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Tikal Chef workshop

Quick start

###Prequisets I assume you have git

  1. Install virtualbox
  2. Install ruby (I recommend [rvm][rvm] & ruby gems
  3. install bundler gem gem install bundler
  4. Install Vagrant
  5. ./ - this will install chef via omnibus, please make sure this is what you want to use or do this manually !

###Choose your route ####Chef Server route see ./chef_server_route/ ####Chef Solo route see ./chef_solo_route/

What lies here ?:

Directory Purpose
├── .chef A chef configuration for the
│   └── knife.rb Knife configuration file with some "sane" defaults
├── .gitignore A set of files / paths we don't on in source control
├── Cheffile The chef cookbooks / dependencies used in the chef-solo part of the workshop
├── Gemfile Chef is ruby and we need some gems to work it …
├── This file
├── If you have nothing installed - this will get you started
├── chef_server_route A set of machines for the server route
│   ├── centos_node A centos node for this lab based on CentOS 6.4 x86_64
│   │   ├── Vagrantfile A vagrant file which instatiates this machine with VirtualBox provider
│   │   └── A Shell script which customizes this machine for the chef server part of the workshop
│   ├── chef-server The chef server folder ... based on canonical-ubuntu-12.04
│   │   ├── Vagrantfile A vagrant file which instatiates this machine with VirtualBox provider
│   │   ├── A Shell script which customizes this machine for the chef server route of the workshop
│   │   └── A guided knife configuration + cusomiztion
│   └── ubutnu_node A ubutnu node ... based on canonical-ubuntu-12.04
│   ├── Vagrantfile A vagrant file which instatiates this machine with VirtualBox provider
│   └── A Shell script which customizes this machine for the chef server route of the workshop
├── chef_solo_route A set of machines for the chef-solo route
│   ├── centos_node A centos node for this lab based on CentOS 6.4 x86_64 some more stuff for chef-solo
│   │   ├── Vagrantfile A vagrant file which instatiates this machine with VirtualBox provider
│   │   └── A Shell script which customizes this machine for the chef solo route of the workshop
│   └── ubutnu_node A ubutnu node ... based on canonical-ubuntu-12.04
│   ├── Vagrantfile A vagrant file which instatiates this machine with VirtualBox provider
│   └── A Shell script which customizes this machine for the chef solo route of the workshop
├── nodes Chef node objects user in chef solo route
│   ├── db.json A database node exmaple
│   └── default.json A default node - basically will run the default role see roles dir below
├── roles Chef role objects as files in chef solo route
│   ├── db.rb The datbase role
│   └── default.rb The default role
├── site-cookbooks A place to store our cookbooks
│   └── base A "base" cookbook which will be used in the solo part of the workshop
└── solo.rb The chef-solo configutaion file

[rvm]: "Ruby versio manager"


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