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The Mathews Family #3

The Perfect Someday

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USA Today and Amazon Top 5 Bestseller.
Tracy Mathews lives life by the perfect moral code.

After graduating magna cum laude in Marketing, she travels to the fabled churches of Santorini to capture the unspoiled sunset, only to find a masquerade wedding about to begin. Tracy is persuaded by her younger sister to crash the ceremony. While donning a mask in Greece, she encounters a magnetically charming, handsome Italian, who entices her deepest desires.

After a brief and mysterious rendezvous with future promises made, she returns home only to realize her dreams of the perfect man have been shattered—until an unexpected job opportunity presents itself in Italy.

Vincent is a fifth generation winemaker in the rolling hills of Tuscany. On the verge of losing his family’s estate, will Tracy Mathews, an up and coming marketing entrepreneur, be exactly what he needs to save his family heritage and his broken heart?

First published April 29, 2014

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About the author

Beverly Preston

15 books1,172 followers
Beverly Preston is a USA Today and Amazon Top 10 bestselling author of contemporary romance. She writes emotionally rich and sinfully sexy stories about the ultimate alpha good guy; the kind of man you want to drag you to bed and put a ring on your finger. She also has a passion for strong, humorous, female characters and stories ingrained in a solid sense of family and loyalty.

She lives in Las Vegas with her husband, four kids, and two golden retrievers. If she's not spinning richly emotional stories, you'll find her on her spin bike.

Laugh, cry, and fall in love with The Mathews Family one Happily Ever After at a time.

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Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,042 reviews52 followers
May 5, 2014
The Perfect Someday has yet again solidified in my mind, not that it needed a reminder, that Beverly Preston is one hell of a great writer. She writes from deep within her heart and soul and what you receive as a reward is a funny, sexy, passionate and loving book.

The Perfect Someday, a standalone, continues the saga of the Mathews/Clemmins clan. We met this family in No More Wasted Time (Tess's story); happily continued with Shayla's Story (John and Shayla's story) and now we have Tracy's story. Tracy, the brilliant and beautiful woman, who has led her young life with the determination and skill to be the best student she can be. Trading romance for books and living vicariously in the love department through her younger sister JC. But even a brainiac like Tracy can't escape the lure of some sexy fun in the form of one very handsome and mysterious man named Giovanni whom she meets in Greece.

Their brief encounter during and after a wedding that Tracy and JC crash is one of the most erotic scenes I've ever read. Beverly Preston does not hold back and neither do her characters! That is what sets her books apart. Tracy and Giovanni share a passionate tryst that only lasts a few hours and ends all too soon. But neither can forget how they felt when in each other's arms and how the lingering effects affect them for a long time after.

When Tracy has the opportunity to work in Italy for a family winery, she isn't sure she will be able to put aside her "hatred" for Italian men since the memory of Giovanni is still so fresh in her mind even after 2 long years of never hearing from him again. What happens during her time in Italy will both free her mind of any residual heartache and point her in the direction that is her destiny. One that will hopefully include a stubborn yet loving man named Vincent.

The Perfect Someday is a well written, simply beautiful book. The author has a true gift for writing characters that are real and ones you wouldn't mind getting to know personally. The Mathews/Clemmins crew is supportive of each other and the deep love they have for each other is never in question. The way Tracy’s love story is crafted, you can almost feel the heat between her and her suitor and at the same time you want to soak up the Tuscany countryside right along with them.
The frequent use of Italian phrases truly made my heart melt and I was ready to book a flight immediately for Italy once I read the last word.

Oh and about that last word, once I put my Kindle down, I sighed deeply and couldn't stop smiling.

