Bombshell Valeant/Philidor Criminal Expose coming Sunday


Hi, whistle blower X here.

Sunday night I will be releasing my multi-hundred page report on the VRX fraud; in this instance, I will be connecting the players and how they relate. All evidence is irrefutable. Mike Pearson is a blatant criminal fraudster. Mike pearson, mark my words, will spend the rest of his days in a jail cell.

I would add "mastermind" but he is too stupid. The real mastermind is far more intelligent.

The SEC and DOJ are already on top of this.

PS-- there is far, far more to this story than anyone could have imagined.


In order to prevent people from accusing you of short selling based on false news you should release before the market opens and disclose to the feds all of the stock/short positions you have in this company or friends and relatives. Since you are already giving a preview it is not in a fully read public place so people will still doubt your story if you or your friends and relatives are short selling the stock.

What is really bad about this company is that any company that has its stock go from 260 to 80 in three months would have the CEO removed. Confidence in the CEO? Maybe just fear of the CEO is what is keeping him in his position. Weird company, strange business model, strange partnerships to take over companies like Allergan, companies closing doors?, What should we think of Valeant and its board and CEO.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.

In order to prevent people from accusing you of short selling based on false news you should release before the market opens and disclose to the feds all of the stock/short positions you have in this company or friends and relatives. Since you are already giving a preview it is not in a fully read public place so people will still doubt your story if you or your friends and relatives are short selling the stock.

What is really bad about this company is that any company that has its stock go from 260 to 80 in three months would have the CEO removed. Confidence in the CEO? Maybe just fear of the CEO is what is keeping him in his position. Weird company, strange business model, strange partnerships to take over companies like Allergan, companies closing doors?, What should we think of Valeant and its board and CEO.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.

Could not agree more!

Hi, whistle blower X here.

Sunday night I will be releasing my multi-hundred page report on the VRX fraud; in this instance, I will be connecting the players and how they relate. All evidence is irrefutable. Mike Pearson is a blatant criminal fraudster. Mike pearson, mark my words, will spend the rest of his days in a jail cell.

I would add "mastermind" but he is too stupid. The real mastermind is far more intelligent.

The SEC and DOJ are already on top of this.

PS-- there is far, far more to this story than anyone could have imagined.


Mr. Left you should look at your own self. We're really tired of your BS of I'm gonna release this and I'm gonna release that. Your speculation is garbage. You're garbage. Even Nicole your EX agrees you're a POS. How much you paying her a month?

Not sure why any of this is relevant. I'm sure that's just chump change to Mr. Left. I'm also not sure why some are blaming him for bringing this situation to light. He opened up Pearson's can of shit covered worms and every day, a new worm crawls out. Philador, Congressional investigation, Goldman's sale of Pearson's stock. It just goes on and on and I don't think the can is going to be open for a while. I feel for the Valeant employees, "many of who will probably lose their jobs" as he said when he purchased B&L, but I sure don't blame Left. Blame Pierson and his dirty gang of thieves.

Not sure why any of this is relevant. I'm sure that's just chump change to Mr. Left. I'm also not sure why some are blaming him for bringing this situation to light. He opened up Pearson's can of shit covered worms and every day, a new worm crawls out. Philador, Congressional investigation, Goldman's sale of Pearson's stock. It just goes on and on and I don't think the can is going to be open for a while. I feel for the Valeant employees, "many of who will probably lose their jobs" as he said when he purchased B&L, but I sure don't blame Left. Blame Pierson and his dirty gang of thieves.

Well MR Andrew Left is a liar, user and more.....

A report is coming out on his life on TV

He is a criminal

This is the (first?) article "The Missing Piece" written by whistleblower X, in case somebody has not read it yet; text only preview can be read below the comments section:

Hey, A. Left, you must have gotten decent grades is creative writing. Your story sounds like an LMN movie, you got so much anger and drama . . . like a scorned lover . . . but you need a better looking cast . . . as the Valeant senior management are about as attractive as you are! Anyway, any high school student knows true whistleblowers are not allowed to discuss any ongoing investigations. The government does not like that. Speaking of high school how many people like M. Pearson stuffed you in your locker?? Enquiring Minds want to know!