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Love is stronger than time...

The future never goes as planned.
People are never what they seem.
Time changes everything.

So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.

It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.

Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.

> Mosaic is the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series.

First published June 25, 2014

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Leigh Talbert Moore

19 books641 followers
I'm the hat lady--wife, mom, reader, writer, caffeine addict, chocoholic, southern expat, and beach bum.
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Profile Image for Leigh Moore.
Author 19 books641 followers
June 29, 2014
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Profile Image for Lindy.
798 reviews199 followers
July 1, 2014
My Thoughts:

Mosaic was a very emotional conclusion to the Dragonfly Series, by Leigh T. Moore. I have been following this saga since the first book, and have gone through every bit of heartbreak, happiness, and learning experience with these characters. Everything ended as it should have, and I was very satisfied with the conclusion.

As I reflect on this series, one of the things I loved about it, was how it has spanned generations. Everything came full circle in Mosaic, and the characters of the past, present, and now future of the LaSalle and Kyser family reunited.

Mosaic begins by introducing us to Jules, Anna's, sixteen year old daughter, who is a riot!!! Jules and Anna have returned to Anna's hometown for her 20th High School Reunion. Anna has come to introduce Jules to her biological father, who never knew about her existence. Jules' first night there, she runs in to a certain good looking and charming man with the same blue eyes, and she is pretty sure that he is her father. That night Jules discovers her mother's secret "blog," which is on a key chain drive. It is her mother's diary, and goes back in time to Anna's first year in college, and progresses to everything that occurred between Jules' parents, leading to their eventual estrangement. Then, the story fast-forwards in to the present time.

Mosaic read much like a real life story. It was filled with ups and downs. It reflected on first love, and the mistakes we tend to make when we are young and in love. It reflected on how as we grow up and mature, we learn more about our strengths, and our weaknesses. If we are wise enough, we try to mend the mistakes from our past.

When you love someone, and I mean really love them, it never dies. Mosaic was a second chance at love story. It was emotional, touching, and bittersweet. It had many life lessons in it about communication, regret, forgiveness, and savoring your life.

My Rating:

I give Mosaic, by Leigh T. Moore, 4 Longing For Lost Love, Healing, and New Beginning Filled Stars! The Dragonfly Series is great from the very first to very last book in the series. You will get attached to these characters, and cry, laugh and rejoice with them! I recommend this series, and will miss all of these characters!

*To Read More Book Reviews, Visit A Bookish Escape at http://www.abookishescape.com
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,711 reviews529 followers
July 16, 2019
The beginning took my breath away and tears filled my eyes. Twenty years have passed and it's time for "A Night to Remember" do-over. The final installment in this series captured my heart -- made me cry several times -- and also made me laugh and cheer. The secrets have finally found their way to the surface and the slate wiped clean.

My biggest disappointment with the finale was that there was too much time spent on non-important and, in my opinion, frivolous details and not enough focused directly on the main couple and resolving their long and difficult journey to the happy ever after. The big issues felt like a wham-bam-thank you - ma'am ride into the sunset. And after all my frustrations and rants, I wanted more and it just wasn't there to be had.

Otherwise, I enjoyed the wrap-up and was okay with the way the author brought the story together in the end.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews421 followers
November 6, 2014
☆I received an RC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!!☆

Brilliant, suspenseful, and conclusive.


These are my two thoughts when it comes to the last installment of the Dragonfly series.

Everything comes around full circle as author Leigh Talbert Moore brings together characters, story lines, themes and motives and ties up some loose wondering ends.

I have to admit, that Leigh did through me into a spin as at the end of Watercolor, both Anna and Julian were together as a couple. And then in Mosaic, they weren't. I was like "oh no! what the heck happened?!" Not to mention, I was shocked the existence of Juliet-- Anna and Julian's daughter. Whhaaatt?! When did that happen?!

Such mind boggling and trifling revelations!


So my thoughts in a nutshell?

