

Ask @DarkLight_Bros

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If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

Being honest and direct. Like don't beat around the bush, just say it. It's not like we'd be offended. :)
Liked by: avsongbird

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What is the meaning of your name?

We are twins. Kinda wanted to do some word play around that. Dark and Light, Two sides, different but sides of the same coin. Bros was added because our favorite video game series is The Mario Bros Series. Mario and Luigi ftw.
Liked by: Oshawott

Why is your mario player guy so shit ? and that luigi guy is so Pro at mario games that mario dude should try and get it right XD

lol you just jealous man. x'D
Liked by: Oshawott

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

Of course. There are plenty of great causes that could use some help. Would feel wrong to not help if we could. :)
Liked by: Oshawott

What is your favorite motto or saying?

"Respect isn't earned in a single day, it is earned every single day of the year." That one always stuck out to me. xD
Liked by: Oshawott

Do you like or dislike spicy food?

Spicy food is life. MMMMMMMMMMM depends but if the spicy ends up making the food delish, then its heaven. eve
Liked by: Mike aba_99

Who are your favourite small YouTubers at the moment?

oh boy, where do I start. I depends of what small is but in general. xD Teenee Dragon, Strawberry Vaporeon, VideoGaminAZN, WolfBluff, Takeru, Frozen Colress, Crooked Castle Gaming, Rudrake Plays, Hearts4Gamers, MetalBlade427, ZeroScore, Terrovolt, Breeder Mac, Mr MarkAholic, PurpleTorchGaming, FishingForCookie, AcesofJustice, Oh Reezy. Probably forgot some but yeah. Please do check them out. I'm sure they would love it. xD #HeartWave
Liked by: Oshawott D.H

Language: English