A highly recommended 3rd book in this wonderful series. A huge 5 stars. You will not be disappointed.I was graciously gifted a copy by the author :)
Profile Image for SammiesBookBlog.
543 reviews8 followers
April 28, 2014
I was given a ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I love Beverly's stories. I loved every book she has written and each has something I enjoyed more than the last. We got to see characters from the previous books in here and I loved it! Tracey and JC spend their summers in Italy. On their last day they're out exploring, sight seeing and Tracy is taking pictures. She really wants to see this church but it has a wedding currently going on. Being their last night JC will not allow her sister to miss her opportunity to take pictures of it. So they decide to wedding crash. The night progresses and Tracy is in fear of being caught as a party crasher and the gorgeous Giovanni strikes up conversation and he decides to show her views she would of never found on her own. They have an amazing night and when they decide to part she gives him her number in hopes they will have a relationship in the future. Time goes by and he never calls, years go by and he never calls.
Tracy is done with the life she knew and it's time to move on. She has sworn off everything and refuses to return to Italy for the man who broke her heart is there. But her family has a business proposition they make hard for her to turn down.

She starts working for the Giovanni family and the resemblance of Antonio and Vincent are striking to her Giovanni. But she could never tell because they wore marks at the wedding. Both brothers show a fondness to her and both could be "the one" will she choose the right brother, is one of them really her Giovanni? you will have to read to find out.
But let me tell you, it was AMAZING and just perfect. I loved this book and series and I will read anything Beverly writes. You will NOT be disappointed in this unique story.

PS- hot Italian men is a bonus ;-)
PSS- I truly hope for more! I want Italian babies LOL!!!
Beverly, you blow me away, woman! XO

"I'm right where I'm supposed to be. You are my perfect someday."

"Everything happens for a reason. This is our fate."
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books367 followers
August 18, 2016
When I saw the setting was Greece and Italy and the heroine would encounter the hero at a masquerade-themed wedding, I was all in to enjoy this one. As part of the Red Hot Lovers Boxed set this was a new encounter with the author and the series so that too added some curiosity. Sadly, my initial excitement did not stay with me and I ended up finding it a story that was only moderately likeable.

This was the third book in the Matthews family series. I had not read the earlier books, but found this one stood fine alone. I could see who the earlier books were about and how things were progression with the Matthews' family cast of characters, but this was a new story thread and focused on a younger family member, Tracy.

The story opens when Tracy Matthews and her sister JC are visit a Greek Island on their annual European vacation. They come from a wealthy family plus their mother is married to a Hollywood A-lister so are used to the celebrity life though Tracy tries to avoid it. She is a serious person, scholarly, and a rule-follower which is why when JC has the idea to crash a wedding for fun that Tracy surprisingly goes along. Instead of JC having the fateful encounter with a hot and passionate Italian it is Tracy. Unfortunately, she is a mess and knows she has been less than sophisticated. But still it is the best night of her life and both her and her mystery man feel it.

However, after the abrupt ending to the night and a promise to call, she never here's from her hot Italian again. Tracy put her heart into it and is devastated so she is leery when a friend asks her to come do some marketing work for a local Tuscan winery a year later. Tracy has avoided all things Italian and Italy up until then, but she can't say no to her close family friend. It is there she encounters the antagonistic Vincent Giovanni and the sparks fly.

As I said, I really thought this one would hit the spot with me since I usually love this sort of background and set up. But I didn't. I took a strong aversion to the heroine from nearly the beginning and it only grew with each new over the top emotion and self-absorbed action. I was also confused. The book describes her one way and I never saw evidence of that. She was a petulant, self-absorbed brat most of the time who over-reacts all the time. Her sister JC wasn't any better.

The romance was also a tough one for me to get behind. Tracy and her Italian have a brief encounter. She is drunk or jumping to conclusions about him most of the time. He is a gentleman and really cares so he doesn't take advantage. There was nothing in that evening to make me think everlasting romance, but suddenly it is that on Tracy's part. The latter parts of the story start with an antagonistic encounter on both their parts and again I was struck by how over the top it was and continued to be. I just could not understand the whys behind all the attitude. So by the time they settled things, I was barely caring that they were together.

