MesosCon 2016 Proposal Review - Developer Topics Submitted
Thanks for your interest in helping review #MesosCon 2016 proposals! We received 154 proposals, and the program committee would like to open them up to the community for feedback as we evaluate them.

This form includes the titles and abstracts for 90 proposals related to the theme of Mesos Developer. The order of proposals in this form has been shuffled. All proposals are for talks, unless indicated otherwise (tutorials, birds of a feather, lightning talks).

On the last page of the review form, there is also a text area where you can indicate talks that you wish were submitted or other comments; the program committee appreciates your feedback. This form will close on March 23, 2016.
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Building Highly Available Mesos Frameworks
"Production-quality Mesos frameworks must be able to continue managing tasks despite unreliable networks and faulty computers. Mesos provides tools to help developers do fault-tolerant task management, but putting these tools together effectively remains something of a black art. This talk will offer practical guidance to current and prospective framework developers to help them understand how Mesos deals with failures and the tools it provides to enable fault tolerant frameworks. Mesos operators will also benefit from a discussion of exactly how Mesos behaves during network partitions and other failure scenarios.  This talk will cover the following specific topics: * fault tolerance in Mesos itself: how Mesos masters and agents behave in the face of process crashes and network partitions * the tools that Mesos provides to help framework authors write reliable systems (e.g., task state reconciliation, the state abstraction, and the MasterDetector interface) * the lifecycle of a Mesos task * a collection of recommendations for how framework developers should build highly available framework schedulers and executors"
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minimesos - The experimentation and testing tool for Apache Mesos
"The Apache Mesos project allows a developer to orchestrate and utilize a cluster of machines as if it were a single pool of resources. Engineers from multiple disciplines are writing “frameworks” to take advantage of the redundancy and scalability that Mesos provides. During the development of the ELK stack on Mesos (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) we found that the Mesos and Docker community is sorely missing tools to enable integration tests and projects to reduce boilerplate code. We decided to create our own tool for experimenting with Mesos and testing frameworks: minimesos, available at  Minimesos is an experimentation and testing tool which can be used as a standalone cli application or from within a JUnit test. Start a containerized Mesos cluster, start the scheduler of your framework and perform assertions. At the end of the test the cluster is destroyed. In this talk I will introduce minimesos, it's features, design and implementation and what is on the horizon."
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A novel approach for distributing and managing container images: integrating CernVM File System and Mesos
"CERN developed and is using CernVM File System (CVMFS) to distribute terabytes of software to hundreds of thousands of nodes across hundreds of datacenters. CVMFS uses a combination of lazy loading, extensive indexing, de-duplication, caching and geographic distribution. This help to significantly reduce the network load and speed-up the distribution. All these features make CVMFS a very attractive candidate for solving container-image management and distribution problem in Mesos.  In this talk we are going to present our work on integrating CVMFS client with Mesos agents as well as show how CVMFS backend can be used as a secure and scalable container image registry. We will also run a demo in which we will show how can one launch a container running a popular Linux distribution (image size is about ~300MB) by only downloading a tiny fraction of the image (~6MB)."
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Orchestration Tool Roundup - Kubernetes vs. Heat vs. Fleet vs. Mesos vs. TOSCA
Containers represent a portable unit of deployment, and OpenStack has proven an ideal environment for running these workloads. However, where it becomes complex is that many times an application is often built out of multiple containers, as well as hybrid environments - diverse clouds, bare metal & even non-virtualized infrastructure. What’s more, setting up a cluster of container images can be fairly cumbersome as you need to make one container aware of another and expose intimate details that are required for them to communicate which is not trivial especially if they’re not on the same host. These scenarios have instigated the demand for some kind of orchestrator. The list of container orchestrators is growing fairly fast. This session will compare the different orchestration projects out there - from Heat to Kubernetes to Mesos & Cloudify - and help you choose the right tool.
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Auto-scaling Web Services on Mesos with Waiter
"Waiter is an auto-scaling web proxy developed at Two Sigma investments to be open sourced soon. Waiter removes the need to maintain static allocations of web services to meet client demand. Waiter determines the ideal number of web server instances to run on a Mesos cluster for a given web service based upon its HTTP traffic. Waiter alleviates versioning pain by spinning up the correct version of a service that a client was designed to run against. Waiter provides a platform for running all types of web services and applications, removing the need for service creators to maintain their own web infrastructure.  Auto-scaling is a hard problem especially in an enterprise environment where a diverse of applications with a large variety of workload patterns compete scarce resources . We run Waiter at Two Sigma to accommodate different types of applications, from computational resource intensive apps serving programmatic requests to interactive applications like websites. These different applications impose very different QoS requirements. Waiter’s auto-scaling logic accommodates the diverse range of requirements yet keeps the simplicity and agility.  This talk will discuss how Waiter works, how Waiter scales applications based upon web traffic, the factors we considered when we design the auto scale algorithm to balance the simplicity, diversity and reliability. and lessons learned working with Mesos and Marathon."
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Bringing Swarm and Kuberenetes together at scale with Mesos.
"Docker Swarm provides a native docker experience on a cluster of Docker hosts, and supports orchestration tools such as Compose. Kubernetes offers a model based on PODs, replication controllers and services. These two orchestration and clustering solutions are currently being developed in two different communities, and adopters would pick one or the other based on their workload requirements and DevOps toolchain. Mesos provides a highly scalable platform to efficiently manage resources allocation for these two frameworks, providing a richer choice of APIs to end users. In this talk, we will share our experience with developing a container cloud service based  on Swarm and Kubernetes on Mesos. We will discuss the challenges of providing multi-tenancy for these frameworks, sharing a common software defined networking solution based on OpenStack Neutron. and integrating with a common storage service. Finally, we will share our lessons learned while developing this service, and provide a short demonstration of the container service capabilities."
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Multitenant Mesos: Merits and Pitfalls - Lighting Talk
"Writing your own Mesos framework is quite exciting. But, is it necessary or even a good idea? This lightning talk will take a critical look at the implications of writing your own framework, especially in regard to multitenancy and the desire to run dozens of framework instances on top of Mesos. The talk will compare this to an architecture where you launch everything with a single service scheduler such as Apache Aurora."
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User Testing to Develop A User-centered Mesos
"When was the last time you built something that no one ended up using? When was the last time you read a customer support ticket or GitHub issue where a user couldn’t figure out how to use a particular feature that you worked on?  This happens all the time. At every company. Big and small. We can help circumvent this by conducting user research, understanding customer needs and usability testing our proposed solutions.  We’ll take a look at what it means to be user-centered, conduct user tests and really focus on putting customer experience first.  - User research methods - Testing prototypes early and often - How to setup and run DIY user tests - How Mesosphere set up a system for continuous testing - Examples of lessons learned testing Mesos, DC/OS and other developer tools"
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Experiences running HPC & Big Data frameworks on Cray Analytics Platform
"The ability to run both HPC and Big Data frameworks together on the same machine is a principal design goal for future Cray analytics platforms. Hadoop workloads use the YARN resource manager. Spark is a more general-purpose cluster-computing framework that can be run using YARN, Mesos or its own Standalone resource manager. The Cray Graph Engine (CGE) supports real-time analytics on the largest and most complex graph problems. CGE is a more traditional HPC application that runs under either Slurm or PBS. Traditionally, running workloads that require different resource managers would require static partitioning of the cluster leading to under-utilization of resources.  To avoid this, we leverage Apache Mesos and create interfaces to allow other resources managers (Slurm and YARN) to dynamically acquire and release resources from Mesos. In this talk, we present our experiences running mixed workloads on an experimental Cray platform with dynamic resource partitioning."