Floored and impressed are what I feel by this series quartet!! The crafty unfolding and mystery that Mosaic reiterates is really ingenious as it puzzled me, it dumbfound me, and it even made me wonder the final end game for Anna and Julian.

Are they truly meant to be? 17 years is a long time to have broken up, and while I was so convinced in the third installment that they were going to last--they fell apart anyway.

Will love find a way and bring them back together? Or, was it simply just love young at best?

Read and you will find out!
Profile Image for Read InAGarden.
943 reviews14 followers
June 28, 2014
Mosaic is the final book in the Dragonfly series and it wraps up the story of Julian and Anna. Mosaic begins with Julian and Anna having returned (separately) for their twenty year high school reunion. Anna has spent the past 17 years in London working for the BBC and raising her daughter Juliet while Julian has been working in architecture for his father. Anna has decided the time is right to tell Julian about Juliet and plans to make time to see him during the reunion. While reminiscing on his life and the choices he made Julian stumbles into Juliet on the beach and begins to figure out the secret for himself.

At this point the reader is a little confused because when last we left Julian and Anna in Watercolor (Dragonfly book 3) the couple was very much together and getting ready to attend college. And Mrs. Talbert Moore comes to the rescue by using the literary device of a found diary to explain the past.

Juliet finds her mother's college diary and shares it with the reader and thus we learn about those college years - the good and bad points in Anna and Julian's first year in college, what lead Anna to London, what roles Will and Jack played in the mess, how Juliet came to be, and what so permanently fractured Anna and Julian's relationship.

Once Anna's diary finishes, Mosaic switches back to the reunion and readers get to find out if Anna and Julian are able to find their way back to each other or if too much time has passed. (Nope not giving everything away here.)

A truly terrific series, can't wait to see what's next from this talented writer.
Profile Image for Ilona.
276 reviews7 followers
June 23, 2014
I loved Mosaic! It starts off many years after Watercolor ends with a sweet teenager on the beach talking to a much older Julian. The reader learns the connection of the two characters early in the story however, not all the characters get confirmation until later on the story. Leigh was masterful on the way that the story reveals the past 16 or so years. She included heart ache, sadness with just enough moments of humor. I found myself holding my breath one minute with so much anticipation for the next moments. The story of Mosaic introduces us to the quick wit teenage who is smart and full of life. Her thoughts and the little comments that come from this fun teen made me laugh.
Leigh breathes so much life to the minority characters that they become just as important as Julian and Anna. The lonely sad Lucy grows so much over the years that she becomes the light and the glue of the Kyser family. I am saddened that this is the last book in this series. Leigh Moore did a wonderful beautiful job with this book~ I can’t wait till this talented writer releases another book. Thanks Leigh for the great hours of reading.
Profile Image for Anncleire.
1,291 reviews97 followers
July 30, 2014
Real vote 4,5

Recensione anche sul mio blog:

Ringrazio immensamente Leigh T. Moore che mi ha concesso la STRAORDINARIA opportunità di leggere questo libro in anteprima in cambio della mia onesta opinione, e con cui ho stretto un bellissimo rapporto di collaborazione e amicizia. Grazie davvero infinite!

“Mosaic” è l’ultimo volume della serie “Dragonfly” creata dalla penna di Leigh T. Moore che in questi ultimi due anni è diventata una scrittrice a me molto cara. Mi ricordo ancora quando con titubanza ho richiesto un eARC da Netgalley del primo volume da recensire e mi sono innamorata della delicatezza con cui la Moore ha pennellato la vita e l’amore di due adolescenti e sono felice di averli accompagnati fino all’età adulta. Una storia arzigogolata e intensa, che farà innamorare il lettore.

Il futuro non va mai come è stato pianificato.
Le persone non sono mai come sembrano.
Il tempo cambia tutto.
Allora volete sapere cosa è capitato a Anna e Julian? Beh, ascoltate, perché ho uno scoop esclusivo. Sono Jules, ad ogni modo, e sono un’artista, come sapete già se avete letto Watercolor. Però potete non sapere che ho ereditato il naso per le notizie di mia madre, grazie mille. È il tempo della rimpatriata della scuola, e tutti stanno tornando a Fairview – tutti quelli che non sono già qui, badate bene. Cosa è andato storto, di chi è la colpa, e perché nessuno sa di me… sta venendo fuori.
Le relazioni a distanza raramente durano e molta acqua è passata sotto quel ponte. Grandi segreti sono stati rivelati, e alla fine sapremo se il vecchio detto è vero: l’amore è più forte del tempo.

