Knights’ archives fully digitised after eight-year project

1,141 volumes of Malta's main secular tribunal under the Knights of St John fully digitised after completion of eight-year project. 

A document of the early 18 century, written in Turkish text and translated into Italian by Notary Mohamet Osendi regarding the sale of slaves.
A document of the early 18 century, written in Turkish text and translated into Italian by Notary Mohamet Osendi regarding the sale of slaves.

The Acta Originalia of the Magna Curia Castellaniae records have been fully digitised after an eight-year long project.

The National Archives of Malta signed the digitisation agreement with the US-based Malta Study Centre of the Hill & Manuscript Library back in October 2007.

This project included the digitisation of the 1,141 volumes of the Magna Curia Castellanae (1545-1689) and the 25-volume index created by Dr G Portelli Carbone in the 19th century. Over 1.5 million digital images have been created.

The Magna Curia Castellaniae was the main secular tribunal in Malta during the period of the Knights of St John (1530-1798).  It was composed of the Castellano, a Knight of the Order, and two Judges; one judge had civil jurisdiction and the other dealt with criminal cases. It included also an Exchequer, a vice-Exchequer, two notaries and several clerks. In the event of an appeal, the case was referred to the Appellate Court, a different tribunal in the same Castellania, which was presided over by one Judge.

Being the largest tribunal, and having both criminal and civil jurisdiction, these records are one of the main archival sources about life in Malta during the stay of the Knights.  They deal with varying situations, from domestic violence to assault and from theft and fights to the appointment of guardians for minors.

“The conclusion of this 8-year project is an important milestone for us,” said Daniel K. Gullo, Curator of the Joseph S. Micallef Malta Study Centre. “However, this is not the end. Currently we are engaged with the National Archives of Malta in the digitisation of the records of the Epoca Gallica and the Officium Civile Sacræ Inquisitionis, and we look forward to further joint projects.”

National Archivist praised the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library and The Malta Study Centre for their outstanding input into this project.

“You are key partners of the National Archives in our efforts to preserve the Maltese national memory and make it accessible to wider audiences,” he said.