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Tutorial: Building HTTP v1 Frameworks
"Historically, developing new frameworks for Mesos has been a challenge for framework developers primarily due to a non-standard framework API and native library dependencies.  Support for v1 Framework API was added to Mesos, which allows developers to write frameworks/custom executors using a stable HTTP API. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to build a framework using the new API. The framework would use v1 Scheduler API to talk to Mesos master and a custom executor based on the v1 Executor API to talk to Mesos agent."
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Building Mesos with CMake: motivations and current status
"One of the major initiatives in the Mesos community this year has been the addition of a CMake-based build system.  This change is necessary: As Mesos grows to support Windows (where autotools is difficult to use), it will become vital to have a robust, cross-platform build system.  But it is also very useful: CMake can generate not only makefiles, but also project files for IDEs like Eclipse. Robust support for macros make it trivial to do useful tasks that would require hours of time fiddling with autotools. Using CMake, it is also relatively easy to take advantage of (e.g.) static analysis projects like `clang-tidy`. And so on.  In this talk, we will provide an architectural overview of this new build system. We will recap existing features using a few demos that highlight the integration with developer tooling like `clang-tidy`. Finally, we will provide a roadmap of features forward."
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Production Scale, Enterprise Deployments of Mesos with Puppet
Deploying Mesos in an enterprise-scale data center is not trivial. This talk will touch on the challenges of deploying and maintaining Mesos for production workloads at scale in enterprise cloud environments. We will discuss the puppet-dcos module, which was co-written by Mesosphere and Puppet Labs, the obstacles we faced in writing it and the challenges that still exist in administering large scale, Mesos clusters and managing those clusters with configuration management.
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Spark on Mesos: The State of the Art
We will present the current state of the art for Spark on Mesos, including their origins together at UC Berkeley AMPlab, features such as dynamic allocations, major users of Mesos, such as Apple Siri, and the details of job invocation and resource allocation. We will highlight features in the Spark and Mesos integration, emphasizing new features and development in Mesos that can improve Spark deployment and scheduling, such as Quotas and GPU isolation. We’ll finish with a few stories from real-world deployments and show a demo of the Spark on Mesos integration in the context of the maturing SMACK/Infinity stack, integrating Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, and Kafka (plus other tools) for streaming applications.
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Contributing to Mesos - Lighting Talk
The community of Mesos contributors is growing all the time, and we enjoy hearing the fresh ideas that these new faces bring. In this lightning talk, we will explain the procedure for becoming a Mesos contributor, overview the infrastructure we use for collaboration, and provide guidance on finding your first issue to work on.
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Testing Distributed Systems
"Testing software is hard enough when it’s constrained to a single machine, but testing distributed systems that consist of multiple components adds a whole new level of complexity. Usually, a new cluster of real, virtual, or emulated machines needs to be created, provisioned, and destroyed for every test run. That means release building, dependency management, cluster deployment, configuration management, and parallel provisioning all must be automated. Throw in responsiveness to continuous changes and the test harness might end up being more complex than the system it’s testing!  I’ll review several options for locally testing Mesos frameworks, Marathon applications, and DCOS services. Then I’ll go over some lessons I've learned from testing continuously, including how to containerize tests, pipelining strategies, and tactics for failure debugging."
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Containers, DevOps, Apache Mesos and Cloud - Reshaping how we Develop and Delivery Software
Container technology are being evaluated by software developers and administrators with a great deal of interest. Developers want to focus on what they do best: Creating and coding new applications. That shouldn't have to change just because they need to deploy an application to a different environment. Administrators want the environment to stay reliable and stable, keeping changes at a minimum. By following a strategy that embraces good Architecture principles, use of Containers, DevOps philosophy, Apache Mesos and a Cloud based environment, architects, developers and operators can plan, create, consume and collaborate on the infrastructure configuration over the time, deploy applications and test your application infrastructure consistently regardless of the stage of the development life cycle.
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Building and Running Mesos Modules
"Mesos modules provides third-party developers and vendors with a way to extend Mesos functionality without modifying Mesos itself. Since its inception, Mesos module functionality has been extended to provide functionality for other subsystems such as isolation, authentication, authorization and resource estimation.  The modules started off as an expert-only mechanism making it harder for non-Mesos developers to write their own modules. In this talk, we will talk about the developments that have taken place to make module writing almost as easy as writing Mesos frameworks."
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From 0 to Mesos
"This is a Mesos 101 session similar in nature to what was delivered at MesosCon 2014. We will talk about what Mesos does from a new users perspective. We assume you don't know anything about what Mesos is nor what it can do. We will show several ways to install Mesos as well as components in the Mesos ecosystem. By the end of this session you will be able to describe what Mesos can do as well as articulate its benefits. You will also know several ways you can deploy Mesos and get up and running quickly.   This session will be presented from a new users perspective related to the work we've done at Cisco. When we started a year ago we had no idea what mesos was, nor our options. We are now running our internal project ""PIpeline"" in production on top of Mesos."
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The BigData S.M.A.C.K. stack: Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka
"SMACK is about a full stack for Big Data Architecture, it is Scala/Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka. We are going to talk about the most important: the integration between the parts.  As a result the audience will be have the fundaments of: How to make Big Data architecture without using complex Greek letter architectures. How to build a cheap but effective cluster infrastructure. How to make queries, reports and graphs that business demands. How to manage and exploit unstructured and No-SQL data sources. How use tools to monitor the performance of your architecture. How to integrate all technologies and decide which replace and which reinforce.  Some large companies are using a variation of SMACK in production, particularly those looking at how to take their big data projects forward.  The fundamental premise of SMACK is build an end-to-end data processing pipeline having these components interacting in a way that integration is simple and ""get up and running"" task is quick, rather than requiring huge amounts of effort to get the tools to play nicely with each other."
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Mesos 1.0
"Mesos will soon reach the 1.0 milestone. In addition to new features, this would mean a more stable user-facing API and stricter support/release guarantees for operators/framework developers. The aim of this talk is to apprise the operators/framework developers/users about the new API and also discuss the support/compatibility guarantees offered by Mesos going forward.  This talk is a sequel to the last year’s MesosCon Seattle talk on “Mesos HTTP API” and continues from where it left off.  This talk will cover the following specific topics: - Discuss the newly introduced Operator APl. - Update on the recent improvements to the Framework API. - Update on client libraries for the new Framework API. - Release cadence for Mesos going forward. - Support/Compatibility guarantees for operators/framework developers e.g., backporting of patches etc. - Master->Agent renaming in the 1.0 API."
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Highly Efficient Continuous Delivery Using Jenkins, Apache Mesos and Marathon
"Continuous delivery is all the rage these days but without self healing, highly available and fault tolerant infrastructure to deploy your applications to, it's really only one piece of a much larger picture.  In this session, we'll show you how can integrate the stalwart continuous integration server Jenkins with Apache Mesos and Marathon. This integration allows you to set up a continuous delivery pipeline that takes your application from code repository to DockerHub to a staging or production server with seamless automation. We'll demonstrate a working continuous delivery pipeline based on our own experiences at Mesosphere which audience members should be able to easily replicate on their own infrastructure.  Using Jenkins with Mesos allows you to spin up build agents dynamically, an approach which has allowed companies like PayPal to cut the footprint of their build farms by hundreds of nodes, saving $$$ on infrastructure by increasing utilization and reducing obstacles to providing teams with the resources they need when they need them."
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Leveraging Mesos for large scale IoT Wireless Device Messaging
"In this presentation the speakers, who work at Verizon Labs, will present a distributed service that leverages the capabilities of Mesos to implement an IoT device messaging application that directly interfaces to the wireless network infrastructure. This service must scale to support an extremely high number of end devices, be reliable, and highly available. The high-level micro services architecture will be presented, focusing on where Mesos features are leveraged. Detailing this service will show how in addition to Mesos's ability to manage compute and memory resources the team handled network connections and scaling and used virtualized storage within the Mesos cluster. The service under the load of millions of simulated devices will be presented. The simulation itself, highly leverages the Mesos platform to scale the number of devices that can be simulated, thus improving the development time. The speakers will review how this architecture, built around Mesos, compares with similar services built, and deployed, in the past. Detailing where Mesos adds value in both the development, deployment and operations of a highly resilient service."