Una delle specialità della Moore è quella di cambiare sempre stile narrativo, tenendo sempre desta l’attenzione del lettore. In questo caso ha scelto un ulteriore espediente per regalarci la fine della storia da Anna e Julian. Jules una simpatica ragazzina che si imbatte in un vecchio diario e ancora una volta scopre i misteri del passato per trasformare il futuro. Lo storia si svolge quindi su più piani e da diversi punti di vista, appassionando il lettore senza annoiarlo. Sappiamo subito che è successo qualcosa di terribile, ma dobbiamo immergerci ancora una volta nelle parole di Anna per capire che cosa è successo. Anna è sempre la solita ingenua ragazza che continua a commettere gli stessi errori senza capire cosa vuole davvero nella sua vita. in un modo o nell’altro si ritrova a combattere con le sue paure e con i suoi desideri. Ciò che desidera più di ogni altra cosa è diventare una giornalista ma non è pronta a perdere la persona che più ama al mondo. È difficile rendersi conto di quello che si ha finché non lo si perde. Anna deve imparare sulla sua pelle a mettersi in gioco e ad essere sempre sincera. Ma soprattutto deve capire che una relazione amorosa non è mai semplice, è sempre composta da due realtà diverse che devono giungere ad un compromesso. E smussare certi lati del proprio carattere può rivelarsi paurosamente difficile.
Dall’altra parte abbiamo Julian, l’uomo della situazione, il nostro adorato artista di cui ci siamo innamorate fin da quando ha regalato a Anna l’anello a forma di libellula, il famoso “Dragonfly” che fa da marchio di fabbrica della serie. Allo stesso tempo però Julian è un uomo qualunque, di quelli propensi a sbagliare, ad illudersi, a rendere una situazione molto più grande di quella che è. Ma è anche pronto a sacrificare sé stesso per permettere alla donna che ama di realizzare i suoi sogni. E’ lui che cede al perdono, che realizza le sue mancanze, che fa di tutto per rimediare al passato. E’ il ragazzo che avresti voluto incontrare al liceo, è l’uomo che speri di sposare da adulta. La Moore è stata eccezionale nel creare un personaggi con cui ci si può confrontare, che non ha paura di cambiare idea, che si reinventa completamente, che sa come esprimere i propri sentimenti, che sembra uscito da un libro. Eppure la storia d’amore di Anna e Julian fa respirare veridicità e ci si accorge di quanto siano meravigliosamente imperfetti insieme.
E allora il libro diventa una sorta di puzzle, un mosaico da ricostruire con i pezzi di pensieri e sensazioni che i protagonisti seminano in lungo e in largo. Una storia fatta di incomprensioni e tradimenti e tanti atti di amicizia impossibili da dimenticare.
Eccoci allora che seguiamo le avventure dei ragazzi al college con Anna immersa nell’atmosfera di New Orleans insieme a Rachel, con il suo Mardì Grass e le sue atmosfere sognanti, i suoi progetti scolastici e quella devastante malinconia di raggiungere Julian lontano 6 ore di viaggio. Fairview continua a far capolino con la sua bellezza, il suo oceano e i suoi meschini segreti di provincia.

