Lots of cuts coming

Lots of cuts coming coming coming!

the rumor mill has been churning out different departments that will see a cut in mid nov

happy sunday

10-15% cuts in administrative areas in wilmington. 20-30% cuts in sales force and managed markets is the rumor. Phase 1 they are calling reduction by attrition and managing vacancies.

Blah, blah, and....oops I forgot. Blah. If that we're the case we'd have some kind of communication by now.just another person with nothing better to do than to start it up with no apparent validity. The AZ ship is full steam ahead for at least another year.

10-15% cuts in administrative areas in wilmington. 20-30% cuts in sales force and managed markets is the rumor. Phase 1 they are calling reduction by attrition and managing vacancies.

We have heard this bullshit for over 3 years now, and it's been just that, bullshit. You better hope and pray, the AZ management morons never realize that could can 50% and never miss a beat! Even IF we did have a 30% reduction in reps and field sales, the morons would immediately start hiring back again a couple of months later! AZ management gives a new meaning to the word inept!

i can't believe they are still hiring people from the outside to fill vacancies. Ridiculous.

This will start with many announcements of people leaving voluntarily. Some will be taking early retirement, translation, they were offered a package to leave. The rest will leave for another opportunity, translation, they left because they were told they had no future here.

This will start with many announcements of people leaving voluntarily. Some will be taking early retirement, translation, they were offered a package to leave. The rest will leave for another opportunity, translation, they left because they were told they had no future here.

More BS! Frenchie loves the outdated SOV model! Hell, we may even double the salesforce under this idiot! Relax everyone, no layoffs here probably for decades to come! Enjoy our AZ!

10-15% cuts in administrative areas in wilmington. 20-30% cuts in sales force and managed markets is the rumor. Phase 1 they are calling reduction by attrition and managing vacancies.

This is close to being accurate with a few more details. Yes they are starting with early retirement packages, some forced and others voluntary. Then how many are laid off will depend on how many volunteer. The really bad stuff happens next year.

This is close to being accurate with a few more details. Yes they are starting with early retirement packages, some forced and others voluntary. Then how many are laid off will depend on how many volunteer. The really bad stuff happens next year.

The BullShit artists are out in force! NO LAYOFFS! EXPANSION WILL TAKE PLACE IN 2016! IDIOTS!

Not a rumor - people gone in MAPS, diabetes brand, comm ops, training. People getting notified both good and bad.

that explains the canceled webex's several times.

BTW/FWIW: I just ordered my new car. So, sorry for those of you not so lucky. My AZ joy ride continues! Can't wait for the new wheels. Safe ahgain

Some details on these "major cuts" would be nice, instead of the vague bullshit everyone likes to spew. You people are so paranoid over nothing, always.

The are cutting in HQ right now but this is the second wave since they already cut those eligible for early retirement. Many of these people did not go voluntarily even though they were given packages. Now they are cutting the next layer. Look at what is going on in HQ to see a symbol of how they will begin to cut the sales force. They will start slow and remove the low hanging fruit first. PIPs gone. Those close to retirement gone. Those with overlapping responsibilities and managers with low span of control, gone.