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QoSon: Distributed Network Telemetry for Mesos Frameworks
"The goal of this session is to showcase the effort being put in to enable real-time Network telemetry on routers and switches using cluster schedulers like Apache Mesos. There are a variety of solutions today that enable provisioning of network infrastructure prior to application orchestration, such as, project calico, contiv etc. However, post-provisioning, there is no way to detect network degradation except for the myopic view that server applications may have. For this purpose, Akshat Sharma will introduce a Mesos framework called ""Qoson"" , which runs alongside traditional frameworks like Marathon, and performs real-time telemetry tasks to make intelligent decisions for app placement based on the role of a network device. With the advent of container based application-hosting on network devices running Cisco's IOS-XR , we enable a real-time distributed network telemetry database to feed into Mesos and enable intelligent actions that could range from Marathon's constraints on app-placement to SDN controller driven policy changes. This session will include a live demo of QoSon's capabilities. The current code can be found here:"
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Efficient usage of Mesos using Container Hibernation
When operating an Mesos Cluster, one of the challenge is efficiently using the resources. One of the benefit of mesos is scheduling application on demand and so we can take down applications and bring it up any time. One of the use case in companies which have presence across Geo Location is that the resources which are wasted as there are times where some running application won't be used. The idea is to the put the application ( like Jenkins master instances, Testing environment etc.,) which is not getting traffic for a predetermined 'N' hours/minutes and then bring the application back from hibernation when the first request of traffic comes again. This requires integration with Software LoadBalancer which needs capabilities like events based on traffic pattern and traffic hits.
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How To Write Highly Available Mesos Frameworks
"Production-quality Mesos frameworks must be able to continue managing tasks despite unreliable networks and faulty computers. Mesos provides some tools to assist developers with writing highly available frameworks (such as task reconciliation and the state abstraction), but putting these tools together effectively is something of a black art. This talk will discuss:    * how Mesos masters and agents behave in the face of process crashes and network partitions  * the tools that Mesos provides to framework authors to help them write reliable systems  * a collection of ""best practices"" for writing highly available framework schedulers and executors"
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Dockerized CI pipeline on jenkins on mesos
Scaling a large user base with a growing demand for a CI pipeline with an ever increasing demand on multiple platforms, we had a peculiar problem of catering a common image across the flavor and that was to “define an environment / pipeline that was specific to each request “ . our mission started with Jenkins on mesos and now we have a Dockerized pipeline that enables the multi level requirements thus creating a Dockerized CI environment.
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A Declarative Approach to Building Stateful Frameworks
Framework authors attempting to write frameworks which encapsulate or administer stateful services often encounter difficulties mapping the resource offer stream provided by Mesos to the framework’s provisioning, maintenance and upgrade goals. For disparate frameworks: Cassandra, Kafka, HDFS we have adopted a declarative approach to address this mapping problem. This approach has also been applied successfully to different layers of the framework lifecycle. In particular, we have applied a declarative approach to the fault-tolerant fulfillment of reservation and persistent volume requirements, and to the overall maintenance and upgrade of frameworks.
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Deploying container-based microservices Mesos/Marathon applications at Time Warner Cable
"Time Warner Cable (TWC) is one of the early adopters of OpenStack. Spurred by the automation and self-service capabilities achieved through our OpenStack journey, we were ready to take on our next ambitious project – deploying container based microservices applications on top of OpenStack. We chose Mesos / Marathon as our application and container runtime platform on OpenStack IaaS.   In this session, we will discuss our experiences with the technology, tools, and techniques that made this possible at TWC. We will make this an interactive session to learn from our collective experiences.  IaaS is only the beginning! Modernizing large corporate application ecosystems can benefit from additional building block tooling in the form of newer architectures for applications (microservices), and a generic application runtime environment.  At TWC we've chosen to deploy Mesos/Marathon as our application container runtime platform and are aggressively pursuing the deployment to facilitate our internal engineering efforts. For our initial deployment, we are deploying Mesos on OpenStack IaaS. In this session, we will discuss how we thought through our needs for the project and our considerations for deploying, monitoring, and running critical apps in production on large clusters.  Microservices-based applications deployed on containers are gaining popularity with application developers. Enterprises considering these application architectures go through a similar set of considerations and certain best practices are emerging in the process. This session is based on real-world experiences deploying a Mesos/Marathon cluster on OpenStack."
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Extending playa-mesos for external volumes
"Mesos has been supporting external volumes since the fall of 2015, but playa-mesos has not. playa-mesos is the simple Vagrant project for bringing up a quick Mesos cluster on a developer's machine using VirtualBox.  In this talk, we will look at how we've extended the capabilities of playa-mesos to support external volumes using REX-Ray. When using REX-Ray, external volumes are supported when using the Docker containerizer or the Mesos volume isolator."
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Maintenance: Automating collaboration between frameworks and operators
"Mesos is great at allocating cluster resources for schedulers. However, there is no way to downsize your cluster, short of pulling the plug on machines! How do you defragment or roll a kernel upgrade through your cluster? Most importantly, how do you do so without violating any frameworks’ SLAs?  This talk will introduce Inverse Offers and present different use cases for them. Maintenance Primitives, a feature implemented using Inverse Offers will be used as an example to present the requirements and challenges of cooperatively deallocating resources from a running cluster.   Guidelines, strategies, and trade-offs with respect to Inverse Offers and Maintenance Primitives for framework writers as well as cluster operators will be presented."
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5 Hacks to Getting the Job of Your Dreams to Live a Happier and Healthier Life
Getting a job of your dreams might be easier than you think. Apply these five hacks and see for yourself. Study after study has showed that being satisfied and happy at a job is paramount for a healthy, productive and long life. In other words, if you’re miserable at a job, then other areas of your life will suffer as well: personal life, health, spirituality, family, friends, etc. You can use the five hacks to be presented to get the job of your dreams in pretty much any industry or field. And most of them will cost you nothing or close to nothing!
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Truly Immutable Infrastructure @ Banno / JHA
At Banno we've spent the last year moving from Chef to a stack comprised of primarily of Packer, Terraform, Mesos, and Docker. This talk is an overview of moving from a mutable automation model with Chef to a truly immutable automation model. We describe each piece of the infrastructure, why it matters, and how it composes with each other piece to create a platform wherein we can stand up a functioning mirror of production from scratch in fifteen minutes. Because we can do that, I will also talk through how we have implemented continuous delivery of our infrastructure by having Jenkins fire up a mirror of production for every change to production to ensure that the tests pass. Other topics that will be covered are: service discovery, automated rolling of environments to new server images, and disaster recovery & datacenter failover.
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Building a Machine Learning Orchestration Framework on Mesos
A scaleable and adaptable machine learning platform is essential for an organization to harness the full potential of their data. This talk outlines how Docker, Spark, Hadoop and several other building blocks can be integrated into a machine learning framework on Mesos. We will discuss how our Mesos framework leverages custom executors, framework/status messages and resource attributes to schedule tasks in a multi-tenant environment. A heterogeneous workload of Spark, Python, R & Scala tasks co-exist and run thousands of computations concurrently on an elastic Mesos cluster of hundreds of nodes. We will demonstrate how a simple user interface and a DSL allows researchers to design, test and deploy resilient machine learning pipelines.