Il particolare da non dimenticare? Una chiavetta usb…

Una storia qualunque dal sapore straordinario, un’epopea lunga anni e che si snoda in quattro libri ricchi, che restano a sedimentarsi sul fondo della mente e a cui si ripensa con un sorriso. Julian e Anna due adolescenti diventati adulti pronti finalmente a vivere il loro amore.
Buona lettura guys!
Profile Image for Ilaria.
305 reviews37 followers
July 1, 2014
Eccomi qui a scrivere una delle recensioni più importanti che abbia mai scritto.
Siamo arrivati alla fine dell'avventura di Anna, Julian, Jack, Lucy & Co. Come mi sento? Sono tristissima perché mi ero affezionata a loro, alla loro storia e, arrivare alla fine del libro e leggere l'epilogo, mi ha causato una tristezza infinita. Sapere che ora tutto si è risolto, che tutto è andato come doveva andare, anche se con qualche intoppo nel percorso, provoca gioia e tristezza allo stesso tempo. Fortuna che si può rileggere.
Beh, meglio che ora parli del libro piuttosto che lasciarvi leggere i miei sproloqui su quanto io sia triste e contenta allo stesso tempo.

E' il quarto libro della serie 'Dragonfly' e, con esso come avete intuito dalle righe precedenti, la serie si chiude qui. (Non è che un libricino su come sono andate le cose per tutti, Jack, Lucy, Will, ci potrà essere? Se vuoi, Leigh, escludi pure Will, non è un problema per me).

La storia è raccontata da Jules. Chi è Jules? Beh, se avete letto 'Watercolor' potreste averlo capito e, chi non l'ha letto, non vi aspettate che ve lo dica io. Jules ci racconta la storia di Anna e Julian dalla fine del liceo fino a vent'anni dopo, cioè fino alla riunione del liceo.

La cosa che ho trovato fantastica, superba, geniale e brillante è la storia raccontata come un diario. Chi ha letto 'Undertow' sa che Leigh è bravissima a scrivere libri in questo modo (in 'Undertow' si è superata, in realtà), quindi questo libro è di una bellezza particolare per come è strutturato. Leggiamo il blog segreto di Anna tramite Jules. Jules lo sta leggendo e noi siamo Jules! Non è fantastico? Ok, forse lo è solo per me, ma è stupendo! Jules ogni tanto interrompe anche perché....no non posso dirvelo! Vi direi chi è Jules e non posso!

Oltre al fatto che questa struttura del libro è unica e fantastica, la storia è ricca di avvenimenti che ti lasciano con il fiato sospeso o con un'ansia pazzesca perché vuoi sapere cosa succederà, come succederà e perché succederà. Quindi a Leigh va dato il merito di saper creare suspence nei lettori affezionati della serie, oltre al merito di riuscire a scrivere libri come diari segreti.

Julian è il nostro Julian. Bello, passionale, romantico, simpatico, spiritoso e, a volte, un po' stupido. Lo capirete leggendo. Caro Julian, a volte non si può credere sempre a quello che dicono gli altri, bisogna fidarsi di chi si ama.

Anna è la nostra Anna, solo più cresciuta e più sicura di sé. Follemente innamorata del nostro Julian e pronta a qualsiasi cosa. Anna arriverà a fare scelte dolorose e, a volte, anche lei sarebbe a prendere a calci nel sedere. Mi trasmetteva un nervoso a volte! Mi ritrovavo a volerle fare un discorsetto per come si comportava. Onestamente, non solo a lei, ma anche a Julian, Jack, Rachel e quella Summer. Ah, Will è un'altra cosa. Diciamo che quello che ha fatto Lucy alla festa del Ringraziamento è poco.

In questo libro si affrontano i problemi di Jack e il segreto viene svelato! Vi starete chiedendo quale segreto. Beh, se non avete letto i primi tre, non aspettatevi che ve lo dica io. Io i segreti li so mantenere, un po' come Anna, forse.

