"Nice Guy Finish Last."

a poking fun at nice guys blog
Posted on 15, December 2014 December 15 2014 2014年12月15日 by wtfniceguys

Food for thought

have you ever noticed that when a Nice Guy really likes a girl, he’s just following his heart (“I can’t help that I like you!”…”You lead me on!”…”I’ve felt this way since I met you!”…”I can’t change the way I feel!”)

but when that same girl really likes another guy, it’s apparently a cold, calculated move intended to screw him over ("Doesn’t she know that he’s a jerk?”…”How could she choose him?”…”I’m so nice to her, why wouldn’t she pick me?”…”What was she thinking?”)

funny how that works.

Posted on 29, November 2014 November 29 2014 2014年11月29日 by wtfniceguys


you’re not in the friend zone because you’re too nice, you’re in the friend zone because they’re too nice.

instead of just telling you that you’re an ugly fuck, they went through the trouble of creating some sort of pocket dimension that doesn’t exist to spare your bloated ego even though you most likely don’t deserve that since you’re selfishly trying to get your dick wet under the guise of friendship and kindness anyway.

Posted on 26, November 2014 November 26 2014 2014年11月26日 by wtfniceguys




i never knew friendzoning boys was as easy as saying thanks im gonna use my manners more

further evidence that straight boys think compliments are magic words that are supposed to make women immediately strip naked 

What’s the appropriate, non-friendzoning response?

“You look pretty today.”

“Okay, fine, I’ll suck your dick.”

Posted on 25, November 2014 November 25 2014 2014年11月25日 by wtfniceguys

Being a platonic friends with a girl

  • Getting to know someone before you ask them out so you know if you are compatible - Okay!
  • Falling for someone you were already friends with - Okay!
  • Making someone believe you are only interested in being their friend, or becoming one of their best friends in the hopes that you will deserve sex at the end of it - NO DON’T DO THAT!