Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pine Cone Transformation Project

Project The Filing Cabinet
Update 09/08/13

Welcome to another Sunday!

This was from my first college ceramics course. I was lucky to have an amazing visiting artist for my professor. I learned more in his class than I learned in my first year as an art student, which is why I am taking his class again this year before he leaves. So you will see more of my work and see the kind of work I do under the stress of a 5 credit chem course, and over 8 credits worth of art labs. So pretty much I will not be sleeping next fall T_T  Any who for this project we were suppose to pick two objects and then create a sculpture combining them. I was of course an idiot and chose a pine cone and an interactively carved Chinese bracelet. But after many late nights in the ceramics room carving all the red leaves I am proud of what I accomplished. 

Thanks for reading my long rant if you got this far ;)

Ambrosia Lake

(This piece is actually from a while back, but because I lacked the interwebs and haven't been able to teach Ambrosia Lake how to's kind of been hiding in my email for a while...oops

~Cuckoo Clock)

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