I confess that I did a lot of skimming and maybe I should have just DNF'd it, but I kept hoping her attitude would get an adjustment and I really wanted to know why he never called her and was curious what would happen when they figured out who each other was since their earlier encounter had been with the masquerade masks on and they never got around to sharing the truth about themselves. So there was just enough to keep me going, but not enough to make me care beyond satisfying my curiosity.

As to recommending it, I saw that it had a fairly good rating when I came to post my review so it's possible that my early impression and mood are more a factor than the book. So if you enjoy the idea of a New Adult Contemporary Romance set in Italy between wealthy, bright heroine and handsome Italian winemaker, you might want to check it out.

I received this story as part of boxed set from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review.
191 reviews8 followers
May 14, 2014
“All of our little imperfections are what makes us so lovable” (quote Tracy remembers from her father)
Tracy is the type of personality that has her life planned out in great detail, with school, her job and her future career. Little did she know that the best things in life happen when you don’t follow the plans you have in place. Sometimes you have to leave it to fate to find your true destiny.
The story begins when JC and Tracy are on their last day in Greece for their annual summer vacation. Tracy had no idea that she was going to meet a man that had the ability to change her entire outlook on life and her future.
Upon their first interaction the connection that Tracy and Giovanni had to one another was undeniable. The chemistry that was felt from both of them was overwhelming. Tracy was not sure how to handle it but knew she had to enjoy the moment.
When JC and Tracy were leaving the wedding neither Tracy nor Giovanni wanted to let the other go. Giovanni stated, “I want to see you again. I would travel half way around the world to see you again.”
When the phone call never came, her world began to fall apart. Until Tom and her mom give her a gift to travel and discover what she truly wants to do with her life, not just a job but a career to love.
A memory of Tracy and her dad in regards to not over analyzing (which Tracy had a tendency to do) “Don’t outsmart your common sense, Peanut. Work hard and honest, love what you do, and good things will come.”
This is the third book in The Mathews Family Series and just like the others I HAVE LOVED them all. The characters are loveable and relatable. The family that is created between the Mathews and Clemmins (& Lisa, Benny and their kids) is a bond that is stronger than blood and a love that has the power to conquer all. The feelings and philosophies about life that are found throughout the series are inspiring and meaningful. Even though they have had tragedy in their lives they still choose to live each day to the fullest as they were taught from their mom and dad.
They truly believe:
“Everything happens for a reason. This is our fate.”
May 10, 2014
The courage to live life without regret...
5 BHS (Broken Heart Syndrome) stars... Beverly Preston has turned me into a page turning mess! I have smiled, snickered, giggled, and literally laughed out loud. I have sighed, sniffled, gasped, held my breath in anticipation, and even blushed, "Oh my God, Vincent." I'm in love with The Matthews Family Series, and by my calculations there is at least one more left, I'll be waiting for JC's story. Beverly Preston, I would love to see a bad$$ woman come along who could put Antonio in his place and turn that manwhore into a one-woman-man!❤️
Profile Image for Romance Readers Retreat.
2,346 reviews222 followers
May 10, 2014
Beverly Preston is back and she does not disappoint! The Perfect Someday is a wonderful addition to the Mathews Family series. Preston's writing style is relaxed and comforting allowing me to relax and fully immerse myself in the story. I've been looking forward to Tracy's book; she has a lot of traits that I admire. She's driven, intelligent, loving, and determined. Also in every book in the Mathews family series you see that Tracy is constantly looking out for her sister, she truly is her sister's keeper. After seeing Tracy always put her sister first it's nice to see her get her own HEA. Tracy also doesn't have a lot of experience with men but once she meets Vincent she realizes what she's been waiting for her entire life. Oh Vincent....how I love thee! Seriously, Vincent is one hot mamma jamma! Talk, dark, handsome, and Italian. He's got some serious machismo.... but he can be a little grouchy. I love that Tracy doesn't put up with Vincent's macho shenanigans and gives as good as she gets. She quickly finds out that underneath his prickly exterior is a gooey center. There are twists and turns in the book that tied me up in knots emotionally but later there's a sweetness to Tracy and Vincent's love that had me sighing with girlish joy. I also wanted to note something I found funny in all the Mathews books.....they love some nekkidness! I'm not just talking naked while having the sexy fun time... at some point in each of the books the Mathews have eaten naked, swam naked, and answered the phone naked; though not together as a family because that would be weird. I'm pretty sure that if you get a Mathews family member alone at home chances are they're gonna be naked!
Profile Image for Amy Barber.
891 reviews10 followers
May 1, 2014
This story took me by surprise. I read a lot, like a real lot. I kept thinking that I knew what was going to happen next, but I was wrong at almost every turn. I already loved the characters since I fell in love with them in No More Wasted Time and then fell even deeper in Shayla's Story. Now there's Vincent. Oh. My. This man is just so amazing, passionate, devoted and hot. Tracy's story is heartbreaking in parts, but her HEA is just perfect. I am very anxious to get more of their story in the next book because I want to know where their amazing love is going to take them next.