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CellOS - A Mechanically Sympathetic “Datacenter as a Computer” OS
"Our largest workloads serve tens of billions of requests per day. This requires highly scalable big data processing services. Due to the nature of the business, services can see 30x traffic spikes within minutes. Our customers, meanwhile, often demand four 9s availability requirements. This is coupled with a highly heterogeneous infrastructure.   CellOS is our solution to the challenges above. It is a “Datacenter as a Computer” approach with a couple of goals: offer reliability and efficiency built on solid grounds and focus on usability for operators and engineers.  It takes a single command and a few minutes to stand a cell up, to scale it to hundreds of nodes and back to 0, or to delete it. Once provisioned, a cell is fully equipped to run any kind of workload in a scalable and reliable fashion.  We bridged Mesos with our Big Data knowledge and designed a highly modular datacenter operating system by building on top of carefully selected open-source technology.  Independent fault / security / scalability domains allow us to run hybrid workloads making use of different configuration for VMs or hardware.  By fully separating the infrastructure layer from the clustering layer we can run this solution in multiple cloud environments and in our datacenters."
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Partition Handling in Mesos: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
"Dealing with network failures and partitions are key challenges for large-scale distributed services. As a datacenter kernel, Mesos must both behave correctly in the face of partitions and provide application developers with the tools they need to build partition-tolerant applications.  This talk will cover the history of partition handling in Mesos, drawing on lessons learned during the course of operating large-scale Mesos clusters at Twitter. After reviewing the status quo, we’ll discuss how we plan to evolve partition handling in Mesos to give application developers more flexibility and clearer semantics in the presence of partitions."
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How to make Mesos Dev rather than Ops platform
"My company Container Solution is working extensively with Mesos for about a year now. In addition to implementation of Mesos in enterprises we created multiple Mesos frameworks: while contributing to Cisco project that is based on Mesos. During this time we have realised that Mesos is a complex system that is heavily oriented towards operators and has high barriers for adoption by developers. While building our own testing environment for frameworks development that we call minimesos, we also realised, that to support really complex microservices behavior like autoscaling, cloud migration, etc. we need to create framework, which is a very complex task beyond reach of most of the businesses just trying to solve specific infrastructure problem. We think that sooner or later we will need to havre a full programming language which is flexible enough to solve complex problems, but also easy to use to drive wider adoption of Mesos. So, we have created a prototype we are calling InfraGraph which includes Groovy as a programming language and capable of creating complex cloud behavior in just few lines of code."
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Be a Microservices Hero
"At Adobe APIs are powering the next generation of Creative applications.  Mesos makes it very easy and fun to deploy and run Robust and Scalable Microservices in the Cloud. Today's technologies offer simple solutions to create RESTfull services while Mesos brings them to life faster.   As the number of microservices increase and the inter communication between them becomes more complicated, we soon realize we have new questions awaiting our answers: how do microservices authenticate ? how do we monitor who's using the APIs they expose ? How do we protect them from attacks ? How do we set throttling and rate limiting rules across a cluster of microservices ? How do we control which service allows public access and which one we want to keep private ? How about Mesos APIs and its frameworks ? Can they benefit from these features as well ?  Come and learn a scalable architecture to manage microservices in Mesos by integrating an API Management layer inside your Mesos clusters. This presentation will show you what an API Management layer is, what it's composed of and how it can help you expose microservices in a secure,managed and highly-available way, even in multi-Mesos cluster setups.  During this session you will also have the opportunity to learn how Adobe's API Platform solved this problem, where it is today and what it envisions do to with Mesos further.   If you're working with microservices already or you're creating new ones then this presentation is for you. Come and learn how Mesos together with an API management layer will make you a microservices hero in your organization."
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Optimistic Offer - What does it mean to Mesos Framework
"Mesos enables two layer scheduling by employing an offer-based resource negotiation protocol between the Mesos master and the Framework scheduler. Currently, Mesos only supports the Pessimistic Offer model. With the Pessimistic Offer model, if a resource has been offered to a framework, this same resource will not be offered to another framework until the previous offer times out. When Framework schedulers receive an offer, they will either cache unused offers, or block the offer and then trigger Mesos to resend the offer through the revive API when the Framework has a new workload request. This current method of handling offers, generally leads to tradeoffs among framework performance, resource utilization and allocation fairness.  This talk will introduce an alternative - the Optimistic Offer model - that can reduce the need for such tradeoffs leading to improved scheduling of resources. With the Optimistic Offer model, the same offer will be made available to all frameworks, which provides each framework with an equal opportunity to view for available resources in the cluster. This presentation will cover the proposed Mesos Optimistic Offer development plan, the current development status of the Mesos Optimistic Offer, the process for developing frameworks to utilize the Optimistic Offer model, as well as an evaluation of running existing Mesos frameworks with Optimistic Offer."
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Writing Your First Mesos Framework
Now is the time to make that Mesos framework you’ve been dreaming about a reality! With the help of available libraries, building a simple framework in your favorite language is a relatively straightforward affair. This talk will focus on the well-established Mesos SchedulerDriver API and provide guidance for developers who have never written a framework before. We will review the fundamentals of Mesos frameworks, examine the scheduler API, survey the current ecosystem of libraries, and then finally show you how to build and run a small framework of your own!
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Docker Container Pods in Mesos
Composite containers representing an application is a common requirement for modular architecture. Composition requires co-location treating a set of containers as a single unit (aka pod) for scheduling. Sidecar, ambassador, adapter patterns use container pod. docker compose in docker community is an excellent way of defining a collection of containers and can be used to represent pod. Mesos on the other hand plays the critical role of a resource and cluster manager for large clusters. The native docker integration in Mesos can only launch a single container. This presents a challenge to launch container pods in Mesos. In this presentation, we will see how a container pod defined through docker-compose spec can be launched in Mesos using popular frameworks like Marathon, thereby providing a solution missing in the current ecosystem. A developer can now write the pod spec once, run it locally in their laptop using compose, take it to docker swarm cluster or seamlessly move into Mesos without having to modify the pod spec. Audience will learn how we use custom Mesos executor to achieve this. Moving away from native container support poses an issue to clean up these pods during faults and Mesos hooks implemented as modules comes to the rescue. Audience will learn how to build and run custom mesos modules. All the code would be shared with the community and would be encouraged to contribute. We plan to end with a demo.
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Running an Akka Cluster on Mesos
Craig Pottinger, in addressing some of the challenges of creating a custom Akka Mesos framework, will aim to shine light on exactly what is involved in 1) Building powerful concurrent and distributed applications and 2) Leveraging a Mesos ecosystem that is designed to abstract away the resource limit challenges that hinder building those reactive applications. As more applications are built with fault-tolerance, resiliency, and reactiveness in mind, it is important to achieve resiliency not just on the application layer, but also on the commodity machines on which they run. Firstly, there will be a run-down of the Mesos framework api and its usage. The talk will then address issues around creating a framework specifically for Akka.
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Running Cloud Foundry On Mesos
"In this talk we look at what goes into cloudfoundry-mesos, a project that modifies that Cloud Foundry Diego auctioneer process to be a Mesos Framework. This includes an overview of Cloud Foundry's Diego architecture, and why it can be adapted to run on Apache Mesos.  By using a PaaS such as Cloud Foundry as an example, we can show how Mesos can serve as a common layer within the Datacenter, and does not limit the technologies on wishes to deploy. In fact, Mesos can make it easier to run multiple technologies by using pooled resources while still giving developers and users access to each technology's native tooling."
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Big Data Open Source Containers, SHMACK Stack 2.0
For the last few years Mesos has grown beyond just being a platform for streaming servers like spark and stateless services into a juggernaut for efficiently operating big data applications like Storm, Spark, Kafka, Cassandra and Hadoop. We are going to be talking SHMACK Stack 2.0, we have gone far beyond just SMACK. SHMACK => Streaming Hadoop Mesos Analytics Cassandra Kafka and more! We will dig down into different Streaming/Analytics systems (Storm, Heron, Spark, Kafka Streams, etc) and the down stream Kafka Log, Hadoop and Cassandra for not just where and how they work reliably in production but what else you can do on Mesos with distributed actor and remote procedure call patterns.
