Saturday, April 18, 2015

Green Bean Growing Experiment part 4


Alright, well... here it is. The final post on this experiment.

The green bean's growth got stunted. It stayed exactly the same size for a couple of weeks, and the small leaves that formed started to wither and die.

I'm assuming this could be from a number of different things.

It could have been from lack of soil warmth. Green beans are to be planted in warmer weather in order to survive. The water pearls would stay cool because there was no insulation.

It could have been that the roots didn't have a place to take hold. There was no support for the plant, so it possibly stopped growth to protect itself.

It could have been that it wasn't getting enough water from the pearls, or enough nutrients. I ended up filling the vase with water up to the roots, but it wasn't enough. It still died.

It could have not been getting enough sunlight. We don't have a good place for window plants where our dog (the Death Eater) or our 18 month old can't get to them. The only place available only gets a moderate amount of sun.

In any case, it was fun while it lasted. Now I have to figure something out with that trellis....

If anyone has any luck with these, please let me know!!!!

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