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Women of the Word - Lesson 2 Handout
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Women of the Word
Lesson 2

Quick refresher: Why Biblical Literacy Matters and What Happens When We Get it Wrong

Jen Wilkin warns that when we get the 2 Turnarounds wrong, there can be 6 methods we will fall back on in Bible Study:

  1. Xanax
  2. Pinball
  3. Magic 8 Ball
  4. Personal Shopper
  5. Telephone
  6. Jack Sprat

How do we avoid these pitfalls? We study using the Five P’s:

  1. Study with __________________
  2. Study with __________________
  3. Study with __________________
  4. Study with __________________
  5. Study with __________________

P 1: Study with a Purpose

Every good endeavor should be done with purpose. Without a clear sense of purpose, our efforts to do a good thing well can flounder. But with a clear purpose, we are far more likely to persevere. - Jen Wilkin

The Metanarrative of Scripture

What is the BIG story of the Bible? God’s eternal plan of communion with his people.

What is the ultimate means of this fulfillment? ___________________. (Luke 24: 25-27, 44-49)

Creation → Fall → Redemption → Restoration/Consummation