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Mesos on Windows: status and the roadmap
"Windows Server 2016 is expected to be made generally available sometime in Q3 2016, and with it, the Windows Containers API.  Supporting Windows Containers natively is a major growth opportunity for the Mesos community -- by enabling users to operate clusters containing a mix of Unix and Windows hosts, it is possible to significantly reduce administrative overhead and increase resource utilization in data centers.  In this talk we will provide a ground-up view of the work we have done over the last year to make the Windows agent a reality.  We’ll cover the changes made to Mesos core so far, discussing in detail how the Mesos agent works on Windows. We will then discuss the implications of these changes at the service level, covering how to operate clusters with a mix of Windows and Unix nodes in practice.  Finally, we will present a demo running on such a cluster, and a roadmap for future plans."
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Yammer Datacenter Story - On-Premise, GFS, Azure
"All things Docker seem to be the defining slogan for Yammer these days. And what other way to run Docker at scale than Mesos? Yammer wrote an in-house datacenter automation platform which was fraught with problems and restrictions the Mesos landscape promised to solve, and in 2015 engineers at Yammer started exploring it as a possible replacement. This talk will focus on two core points of the implementation run at Yammer: Docker & Security Everything has to run inside Docker. From Zookeeper to the Mesos agents and even the executors. Dedication, mixed with some despair, eventually resulted in the platform for production today.  Security is the second biggest piece to honor the commitment made to Yammer customers as part of the Office365 suite. The path to provide a good solution to security aspects like compartmentalization, trust bootstrap, access control and transport encryption proved a balancing act between customer commitment and developer friendliness.  In the end Mesos helped us deliver Docker's promise of Build, Ship, Run as the foundation of environments Yammer can trust to run from Dev all the way to Production at scale and anywhere on the planet."
Clear selection integrated platform based on Mesos
" is an integrated platform to run microservices. Most of the companies starting creating microservices and containers will quickly arrive to a conclusion that they need more than just Docker and Mesos but many more complex tools glued together in a consistent way. Mantl includes Mesos and Marathon as a key parts os the system but also provides out of the box deployment using Terraform and Ansible and pre-integrated tools suck as Docker, ELK sack, Project Calico, Vault, Consul and others to provide a comprehensive platform ready to be used by both developers and operators. Mantl is an open source project led by Cisco and already adopted in many organizations."
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Running Cassandra on Mesos across multiple datacenters at Uber
Traditionally, machines were statically partitioned across the different services at Uber. In an effort to increase the machine utilization, Uber has recently started transitioning most of its services, including the storage services, to run on top of Mesos. This presentation will describe the initial experience building and operating a framework for running Cassandra on top of Mesos running across multiple datacenters at Uber. This framework automates several Cassandra operations such as node repairs, addition of new nodes and backup/restore. It improves efficiency by co-locating CPU-intensive services as well as multiple Cassandra nodes on the same Mesos agent. It handles failure and restart of Mesos agents by using persistent volumes and dynamic reservations. This talk includes statistics about the number of Cassandra clusters in production, time taken to start a new cluster, add a new node, detect a node failure; and the observed Cassandra query throughput and latency.
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Enabling External Persistent Storage for Frameworks
"Since being unveiled at MesosCon Europe in 2015, external persistent volumes have quickly received a lot of attention with its potential applications. We will discuss using volume drivers as means of provisioning external storage for Mesos Frameworks. We will specifically use the Elastic Search framework ( as a reference implementation to discuss how the solution of adding external volumes was architected. A demo of the Elastic Search framework will be provided with discussions about how external storage can benefit Frameworks and the applications they manage.  Proposal Outline: - What is a Framework? * Schedulers * Executors - External Storage Considerations for Frameworks * Storage is a externally managed. * Only consider CPU and memory for Offers * Need a concept of a ""Node ID"". Describe why this Node ID is important. - ""Node ID"" * Need a mechanism in order to tie a Node to Persistent Storage * Needs to support Mesos Agent failover * How do we accomplish this? - Demo Description * Supports Docker Volume Driver Interface (DVDI) * Support mesos-module-dvdi for non-Docker Executors - Demo * Deploy ElasticSearch Framework using External Storage * Discuss the behaviors of the Framework"
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All Your Schedulers Belong To Us
"In this talk, we will take a look at how Mesos can prevent silos within the datacenter by serving as a common layer for multiple schedulers. Specifically, we will look at how Mesos can run multiple, sometimes competing, technologies in parallel, like Cloud Foundry, Mesosphere, Swarm, and Kubernetes.  Thanks to Mesos Frameworks, the schedulers from each of these different platforms has the opportunity to launch jobs on the same hardware. This reduces the amount of hardware needed, and eliminates the need to dedicate portions of your infrastructure to run a specific technology.  We will cover the current state of running Cloud Foundry, Mesosphere, Swarm, and Kubernetes on Mesos, including demonstrations of successful integrations."
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Setting up and managing an large Mesos Ecosystem in Hybrid Cloud
Mesos and its ecosystem functions as a distributed cluster manager which enables applications and services run efficiently in an shared cluster. One of the gap we think needs a solution is how to manage the cluster which is needed for Mesos to operation and managing Mesos itself. We called this new system as (Mesos) Infrastructure Manager. The New System will enable operators and developers to spin up new mesos clusters in any cloud with optimal configuration, deploy and manage all the mesos and frameworks, monitors and collect metrics about the clusters, Auto scale up/down the cluster based on the various metrics , Remediate any failures in hardware or core services and also take care of upgrade of the cluster components with minimal or no downtime. In this talk, we will walk through the lessons learnt running a big cluster and how all the above mentioned functionalities are achieved through industry best practices.
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Self-healing Elastic Mesos in the Cloud
The Oracle Data Cloud is processing billions of events and multiple terabytes of data per day in real-time. In this presentation Mike Sells and Duc Nguyen will discuss the motivation, design, and implementation of an elastic Mesos platform to handle the needs of their real-time systems. They will discuss how to think about the elasticity of applications inside of Mesos as well as Mesos itself with details on how to implement both. Why scaling down, not up, is the biggest challenge. They will explain how they built a high volume low latency web tier and a Spark streaming data pipeline on top of the same self-healing platform. How building this multi-tenant system on top of Mesos can maximize resource utilization as well as productivity while automatically adjusting to the demands of traffic and self healing on failures. This includes how they test and validate that elasticity does not impact data integrity. And will conclude by demonstrating the real-time production system, creating live failures, and showing its ability to self heal and auto correct.
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Building a full-automated Fast Data Plattform
Many people promise fast data as the next step after big data. The idea of creating a complete end-to-end data pipeline that combined Spark, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka, and Apache Mesos came up two years ago, sometimes called the SMACK stack. The SMACK stack is an ideal environment for handling all sorts of data-processing needs which can be nightly batch-processing tasks, real-time ingestion of sensor data or business intelligence questions. The SMACK stack includes a lot of components which has to be deployed somewhere. Lets see how we can create a distributed environment in the cloud with Terraform and how we can provision the Mesos-Cluster with Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) and create a powerful fast data platform.
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Minimesos as a distributed app container to run on any cloud
"During our work on multiple Mesos frameworks including ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana we created two open source projects. First is a mesos frameworks testing tool called minimesos ( which is a local mesos cluster based on few docker containers that can be started in seconds and the second is Mesos-Started ( which is a template framework that allows to create a new Mesos framework in minutes using a simple configuration file but it also allows to extend the framework later on with java code. Recently we realised that if we combine the two and add the ability to deploy minimesos to multiple target platforms such as another Mesos or kubernetes or swarm, then we can easily create services based on Mesos-Starter and use minimesos as distributed runtime environment to run on other distributed systems. It can also add the multi tenancy capabilities and complex cloud native logic to the underlying platforms. In this talk I'll explain the concept and demo the combination of the tools."