Questa è una serie di libri che ti fa innamorare della storia piano piano. 'Dragonfly' ti fa pensare che la serie è carina, ma non hai un forte moto di leggere immediatamente il secondo. Poi leggi il secondo, 'Undertow', e dici 'DATEMI IL TERZO!!'. Leggi il terzo e poi il quarto lo devi leggere. Una serie che ti conquista mano mano fino ad entrarti nel cuore con i suoi personaggi. Una serie che non dimenticherò facilmente. Una serie che sarà per sempre nella mia libreria e sarà sempre nei mie pensieri. Non lo dico perché ho avuto l'onore di conoscere Leigh tramite i nostri tweet, ma perché è così che è successo a me. Sono partita scettica con 'Dragonfly', l'ho ammesso più volte, poi 'Undertow' mi ha conquistata e non ho più mollato la serie. Devo anche fare i complimenti a Leigh che è un'ottima autrice. Ho letto anche 'The Truth About Letting Go' ed ero commossa. Sono pochi i libri e le storie che mi coinvolgono tanto e questi 5 libri (Dragonfly series e TALG) ci sono riusciti.

Questa serie, come anche tutti quei libri in grado di lasciare un segno ai lettori, insegna l'importanza dell'amicizia, dell'amore e della famiglia. Insegna che QUALSIASI ostacolo può essere superato e non ci si deve arrendere. I pregiudizi (Will ne ha tanti) sono le cose che ti fanno allontanare dalle persone a te care e che loro potranno allontanarsi da te. Le amicizie vere sono poche e, chi ti ha fatto soffrire, prima o poi chiederà scusa perché si renderà conto di aver sbagliato (Vedi Summer). Qualsiasi libro insegna qualcosa a chiunque, basta saper leggere tra le righe.

Non so se sono stata in grado di trasmettervi quello che questa serie mi ha dato. Spero di esserci riuscita.

Ringrazio Leigh per avermi permesso di leggere 'Mosaic' in anteprima. Ti ringrazio veramente tanto per le opportunità che mi hai dato fino ad oggi e spero che ci saranno altre opportunità in futuro. Grazie di tutto, mia cara amica americana!

Si, ora la smetto, non vi preoccupate!
Profile Image for Lauren at Live Read and Breathe Reviews.
2,365 reviews180 followers
July 14, 2014

4.5 Unique Stars!!

eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Author

This review is a bit bittersweet for me because I have been waiting forever to find out what happens to Anna and Julian.  So, I absolutely adored this book but I'm also super sad that I have to say goodbye to Anna & Julian. 

I wasn't sure how this book was going to play out but Leigh T. Moore knows how to switch things up and make the story fresh & unpredictable.  How you ask does she make this happen?  Well, that would be because this book is 20 years after the end of Watercolor.  

The book starts 20 years later but we get to find out what happens in between from the point of view of a teenager named Juliet.   I thought this format was so different refreshing and brilliantly done.  

We finally get to find out what happens with the aftermath of Julian finding out who his real birth dad is and all that came with that.  

"You have always been the best thing that came out of that tragedy."

Do we get our HEA that we wanted???  Yes we do, it just takes awhile to get there.  Even though the present day might seem a bit rushed it really isn't because it was 20 some years in the making. 

This series was very well done with it's uniqueness of writing and story format.  It was a story about finding yourself and love, while at the same time having history alter, effect and repeat itself. Loved it but it is time to say good bye to everyone in Fairview. 

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Profile Image for StacyHgg.
221 reviews190 followers
November 18, 2014
Mosaic by Leigh Talbert Moore
Series: Dragonfly #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Release Date: June 27th 2014
Length: 285 pages
Format: Kindle DRC
Source: from Author for honest review
Review Date: July 14th 2014
Steam Rating: Mild
Overall Rating: 4 STARS


I have been with this series and loved it from the beginning. It’s so unique, with a YA/NA crossover “feel” to it. It spans decades, and encompasses the lives of many characters. It has a sort of soap opera likeness to it but with younger main characters. If you haven’t read Dragonfly then this review will contain spoilers. This series must be read in order, and Mosaic is the conclusion to the four book series. Book one Dragonfly has been FREE for awhile so if you would like to see if it’s for you now is a good time!

At the end of Watercolor things are going great for Julian and Anna. Anna is worried about their upcoming separation because they will be going to different colleges, but this couple is so in love that it appears they can weather the storm. HOWEVER, Leigh gave us the first chapter of Mosaic which showed us that this couple in fact did not stay together. They are still apart almost 2 decades later. And to top it all off Anna had apparently hidden the fact that she had given birth to Julian’s child 17 years earlier!!! O.O I was literally SHOCKED, STUNNED. I mean what could have caused this??

