Thursday, August 13, 2015

[COMPLETED] Daengtitch Woohyun Doll ♡

Price : RM100
Size : 30cm tall

* Minimum Group Order : 10pcs (If less than 10, we might have to cancel order)
** Please note that the price for EMS and local postage are not included. The additional amount that need to be paid will  be notified via email.

DEADLINE : 25/9/2015

Bank account detail :
RHB Bank
Norhasniza Abdullah Sani
Norhasniza Abdullah Sani

After payment is made, please email me at your details (as per below) with the payment proof attached. I will verified your payment within 48 hours.

Subject : Daengtitch Woohyun Doll ♡
Name :
Shipping Address :
Contact Number : 
Quantity :
Payment Proof :

* Please note that donation is NOT REFUNDABLE after depository
Twitter : @Haneynyz_eLyz
Facebook : Nyzza Sani

Kakao talk : Haneynyz
Line ID : haneynyz
Email :


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