gareth Thomas and his decision to come out as gay in 2009. The momentousness of this may not be obvious to those who’ve grown up in a climate of increasing acceptance of sexual diversity but – for many people including, it would seem, Thomas himself – this is indicative of an unimaginable shift in attitudes.
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
Director: John Hillcoat

Nike: “Play Loud” (Starts at 04:15) – South Korea

Who’d have thought it was still possible to make a 1990s Nike ad in 2015? Wieden + Kennedy in Tokyo obviously decided the vintage approach wouldn’t feel old-fashioned in South Korea and no one can argue with them because this is terrific. As a number of athletes fall short, despite giving their all, footballer Lee Young-Pyo urges them to rethink their commitment. But they’re not going to listen to him, are they?
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy (Tokyo)
Director: AG Rojas

Blue Cross: “I Will Survive” (Starts at 05:45) – UK

A scruffy mutt escapes the tyranny of his evil owners and wanders the night-time streets; his mournful eyes casting about for signs of a source of kindness. As he pads along in his loneliness, staring in through the windows of homes where dogs co-exist happily with their humans, he begins to croon a version of I Will Surviv’ in defiance. It’s an unusually positive approach in a charity sector that tends to use cruelty in its appeals to our kindness.
Agency: M & C Saatchi
Director: Dom & Nic

Jason Stone is the editor of David Reviews

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