I think you can read this as a standalone, but I highly recommend starting with the first book and reading through, they are all fantastic - no cliffhangers!
Profile Image for Hannah.
180 reviews39 followers
April 1, 2015
Title: The Perfect Someday
Author: Beverly Preston
Series: Can be read as a standalone (recommend reading in order)
Cliffhanger: No
Release Date: May 12, 2014
Rating: 3.5

This book is Tracy Mathews’ story. It starts with Tracy and her sister JC back in Greece. It is their last day there and Tracy is determined to get some pictures at a specific church. When they get there they discover that there is a wedding taking place at the church. JC has the wonderful idea to crash the wedding so Tracy can get her photos. This happens to be a masquerade wedding. While there Tracy meets Giovanni from Italy. Tracy and Giovanni spend a wonderful night together and Tracy gives Giovanni her number before heading home. And Tracy never hears from him.

A year later she has finished school and takes a trip to Italy for a birthday party and a break where she gets roped into helping the winery next door. At the winery she meets Vincent. Vincent is one of the owner’s two sons and the main wine maker. He is resistant to changing and modernizing the winery and as a result is not happy that Tracy is there. But they might just be what the other was looking for.

Of the Mathews siblings Tracy is the responsible one following the rules and not taking risks. She is more comfortable in a school setting than flirting with boys like JC. Her attraction to Giovanni at the wedding is so strong and unusual for her, but she gives into it.

I like how Tracy would ramble when she got nervous. It made her more realistic and likeable. I didn’t like how she fell in love with Giovanni, a complete stranger whose face and full name she doesn’t even know, too quickly. And by this I mean in an obsessive way. When she goes back to school and does not hear from him she gets depressed and buries herself in school work and crying herself to sleep, for a year. For the rational and responsible sibling this is way out of character for her and kind of pathetic.

She starts to pull herself together while working at the winery where she meets Vincent Giovanni. Since Vincent does not like what Tracy is there for he is not that nice so they don’t like each other and try their best to avoid each other. Eventually Tracy decides that enough is enough and they stop avoiding each other. Soon they discover and attraction and grow closer. While Vincent was a jerk at first he ended up being really sweet. He genuinely cared for Tracy and being there for her.

If it wasn’t obvious about Vincent

The relationship seemed rushed. Like with John’s book the couple does not spend much time together from meeting to in love and I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you. So there is not enough time to really get to know them as a couple and care about them being together too much.

This book, for me, was better than the second book because the main couple had a little more time to get to know each other before sleeping together instead of the day they met. The second book also seemed to focus more on their sex lives. This book had the character get to know each other a little bit before going straight to sex.

Regardless of my issues with the book it was fun to read. This is a good filler series for when you have some time and want an easy read.
Profile Image for Mandie Foxylutely.
948 reviews96 followers
June 8, 2014
This is the third book in the Matthews Family series and is the story of Tracy and Vincent. Again as with all the books in this series, it takes you to beautiful parts of the World that along with the storytelling and a forever romance, the reader is given an evocative journey to be taken on.