Well that is what Mosaic is about. We are taken back in time, everything is revealed, and I was tempted to throw my iPad out the window a time or two. The angst level was extreme, so severe I swear my muscles ached from the sky high tension in them. The emotional hangover was bad too.

I seriously adore Leigh’s writing style. It’s crazy how she does her POV’s and storytelling with journals, and in this one a private blog diary, but it worked for me both times. My favorite book of the series is actually Undertow, the one made up almost entirely of journal entries. I just loved Bill Keyser’s story. But really I loved all of them. I was emotionally invested in each and every character.

Anyway, back to the story… So normally if a heroine hides a child from the father I am furious. It does not jive well with me, and I was mad at Anna, but because I love this Authors writing I kept reading. I said I was emotionally invested in these characters, but I never said I liked them all. And to be totally honest I never really liked Anna all that much. In this one I think I even bordered on hating her at times–but I still cared what happened. And I LOVED Julian. I mean I really liked him before–but I LOVED him in Mosaic ♥♥

I think you will want to give Anna a swift kick in the ass too after her ridiculous antics–the ones that separated these two for nearly twenty years. Was it all her fault? I kind of thought so but I will leave you to decide.

Overall, I HIGHLY RECOMMENDED this series to adult fans of YA and/or NA. The steam factor is very low in this one but that is not the case for every novel in the series. However, the storyline is great so I didn’t miss it. I will very much miss this series though, I looked forward to each installment because I knew I would be entertained. And expect the unexpected :)

I will definitely be reading more from this Author, she is a truly talented storyteller!

Review by StacyHgg
Books Unhinged Book Blog
Profile Image for Gabbie (Rampant Readers).
303 reviews63 followers
June 28, 2014
For more of this review and others like it, check out my blog, Rampant Readers.

Why I Picked It Up

I have adored the series thus far and I had to see the conclusion to Julian and Anna’s story.


This novel takes place twenty-some years after we last saw Julian and Anna. It is written primarily in a flashback-type style in the form of a diary that Anna kept over the years. Half of the novel was basically Anna’s diary with periodic commentary from Juliet (which I lived for). There was a ton of drama that I wasn’t expecting in this novel. The perfect couple had some pretty big problems but still got their HEA. We were introduced to new characters, new events, new experiences, and tragic surprises. It was a lot to cover for one novel but for some reason it wasn’t as engaging as the other novels. It wasn’t boring by any means but it wasn’t quite as interesting either. It may be the fact that it was kind of weird to read about older people. It was half YA/NA and half adult, I felt like. Even though the adults still acted like teens. It was just kind of weird for me.

Leading Lady

The two main characters in this novel were Juliet and Anna. Juliet was Anna’s daughter. She was my favorite in the book. She was snarky, sarcastic, and bubbly. I found myself hoping for flashes for her in the novel. She was just adorable.

Anna had matured in this novel. She was no longer the teenager that she was in the previous novels, even in the flashbacks. We saw her transition into adulthood in this book and it was a pretty smooth transition. I really felt for her at parts in the novel and I was Team Anna the entire book. She was still a great character—caring, nice, and strong.

Leading Male

This book basically ruined my Team Julian mantra. He did some things that I wouldn’t have imagined that he would do, regardless of the justification we get further into the novel. He just…he felt insecure to me in this novel and a bit too distant and cold. It was pretty different from the Julian we saw in the rest of the series. Adult Julian was just weird for me. I don’t know—the events in the flashback portion just kind of killed it for me. One thing I can say, though, is that he stepped up to the plate. He acknowledged his wrong-doings and created a relationship with his daughter and the love of his life. That made him redeemable in my eyes.


