This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

After a Pac-12 title season, four Utes were named to the all-conference team and coach Bill Kinneberg was honored as the Coach of the Year.

Freshman DaShawn Keirsey Jr., sophomore Jayson Rose, junior Dallas Carroll and senior Cody Scaggari were the team's first All-Pac-12 selections since joining the conference in 2011.

Keirsey Jr. led Utah with 63 hits and 36 runs, while Rose led the league with 102 strikeouts. Carroll has started 134 games for the Utes over four seasons and Scagarri hit .358 over the course of the team's in-conference schedule.

Keirsey Jr. was also named to the All-Defensive Team, the first player honored since Utah joined the Pac-12. Honorable mentions for Utah included junior pitcher Dylan Drachler, senior designated hitter Kellen Marruffo and junior outfielder Josh Rose.

Kinneberg led the resurgent Utes to more than double the team's previous high in conference wins (7) with 19 on the season. Utah won eight of 10 Pac-12 series during the season.

Utah faces Ole Miss in the first round of the NCAA Tournament Friday at 6 p.m.

Twitter: @BrennanJSmith