Tracy is on a holiday in Greece with her sister JC. They find themselves crashing a masquerade wedding in order to see the church they had been savouring to see. It is at the after party that Tracy meets and falls for gorgeous Italian, Giovanni, who is a guest at his friend’s wedding.

Giovanni takes Tracy to a secluded and secret spot to show her the beautiful sundown for her to take a chance in a lifetime picture. It is whilst they are together in this private part of the beach that they get to know each other and their feelings for each other erupt. When the night ends they make promises to each other that no distance will keep them apart. When JC is urging Tracy to get in the taxi so they can leave, Tracy hurriedly puts her number into Giovanni’s phone and leaves after he tells her he will call her. Next morning no call comes, and even after the journey back home to the US no call ever comes. Tracy is devastated to think she will never see the love of her life again and did she imagine all that they had together on that beautiful night in Greece.

Over the following months Tracy does all she can to try and forget and get over the disappointment but she is finding it hard going. When her Mom’s friend, Lisa asks her over to Italy to visit she tries all she can to get out of it, she never wants to be near to an Italian man again as it would bring back all the angst she has gone through, but Lisa has a way of persuading her. The wine making neighbours of Lisa have an opening for a job opportunity which is right up Tracy’s street and would give her an ideal chance to break her mark into her career.

It’s when Tracy gets to the Giovanni Winery that she meets the brooding and sexy Vincent, who immediately gets her hackles raised with his abrupt and rude treatment of her. The story then evolves into them both getting to know each other better and an even more eye popping curve ball that is thrown in when things from the past get brought right into the present and future.

I really liked this storyline although I was a little perplexed at why neither Tracy nor Giovanni took their masks off when JC did at the wedding. It wasn’t until later in the book that it made sense for them not to and made a great ‘OMG’ moment.

Vincent is an absolutely gorgeous sexy Italian, I could feel the vibes strumming through my kindle each time he spoke or caressed. And oh did he caress! What sexy times were had, yowzer! I love the brooding and sensual prowess he evoked from one scintillating page after another.

I have always loved Tracy in each of the books so it was no different in her own. This girl has gone through so much I was cheering for her to finally get her own HEA, and what a gorgeous man to have one with!

The atmospheric writing just made you feel you were in the hot and romantic countries of Greece and Italy that the storyline took us to. It made the romance of the book so much more. It was also so enlightening about the subject of wine (which is one of my favourites ha-ha) that I will never look at a glass of wine in the same way again. Or ice cream!

So if you are looking for a gorgeous romance, set in two of the most beautiful countries in the World, then this is certainly a book you need to read. Fabulous.

All details along with all other reviews at Foxylutely Book Reviews blog
Profile Image for Tracey Murphy .
280 reviews31 followers
May 14, 2014
Joint review by Tracey and Tina at http://kandtbookreviews.blogspot.com/...

5 hot Italian stars!

Tracey: I LOVE the Mathews family series. Beverly Preston has a way of making all your dreams about falling in love with the perfect man so real. I've been hooked since her first book.

Tina: I couldn't agree more, Tracey! Beverly's books are definitely romantic and passionate and when can we

Tracey: I admit, I wasn't crazy about Tracy when I first met her. She seemed so tense about everything. Definitely not the free spirits that her sister and brother were.

Tina: I agree! I am glad that in this book we were able to see the "fun" Tracy! She was such a strict student and didn't want to let her hair down, until she met Giovanni.

Tracey: It was so good to see her not think just feel when she first met him. She wasn't thinking about her future plans, or what was going to happen tomorrow. She was living in the now with a gorgeous man (even though she couldn't see his face).

Tina: I loved the element of mystery that Beverly gave us! And she had the night of her life! It made me think love at first sight could be possible, although it was short lived.