The romance in this novel was just like the others. The chemistry between the two was undeniable even when they were apart. The definitely had their ups and downs and we are given a play-by-play of them. Like I mentioned, they got their HEA. What I did enjoy, though, was the connection that Julian and Juliet forged right from the beginning. Julian is the first person that Juliet meets on the beach and she connects the dots. I loved seeing them together because their personalities were so similar. It was endearing, seeing that father-daughter connection even given the circumstances.


Mosaic wasn’t my favorite book in the Dragonfly series. I couldn’t quite connect with the characters as well as in the previous novels but it was a good, end-tying conclusion to the series.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,435 reviews415 followers
August 10, 2014
Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads .

I'm actually ashamed it has taken me as long to write this review as it has. It's not a reflection of the book in any way, shape or form. I'm simply not ready to give up these characters and writing a review makes it all seem so final. But, it's high past time I do this. I'm going to keep it pretty short and sweet because this is a story you just have to experience for yourself.

Mosaic was truly the perfect conclusion to the Dragonfly series. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a little angry (and heartbroken!) after reading the teaser in Watercolor. I hated the idea of Anna and Julian being separated again. They were so perfect together, but unfortunately the timing wasn't as perfect. I was apprehensive going into this book because, well, I could really only hope Anna and Julian's love was stronger than time.

I loved that the book was narrated by Anna and Julian's daughter, Jules. That was a nice touch and definitely added to the overall uniqueness of this series as a whole. She really was the best of her parents attributes smashed together in one spunky little package.

As much as I hate that this series is over, I can't say anything but good things about the way it all wrapped up. I'll miss Anna, Julian and Jules. This was a special story from start to finish. I loved the transition from friends to high school sweethearts to college lovers to EPIC LOVE. Yes, there were times I wanted to yell and scream at the characters. I didn't find Mosaic to be quite as angsty as some of the other books in the series, but it was still packed with feels. And believe me when I tell you that I felt each and every one of them.

If you've not yet read the Dragonfly series, you should definitely give it a shot. (And since all the books have been published, you won't have the agonizing wait I did between installments!) It's a great contemporary romance that spans the young adult and new adult age groups. It was wonderful to watch the characters grow into the people they are in the last book. They just make me smile. I can't help it.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,410 reviews31 followers
June 30, 2014
Reflecting on the choices he has made, Julian finds himself wandering to the one place he seems to find solace…..by the water. Time has past and things are not exactly the way he imagined. Those thoughts are interrupted by a young girl with quite the saucy attitude…..Juliet. While she seems to be in a snit about his interruption, Julian finds himself surprised by the revelation of who her mother is. After a few more questions, Julian discovers that the past has a way of catching up to you in ways you never could imagine.

Anna has arrived back in town for her class reunion. Working for the BBC has kept Anna in London. Now that she has made her way back to her home town, she begins to long for the dreams that she once possessed. Reminiscing leads her to wonder where her path changed so drastically. At the center of it all is Julian. Their past changed Anna’s future, and now she must confide her deepest secret with the man that has always held her heart.

*Sigh* When I read the ending in Watercolor I was left with so many questions. Mosaic couldn’t get here fast enough for me. Needless to say - I absorbed every single line on the page. This was by far a beautiful ending to Julian and Anna’s story. Without spoiling things for anyone, I will just say that Leigh Talbert Moore created a lovely story surrounding Juliet. The revelations that transpired could have led us down a different path, but the ending our characters found was absolutely perfect!
Profile Image for Lindsay.
Author 4 books59 followers
July 9, 2014
4.5 stars

You can’t get much closer to perfection for a series conclusion. I had come up with all of these theories for how things were going to work out. Because things HAD to work out! Anna would end up with Julian, and that’s all there was to say about that. Mosaic was full of all my worst nightmares and sweetest wishes all wrapped up together.

Mosaic starts off 20 years in the future, so right at the beginning you already know what’s going to happen. You just don’t know how. Do you have any idea what kind of torture that is?! I keep putting the book down and walking away, convinced that if I didn’t read it, it wouldn’t come true. Yes, I’m aware that this book is fiction and that none of this is actually true… but when you’ve spent more than a year, through four books, with these characters, they tend to take on a life of their own.