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ToRC - Applications, Microservices, and VNFs controlled by the Top-of-Rack Switch
"Ever thought of running the Mesos Master in your Top of Rack switch?  Julius Mueller and Marcel Neuhausler from AT&T Foundry take an edge-computing scenario to showcase and demo how a ToRC (Top-of-Rack Controller) and its extended resource-awareness enables a switch to orchestrate an application in a highly cost-effective and autonomous way.  ToRC is based on different open source projects (Mesos, Docker, FBOSS, ONL …) running on an OCP switch (FB Wedge)."
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Are we missing any important topics? Please add your feedback here:
Reactive big data Application Recipe for Mesos and Marathon
"Developing an end-to-end big data application right from data ingestion, data enrichment and visualisation is a very cumbersome task. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to use Apache Mesos, Marathon, Apache Spark to build a scalable, fault tolerant, responsive data platform. The result will be a real-time big data application with self-healing features — a dream for every software developer.  This talk is a collection of different recipe’s that will help the developer to understand Mesos ecosystem projects.  Choosing the right technologies and tools during the development phase has a major impact on the success of the whole project. Apache Mesos provides the best cluster management system, Marathon gives the feature for long-running applications, Akka helps to build highly responsive, resilient, elastic and message-driven system."
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Doing serious Mesos module development when you don't have the resources of a unicorn startup
"Mesos modules provide a way to easily extend the inner working of Mesos. With Mesos being by nature a cluster manager, you might expect that you’d need a ton of high end hardware to do real test and development. This simply isn't true.  Steve will demonstrate how you can build a real production grade module, using open source and free technologies, running on a laptop.   This talk will cover:  - How to do repeatable builds of Mesos itself, within a container, in the version of your choice.  - How to build multiple versions of your own module, to support a range of different Mesos releases. - An easy method for automatically deploying a multi-node Mesos cluster, in the version of your choice, to support development and test.  If you have dreams of building a phenomenal new thing for Mesos, but haven’t landed that billion dollar investor yet, this session is for you.  It could also be useful if you're just some corporate drone, like the speaker, who likes to do Mesos builds at home in the middle of the night."
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Containers in Mesos: Present and Future
Mesos currently supports two types of container runtimes: one is Mesos’ own pluggable runtime which uses OS primitives directly (a.k.a. the Mesos containerizer); the other is to delegate the entire container management to Docker engine (a.k.a. the Docker containerizer). Recently, we added container image support to Mesos containerizer, which allows it to launch off-the-shelf Docker or Appc containers without depending on Docker daemon or rkt. In this talk, we are going to discuss the motivation of why we want to unify the containerizers in Mesos and how this benefits the Mesos maintainers and our users. We will then talk about the current status of this work, and show what can be built on top of this pluggable architecture. Finally, we will share our vision on the near future for the Mesos containerizer and how it’s going to enable more innovation in the Mesos ecosystem.
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Star Trek in Cloud Computing - United Federation of Mesos and OpenStack
"There are various types of federation solutions from different open source communities, Mesos and OpenStack each has its own proposal on solving the cloud federation problem. However,these proposals are not without similarities among themselves, and therefore a unified approach which provides a combination might help users to deploy their services when they have heterogeneous infrastructures that could not rely on single solution. In this talk the speaker will present this very idea, which is an ongoing effort to combine federation solutions. The following topics will be covered: • Introduction of OpenStack Tricircle and Magnum • Introduction of Mesos Federation • Working Proposal of a united approach of Tricircle and Mesos Federation • Future Work Plan The great benefit of this approach is that we could leverage what three great open source community could offer for cloud federation solutions."
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DevOps metrics using Mesos and Marathon: Measuring productivity at scale with Mesos
"Metrics driven infrastructure is one of the key ingredients in transforming the engineering culture of an organization. Mesos and Marathon provides rich dataset as part of its operations, that can act as a source for data for metrics, especially around application deployments, service health checks, infrastructure utilization, and capacity planning.   This session will introduce a reference architecture and design of metrics engine and dashboard, that consumes the Observability metrics data from Mesos, and Marathon events, to create actionable opportunities for developers and system operators. The session will also cover key implementation details, and showcase the ways these metrics are useful in an enterprise setting, and can further be used to improve the overall productivity of the engineering teams. We will also look at the impact of these metrics on Operational performance and team productivity. Further, we will propose improvements to help extend the current capabilities of metrics and events from Mesos and Marathon."
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Contributing to Mesos: Where to Begin
"Have you found a bug in Mesos that you would like to fix yourself? Have you got a feature that you would like to introduce to Mesos? Are you already a contributor, but finding it difficult to maneuver the codebase and getting your patches committed?  This talk is intended for those who would like to contribute to Mesos. Contributing to any open source project can be intimidating and trying to seek information remotely can be frustrating and demotivating. We aim to provide information that will help contributors, and will cover topics such as the project management process (JIRA, shepherds), coding standards, developer documentation, developer tools, debugging tools and techniques, running tests, and submitting patches."
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Getting Started with Apache Mesos
"Apache Mesos is a cluster resource manager that allows you to represent many servers as a single entity. Its use is commonly associated with the rapid, repeatable deployment of containerized applications and improved datacenter efficiency. But to users unfamiliar with containers, or to those accustomed to deploying static sets of machines to host applications, deploying Mesos can seem like a daunting task.  In this workshop, you'll learn how to deploy Mesos in a development environment. Once Mesos is up and running, you'll learn to create cron jobs using Chronos, and deploy containerized applications using Marathon. By the end of the workshop, attendees should have a working Mesos cluster running on their laptop.  This workshop will cover the following: * Mesos fundamentals * Spinning up your first Mesos cluster * Creating cron jobs using Chronos * Deploying apps using Marathon"
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Building Frameworks with the new HTTP APIs
"Writing Mesos frameworks with the original framework API came with dependencies that made implementations of new client burdensome. If you have attempted to write a framework before the HTTP API you certainly ran into issues like the lack robust documentation, dependency on platform-dependent libmesos library, network communication issues between your cluster members.   Introduced in version 0.24.0, the new HTTP API solves these problems with a simpler HTTP-based protocol for communication between Mesos cluster members. The presentation explores how the HTTP API makes it possible to create robust frameworks using the HTTP library of your favorite language. The session will do a walkthrough of the HTTP endpoint requests to arrive at a fully functioning framework while addressing the implication of using pure JSON or the Protobuf for data encoding."
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Finagle, linkerd, and Mesos: resilient Twitter-style microservices at scale
Finagle and Mesos are two core technologies used by Twitter and many other companies to scale application infrastructure to high traffic workloads. In this talk, we describe how these two technologies work together to form applications that are both highly scalable and resilient to failure. We introduce linkerd, an open-source proxy form of Finagle, which extends Finagle's operational model to non-JVM or polyglot microservices. Finally, we show how linkerd can be used to "wrap" applications running on Mesos to provide higher-level, service-based semantics around scalability, reliability, and fault-tolerance for microservices---even in the presence of unpredictable traffic volumes and unreliable hardware.
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Lifecycle of Processes in Mesos
"Applications have a variety of ways of integration or running on Mesos. Foremost are frameworks and tasks. There are also custom executors, hooks, and modules (of which, there are multiple types). For every integration, it is important to understand the lifecycle. When Mesos goes down, what happens to the processes that have been spawned?  This talk will dive into some combinations of Mesos Agent environments and what happens when you spawn a process. This will cover: Processes spawned by modules and hooks. Processes managed by the Mesos and Docker containerizers. What happens when the Mesos Agent fails over? Best practices with regards to spawning processes inside modules and executors."