Tracey: Yes, Tina! Usually I hate instalove stories, but the way it was written had me believing that they really did fall in love that night. Tracy believed it too, she was so devastated after when they never spoke again. She went from overall tense to tense and depressed, I really felt for her

Tina: Me too! I was really hoping the situation would go differently, but then she received the opportunity of a lifetime to go to Italy and work on a vineyard with extremely HOT Italian men. I stopped feeling sorry for her then!

Tracey: Yes, young beautiful girl working at a vineyard on the Italian countryside, working next to a beautiful (although moody) Italian man, can't say I felt too bad for her at that point either.

Tina: She did have her hands full with Vincent, who seemed to be less than thrilled with her ideas to improve the vineyard and sales. He was pretty cold to her on a personal level too and I just couldn't understand why!

Tracey: I knew there was a story there too, I just couldn't figure it out. It was like he was mad at her for just being there. After he started to show his nicer side, I fell in love pretty quickly. So charming, so dedicated to his family, and I started to think maybe being mean to Tracy was the old "boys are mean to you when they really like you" theory.

Tina: Exactly!!! I loved his dedication to his family, the vineyard and the "old school" way of life! The sexual tension between Vincent and Tracy was intense and I just wanted one of them to make the first move!
Tracey: Oh my goodness, it was torturous. Vincent was gorgeous, passionate and obviously very into Tracy. I wanted to scream at her just jump on him already!

Tina: And that is what makes me love Beverly's books! There is angst, there is passion, and there is always a beautiful story to be told! Her writing is mature and not all in your face smut! Her books always take place in beautiful settings that I think enhance the romance even more!

Tracey: Perfectly said, Tina! I couldn't agree more! It was great to see the rest of the family too. I like how Tom became such a great father figure and how he was still so in love with Tess.

Tina: I love when a series builds from one story to the next. We got to see how tom and Tess' relationship has grown and even had a glimpse of Shayla and John's life. This series is definitely a must read for any hardcore romantic!

Profile Image for Novel Grounds.
1,519 reviews75 followers
October 4, 2014

5 Stars|Amazon|Goodreads
Meg's Review:
I LOVED this book. As with Beverly Preston's other two novels in this series, I was not left wanting in any aspect.

With all of the books in this series I starting it with an idea of where it was going to end up. You get the idea of where the book is going, and it's just all the problems that pop up in between that I don't see coming. I love a book that I can see the ending with. Sometimes you want a novel that doesn't have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. This novel is the perfect mix.

Now. These characters. I CANNOT WAIT until JC gets her chance, because I just love her. Every sentence out of her mouth has me giggling.

"How can someone who is so smart be completely oblivious to her surroundings? Seriously? Your IQ ranges in the gifted category, but your hot male sensors border on nonexistent."

Tracey. She had a fun run in this book. I LOVED her front he start. Her sass and just bluntness at some things just made me love her even more. She is that type of character that you love to fall in love with. She's not some whiney heroine, or the one you just want to smack. She is the type that you sympathize and relate to.

“Teddy bear my ass! Are you kidding me? More like a…a…T-Rex or a flesh eating disease! The man hates me!"

See. Now. The men in this books. *Swoon* Like really. Can I just have them? I don't want to give anything away, just these boys. Just, Yeah. Read this. If you want a H-O-T read that actually has some substance? Read this. It is very well written and you won't want to put it down. #MustRead #FavoriteFiveStar
Tracy Mathews lives life by the perfect moral code.

After graduating magna cum laude in Marketing, she travels to the fabled churches of Santorini to capture the unspoiled sunset, only to find a masquerade wedding about to begin. Tracy is persuaded by her younger sister to crash the ceremony. While donning a mask in Greece, she encounters a magnetically charming, handsome Italian, who entices her deepest desires.

After a brief and mysterious rendezvous with future promises made, she returns home only to realize her dreams of the perfect man have been shattered—until an unexpected job opportunity presents itself in Italy.

Vincent is a fifth generation winemaker in the rolling hills of Tuscany. On the verge of losing his family’s estate, will Tracy Mathews, an up and coming marketing entrepreneur, be exactly what he needs to save his family heritage and his broken heart?