I was so frustrated with Anna’s poor communication skills, and I wanted to throttle poor Julian for his lack of faith. By the end, Leigh managed to wrap everything up nicely, but I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever forgive her for putting Anna and Julian through the wringer like that. ;)

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Kim.
799 reviews3 followers
July 10, 2016
OMG OMG OMG!! What an AMAZING Ending to a wonderful story by Leigh Talbert Moore!! This is more than 5 stars and the whole series is the same way. I have loved this series from book 1 Dragonfly. A page turner and a wonderful story. Very well done. I love the way Leigh ended the series even though I hate to see it end it was done perfectly. Tying up loose ends,getting lots of questions answered and seeing families form and some ending. All done with great taste. Watching Anna and Julian with their relationship from book 1 to book 4 grow and go through all sorts of struggles makes me love this series even more. I am happy with what Leigh did with the relationship. This is A MUST READ SERIES!!!!
870 reviews29 followers
June 24, 2014
I can't even begin to explain the amazingness of this series. It took me by surprise and then took my breath away!

This book was the perfect ending to a perfect series. I dropped everything I was reading to read it because I've been stalking Leigh for months waiting for my ARC. I got it last night, and bulldozed right through it.

This is the conclusion of Julian and Anna's story told by Jules and through Anna's old diaries. I don't want to spoil anything, but I DID want to smack Anna SO. MANY. TIMES. She got on my last nerve, and when I wasn't wanting to smack her, I was wanting to throttle Will. Even so, I loved everything about this book, and I HIGHLY recommend it!

*Received an ARC for honest review.*
Profile Image for Gabby (What's Beyond Forks?).
1,219 reviews72 followers
September 13, 2014

Full Review at: What's Beyond Forks?

Mosaic is the fourth and final book in the Dragonfly Series by Leigh T. Moore. Whew! What a ride this series has been! It turned into something I definitely never suspected when I first started reading Dragonfly last year. The Dragonfly series is a tantalizing and dramatic adventure that spans through three generations of secrets, lies, love lost, and love found. I'm sad to see this series end, but I wouldn't want it to have ended any differently.

The ARC of Mosaic by Leigh T. Moore was kindly provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Christi.
91 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2014
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series!!! Every single book has it's own little journey and what a great ride this amazingly, talented author takes you on! Mosaic is the 4th and final book in the series and although I am so sad to see it end, I just love the way Leigh closes this chapter of Julian and Anna's story! You will fall in love with Jules and find yourself on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen in the end for this beautiful family!
Profile Image for Meagan Hunt.
236 reviews1 follower
July 27, 2014
Finally. Finally. FINALLY! When I started this series I actually had no idea it was a series, I wasn't trying to get into a new series. But I'm so glad I did, to finally know what happened to Julian and Anna. It was happy, sad and happy all over again. I loved it!
Profile Image for Lindsay.
848 reviews19 followers
August 19, 2014
Great ending to an awesome series! Loved how the storyline was written out. And of course loved Anna and Julian and Jules.
5 reviews
July 17, 2014
Mosaic was a great final book, I went through every emotion while reading it. The whole dragon fly series was great to read and I know that I will read them all again very soon!
Profile Image for Heather Ashton.
1 review1 follower
June 30, 2014
Great read. Perfect closure to the series I couldn't put down. Waiting for the last book was almost unbearable. Anna and Julian's love story will always have a place in my heart!
Profile Image for Erica.
8 reviews7 followers
March 19, 2018
This was a great ending for the series. I loved this book. The Dragonfly series is one of the best series I have ever read!
Profile Image for Grl.
1 review
August 22, 2014
I knew once I started this book I would have a hard time putting it down! Beautiful conclusion to a beautiful story!
Profile Image for Stephanie Killen.
436 reviews1 follower
August 24, 2014
I just absolutely loved this series!! What an amazing writer. I hated to see it end. I was so sad and happy with the ending. These characters just sucked me in. Loved, loved, loved it!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews

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