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CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos
"In this presentation Carlos Sanchez will share his experience running Jenkins at scale, using Docker and Apache Mesos to create one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Jenkins clusters to date.  By taking advantage of Apache Mesos, the Jenkins platform is dynamically scaled to run jobs across hundreds of Jenkins masters, on Docker containers distributed across the Mesos cluster. Jenkins slaves are dynamically created based on load, using the Jenkins Mesos and Docker plugins, running in containers distributed across multiple hosts, and isolating job execution.  This presentation will allow a better understanding of Apache Mesos and the challenges of running Docker containerized and distributed applications, particularly JVM ones, by sharing a real world use case, including good and bad decisions and how they affected the development."
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Moving Mesos to the cloud to empower app developers in a connected world
"Team Loop is building a platform allowing developers to build smart applications. Simply adding the SDK to your application collects various signals for each user and device on which the application is deployed. The platform then generates data-based inferences for each user in near real time and makes them available to the app developer to use in the app experience.  As an example, the Next Lock Screen, an Android lock screen released by Microsoft, uses the platform to determine a user’s home and work location, rank their apps by location or suggest the contacts most likely to be called in a given context.   Team Loop is currently rebuilding the platform foundation atop Mesos and Marathon, running on the cloud-based Azure Container Service. Microsoft envisions a unique microservice architecture, in which its Mesos cluster hosts many other Mesos clusters that power inferences for developers’ applications. The project will utilize Apache Kafka as a message bus, and plans on incorporating Apache Cassandra for storage and Apache Spark for advanced analytics soon.  This talk will cover the following specific topics: * deploying Mesos in a managed cloud services (Azure Container Services) * utilizing Mesos in advanced micro-services environments that must serve large numbers of individual developers * incorporation of Mesos with other open source technologies in order to build a reliable, scalable data pipeline * how to tackle security in Mesos (including via data encryption and container-level rules engines) for multitenant platforms handling sensitive consumer data"
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Sprites—Introducing Serverless Computing to Mesos
The Mesos ecosystem provides a range of options to execute workloads: from the long-running, app-centric Marathon framework, to batch-oriented ones frameworks such as Chronos or Cook. What has been missing so far is a framework that allows to realize event-driven applications at scale: with Sprites we introduce serverless computing to Mesos, enabling you to benefit from the functional compute paradigm that so far has been limited to public cloud environments (Lambda, Webtask, StackHut, etc.). We will describe the design challenges we had with Sprites, discuss application areas as well as show it in action.
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Taking Microservices Applications from Science Projects to Production
"Are microservices apps ready for prime time? We will share real-world experiences with deploying microservices apps on large clusters. In this session, we will discuss the supporting services and barriers that need to be overcome to make microservices applications production-ready.  You are excited about building microservices apps on a large scale cluster. You have used the latest and greatest tools - Mesos, Kubernetes, CoreOS, and Docker - in dev and test environments. But are you ready to take the leap of faith from there to deploying, monitoring, and running mission critical apps in production on large clusters?"
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Realtime Big Data Analytics for Games using Mesos
We present a microservice architecture platform built using Mesos to power Realtime Big Data Analytics for games here at Activision. From our origins starting with Apache Storm to Mesos, we outline our requirements, the journey taken, lessons learned, and the challenges ahead. In addition, we cover an internal solution we built to address gaps in the continuous delivery and deployment space to fully realize the benefits of the Mesos ecosystem.
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Short Running Tasks on Mesos: Cacheable Offer and Reclaim
Mesos enables DRF and Coarse-grained policy in allocator to allocate resources. The allocated resources are presented as Offer; when launching tasks on an Offer, the unused resources are returned back to allocator and are not allocated until next allocation cycle; when tasks finished, the resources are also returned back to allocator. Those operation (return resources back to allocator and allocates again) impact Mesos’s performance for short running tasks. Cacheable Offer improve allocation performance by enabling framework to cache the offers and keep reusing them, it reduce resources’s idle time in allocator; reclaim feature enable Mesos to re-shuffle those offers when configuration updated, e.g. new framework registered. This talk will show how Cacheable Offer improve allocation performance for short running tasks, and how developer develop framework with Cacheable Offer. It also shows the current plan of Mesos Cacheable Offer, the further enhancement for short running tasks in DataCenter.
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Simulations as a Tool for Evaluating Mesos Cluster & Mesos Framework Changes
"At Two Sigma, we are well into our 2nd year of operating a very large, production Mesos cluster. As we expand the size of the cluster and build more applications on the platform, we've found it to critical to be able to validate changes and optimize scheduler parameters with simulations. In this talk, we'll cover the two types of simulations we're investing in: real time and historical. The real time simulator uses synthetic job data to explore the behavior of Mesos, Cook and Spark across a mix of heterogenous workloads. The historical simulator provides the ability to replay historical jobs data under a range of scheduler parameters.   I'll give an intro the science of simulation, an overview of the challenges of applying simulation to very large clusters, and finally a 'State of Two Sigma' with respect to simulation: where are we now and where are we going."
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Upgrading a Mesos Cluster
Upgrading a running cluster can be a daunting task, but do not fear: Mesos masters and agents intelligently persist their state to allow recovery after restart, which enables upgrades with zero downtime! In this talk, we’ll cover the best practices and potential pitfalls you should be aware of before performing a live upgrade of a Mesos cluster: how to properly kill and restart Mesos master/agent processes, how and when to recompile Mesos schedulers and modules, and what to do when things go wrong.
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A Versatile Development Environment for Mesos Managed Applications
"Developing applications that run on Mesos introduces new challenges for many developers. Running with Docker containers, Mesos frameworks, Mesos slave resourcing and Mesos task isolation often exposes applications to new variants of environments that developers need to be able to test. Simultaneously, developers often don’t want to be burdened with managing the gory details of the deployment infrastructure. Providing a flexible, but simple, development environment to application developers is key to allowing developers to adopt and leverage Mesos for managing applications.   Tyson will present a simple development approach based on Docker that allows for many permutations of desktop application development including: running application infrastructure dependencies locally, running the application locally within or without Mesos, running with or without a proxy locally, and leveraging the same approach for other purposes like transient testing environments. He will also cover common issues like log management, service startup coordination, and service discovery – all of which are common Mesos deployment issues that developers should be able to thoroughly test during application development."
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Persistence Primitives in Action 2.0
"Mesos 0.23.0 introduced the first version of persistence primitives supporting stateful frameworks. Since then framework developer have started using persistence primitives and based on their feedback Mesos has introduced a number of additions and improvements for persistence primitives. These features included for example admin endpoints for better maintainability of reservation labels enabling frameworks to distinguish multiple reservations. We will give an overview of the existing persistence primitives including the new features and then with the example of the ArangoDB Mesos framework discuss the practical challenges when implementing and using persistence primitives."
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You Don't Know Node.js
Node.js is fast and scalable web-oriented non-blocking I/O built on top of Google Chrome V8 engine. Almost every web developer uses Node or Node-based tools to some extent. However, Node has some really powerful features worth knowing. This talk will give a sneak peak of the most interesting and powerful Node.js features. Node.js is quickly capturing the programming world not just in web, but in IoT, drones, robots and embedded systems.
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Integrating Storage and Mesos: Anatomy of a Framework
"Mesos has been traditionally great at supporting stateless services , but most complex services actually require some form of scalable persistence.  This combination of container scheduling and software defined storage are enabling a new kind of data center that is well beyond the current enterprise IT for both new and legacy applications.   In this talk we present at the the challenge of deploying and operating a software storage system with and for Mesos from two sides. First from an operator/user perspective: How can I deploy distributed storage frameworks on top of Mesos and utilize it from other services? What are current options for distributed storage inside Mesos. Next from a framework perspective: What does the software storage need from Mesos and the container environment? How can the file systems be backed by containers? What Mesos feature would be required for even better support in the future."