Profile Image for Liezel Felix.
902 reviews140 followers
July 9, 2016
In this book Tracy takes a break from school and goes on vacation in Europe with her sister JC. In Greece, a chance encounter brings Tracy into the clutches of a her perfect man named Giovanni. Being the level headed one among the Mathews siblings you wouldn’t expect Tracy to be trusting and spend time alone with a complete stranger but she couldn’t resist the connection that instinctively pulls them together. In one night they both know that they are destined souls but are soon enough parted.

With promises to call their separation doesn’t seem that daunting but as Tracy makes it back home without receiving that call she becomes withdrawn and depressed. As weeks, months and years pass she begins questioning herself. Were these intense feelings for a man she barely knew just a product of wayward hormones? Did something tragic happen to the man she thought she was predestined to be with? Or maybe what she felt wasn’t reciprocated just as she had imagined?

Concentrating on starting her career she attempts to forget this man that affected her and swears off anything Italian but when the Levi’s persuade her to celebrate an anniversary in Tuscany she is provided with a business opportunity that she couldn’t refuse and ends up staying indefinitely. Here she meets another Italian that affects her just as Giovanni did but is she ready to finally let go and follow her heart again?

“I always assumed falling in love would take time, months or even years, getting to know someone. There is so much I don’t know about you yet…but I don’t care about any of that. Because this…this feels better than anything else in the world.”

For the past couple days I was totally consumed by the entire Mathews Family Series where I might as well dub these few days as “Beverly Preston Weekend”. I’ve read the first two books months ago (upon release) but was coaxed to reread them again after finishing The Perfect Someday. These books are that stunning that they deserved to be read over again.

What is it about this series that manages to amaze me every time? It could have be the unparalleled relations between all the members of the Mathews – Clemmins clan and their much extended family. I was pleased to see how the relationship continue to evolve and develop over time. I love how the series provides us with the opportunity to catch up on Tess and Tom (No More Wasted Time) and of course Shayla and John’s (Shayla’s Story) lives.

It is also one the extraordinary series of books that convincingly illustrates that love is obtainable no matter how brief the encounter is. As always I thought the writing was impeccable. The author never falters in wielding a story that epitomizes an astounding fated love.

Every single one of the books have these amazing elements and The Perfect Someday is not any different. Don’t think that because of the similarities and the repeat characters that they are too much alike. Every single one of these novels is distinct and just as engaging.

Just as the first two books I loved this book and am very much looking forward to see how the “anti-marriage” Mathews sibling – JC eat her words and finally meet her match.


342 reviews13 followers
May 24, 2014
Arc given to blog for Honest Review
I love that I was able to read two of Beverly Preston’s books back-to- back. I was little late reading Book 2–Shayla’s Story– and so happy after I finally did read it. I wish I had not waited so long.

Now let’s talk about book three of the Matthew Family series, The Perfect Someday. The very beginning of the book grabbed me, I was very intrigued and much of it left me breathless–both from the immense connection the characters had and the anticipation of them getting together. Honestly, as I got further into the book I became disappointed. I felt the characters stayed apart way too long. Towards the end they come back together but do not seem to know who each other is. I can’t tell you why or it would spoil the story. But I can say I found this part not to be as believable. I felt that the connection was so strong between them that there should have been no doubt that they instantly would know who the other was. I thought the story was going to go in a different direction than it did. This story also did not have as much heat throughout like the author’s first two books. I was not real happy with that either. I could not understand why this story seemed so different than first two books. I sat back and really thought about it. That is when it hit me and I had an AHA moment! Now, I will explain.

After my AHA moment I realized that the character of Tracy is different, a very different person than the rest of her family. Tracy is not described as an extremely sexual person. When she gives herself to someone it has to mean something. Yes, she has sexual needs, but she will not compromise herself just because she feels horny and believe me she definitely felt horny. It is these reasons that I realized that this story would have not made sense had it in fact been full of sex throughout. This relationship was not just all about the sex; it is more of an emotional connection.