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Analysis of Multi-Framework Support in an Optimistic Mesos - Lighting Talk
"Currently Mesos allocates resources to frameworks using a pessimistic offer model: a resource offered to a framework will not be offered to another framework until the initial offer times out. This leads to high variability in the times to launch tasks, starvation and poor task placement decisions. To overcome these drawbacks, recent efforts are done in the community to enhance the pessimistic model with optimistic offers, i.e., resources are offered to all frameworks at the same time. In this talk we present preliminary results on the behavior of the optimistic offer model in Mesos. We analyze through simulation the rate at which conflicts can appear when multiple frameworks decide on using the same resources. We show that on a large-scale system this rate is small enough to be handled by frameworks without significantly impacting the overall system performance. We then show that, even with a simple implementation of the optimistic offer model, two well-known frameworks, Swarm and Kubernetes, could benefit from sharing a Mesos-managed cluster more than when using the default pessimistic offer model."
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How DCOS accelerates the journey to Cloud Native with Mantl
The Keynote will set the stage for why Cloud Native, what Mesosphere DCOS will mean to the community, how Mantl and DCOS enable enterprise to accelerate their journey to cloud native. Make announcements around the enterprise version of Mantl (Cisco's Cloud Native Developer Platform) and how it support DCOS.
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Deployment of a scale out file system in a cloud environment - Lighting Talk
"Deployment of a scale out file system in a cloud environment.  Provisioning a file system with enterprise features like high availability, backups, high performance at scale requires specialized hardware, which can get expensive. Deploying and maintaining it is usually tedious and requires proprietary knowledge of the file system. Our solution. Our deployment process gives devops the ability to deploy a highly available distributed file system in parallel on multiple nodes in a containerized environment on a large cluster. Upgrading/downgrading the file system and adding capacity using the scale-out architecture are seamless to the users. Also, If a node/resource needed is out of commission, the faulty component of the file system can be moved to another node with it its persistent data, which showcases the dynamic movement of underlying storage."
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Mesos, Buildbot and OpenStack - Modernizing a Waterfall Based Development Process
"Software development for enterprise network appliances and applications has traditionally been a serial, and at times manual, process. As networks rapidly change to accommodate modern designs so must the products that enable them. Development and test teams are not alone in this transition.  For large traditional products and organizations, modernizing the development process is a must. This modernization leads to reduced feedback cycle times, earlier engagement of test engineering, and an ability for anyone on the team to run any test any time. Using a Buildbot CI system that is integrated with Mesos allows the engineering team to pipeline and parallelize the execution of builds, documentation, and unit testing; as well as functional, performance, and scale testing in a dynamic OpenStack environment to rapidly deliver high quality software.  This presentation will present an overview of this development process as the key role Mesos has in enabling that process."
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Applying Geospatial Analytics using Apache Spark running on Apache Mesos
This session will explore how to apply spatiotemporal analytics using Apache Spark on high velocity streaming data-in-motion and high volume batch data-at-rest. A comparison of available open source geospatial libraries will be reviewed including Apache SIS, Magellan, JTS, and the esri/geometry-api-java. Demonstrations will be shown on how to integrate a geospatial library with Spark analytics and how these analytics can be run on an Apache Mesos cluster to provide a highly scalable solution with elastic capabilities. Examples will focus on applications in the connected car space and smart cities and smart communities. Attendees will come away understanding how they can apply spatiotemporal analytics to their own Apache Spark applications and the benefits of running them on Apache Mesos.
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GPU Support in Mesos
"GPUs are the tool of choice for accelerating the data mining, machine learning and deep learning algorithms abundant in today's data-driven computing industry. These algorithms help solve problems ranging from weather forecasting to face and speech recognition to helping find a cure for cancer. In spite of this, Mesos has traditionally not supported GPUs as an allocatable resource. As such, many users have resorted to having a separate GPU cluster to run these algorithms outside of their primary Mesos installation. Fine-grained sharing of resources between these clusters has not been possible.  By adding first class support for GPUs in Mesos, developers are finally able to leverage the power of the GPU in the same shared cluster as all of their other workloads. This talk covers the details of how we added GPU support to Mesos as well as how developers and operators can now leverage this new capability."
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Production-Scale Monitoring for Mesos Clusters
Mesos has been vetted at scale in production for many years now, but the question of how to monitor cluster state and associated components while presenting these metrics in a meaningful way has not. In this talk we’ll discuss a tool we built at Mesosphere which we use to implement our System Health API, the architectures we tested and why we chose our final implementation. We’ll dive into the pitfalls of building this tool, and the challenges we still face in building a durable, pluggable cluster-wide monitoring solution for tomorrow’s data center.
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Building and Running a Mesos distribution (DCOS)
DCOS is a packaging of Mesos to make it simple, quick, and easy to deploy to new datacenters, as well as a uniform platform regardless of the environment in which it is deployed. Lots of the environments have unique constraints which break past Mesos assumptions (No DNS, No SSH access, Sysadmins OS choice, ...), as well as change how operations need to occur (Updating a flag on every machine in co-ordination for routine operation is complicated). This talk will cover some of the constraints we’ve run into, the internals to tie everything together: How do you run Mesos when you don’t know the set of Master IPs ahead of time? How do you ship Mesos on CoreOS? How does Systemd interact with Mesos? How do you ship one config to AWS + Azure + On-Prem? How can we set attributes, roles on hosts? What does it take to enable SSL? How do we make Mesos operatorless?
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Quota - Reliable Guarantees
"A problem when running multiple frameworks on Mesos is that if frameworks are not cooperative it might lead to a situations when certain frameworks hog all of the resources. Since version 0.27.0 Mesos provides an experimental mechanism to reserve a certain amount of resources in an entire cluster, i.e. not tied to a particular agent. Quota can be viewed as a cluster-wide dynamic reservation available for operators only.  In this talk Joris, Alex, and Jörg will first present an overview of the current state of Quota and the internal workflow of handling Quota request (which is especially helpful for understanding the implications, potential errors messages, and limitations). Then they will present a hands-on demo on how Quota can be configured from an operator's point of view. This talk will conclude with feedback and discussion of the future development of quota."
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Resource Allocation in Mesos: Present and Future
Mesos provides a flexible “two-level” scheduling approach to cluster management: Mesos is responsible for allocation of resources to application-specific framework schedulers, and framework schedulers decide how best to use the resources available to them. We’ll explore why an architectural separation between resource management and scheduling has contributed to the widespread adoption of Mesos in the open source community. Next, we’ll specifically focus on resource allocation in Mesos, looking to understand the model, the present state of affairs, and the future directions that will be taken.
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Frameworks in Harmony - How to implement Quotas, Roles, Weights and Reservations in Production
"A lot of interesting features have made it into recent Mesos releases that allow greater control over resource fairness, prioritization and starvation prevention in a multi-tenant datacenter.  Learn how to use Quotas, Reservations, Roles and Weights with customer-inspired use-cases and example solutions.  Topics covered include how to run multiple instances (and versions) of frameworks like Spark, Cassandra, Kafka, Marathon, Jenkins, etc., all on the same Mesos Cluster while still ensuring that no single framework starves the other of resources.  Other use-cases include how to manage and prioritize the resources shared and consumed by Production, Staging and Development environments."
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Writing an advanced Mesos scheduler with the Fenzo library
Mesos requires the use of a scheduler on top of it. Whether you are starting with an existing scheduler or writing a new custom scheduler, Fenzo makes it easy for you to achieve custom scheduling objectives. This talk will show how your scheduler can use Fenzo to accomplish cluster autoscaling, bin packing, task locality, resource affinity, and other constraints. Using sample high level scheduling objectives and code snippets, the talk will show you how to customize Fenzo via plugins, balance multi-dimensional scheduling objectives with speed of assignments, and experiment with scheduling algorithms before deploying to the production cluster. Fenzo was open sourced last year and can be used by any Mesos framework that runs on the JVM.
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