Vincent is very different than most men too. As I got to know him I fell more in love with the person he was. His loyalty, love, and devotion is sexy has hell. The anticipation was killing me for these two to finally have sex. I finally got my gratification and it was beautiful scene. It was very hot with an innocence that made me want to look away because I felt as if I was intruding. Of course I did not look away!

I am angry at myself for feeling the way I did at first when I finished the book. I should know better that not every story (character) dictates the same way to an author and I commend the author for allowing her characters to be who they need to be. I think I was just being selfish. Lol

Beverly Preston writes beautiful love stories and I love following the lives of the Matthew family. Each book gives you little bits of other characters and how their lives are progressing. This story can be read alone but I do think you will enjoy it even more if you read the others first. They are full of humor, love, sadness, but ultimately happiness. I can’t wait for JC’s book; she is a spitfire and a lot to handle. Her downfall to love will be epic for sure!
May 14, 2014
The Perfect Someday is the 3rd book by Beverly Preston with the Mathews/Clemmins family and features oldest daughter Tracy. The story also takes us to the Tuscan countryside and the author lays out the scenery beautifully. You almost feel as if you are there as the story is being told.

I have been a huge fan of this series since 'No More Wasted Time', followed by 'Shayla's Story' and was looking forward to what the author would do next. The one thing I will say is she knows how to tell a love story. Love a first sight is what we are dealing with and I am a firm believer in this type of connection. The two main characters meet at a wedding reception in Greece which features a masquerade theme and don't see each others face during this initial encounter. After spending the entire wedding reception talking and falling in love. At the end of the reception, Tracy gives 'Vincent' her phone number and they promise to keep in touch and meet again very soon.

Sadness falls on Tracy when she never hears from Vincent. We really only read about her suffering during the time but she almost falls into a deep depression waiting to hear from him. During a two year period of no contact or phone calls she slowly tries to move on with her life by finishing college, trying to date other men and trying to find the 'perfect job'. Not having much luck in the job search Tracy finds herself in Tuscany at the request of her aunt 'Lisa' and is once again reunited with the man fell in love with. After Tracy clashes with the son of a wine family she begins working with it becomes obvious the two are destined to be together. It takes awhile for Tracy and Vincent but they each figure out where they have met previously and it is so beautiful when they finally come together. To someone on the outside looking in this story may seem a bit farfetched but it is a beautiful love story and theirs is told beautifully.
I love how the author had previous family members from the first two books in the story. It was nice to see how they are coming along in their lives. Each story in the series has a theme of love conquers all and a HEA and I have now officially dubbed Beverly Preston as the Queen of the HEA. She always does a wonderful job of making me as a reader fall in love with love.

I will recommend this story to anyone looking for a great love story with a HEA.

'The Perfect Someday' can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the other books as well.
Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,821 reviews117 followers
June 4, 2014

I really have enjoyed this series and I liked this book. This is the third book in the series. In this book, we have Tracy's story. Tracy is Tess's daughter and Tom's step-daughter.

Tracy is in a slump in relationships so she and her younger sister JC go off to Greece for a vacation. While Tracy is the reliable sister, JC is the hellion so Tracy wasn't surprised that JC could get her intro mischief. While is Greece, Tracy wants to get photographs of a church she admires but when she and JC get there, a wedding is happening. JC convinces Tracy to jump fence and crash the wedding. What she didn't expect was to meet a handsome man named Giovanni. Giovanni and she spend a few hours together only for Tracy to have to be whisked away with JC but not before leaving him with a fake name and her real number.

A few months later, no phone call and Tracy is in a slump. She can't get Giovanni out of her head and just wants to escape. A mututal friend offers her a job of a lifetime to go to Italy and help a vineyard that is on the brink of shutting its doors and losing its family legacy. What Tracy doesn't expect is the sparks to fly with one of the vineyard's owner Vincent. He has sparked something is her she hasn't felt since Giovanni. As they the game of cat and mouse ensures between these two, it is only a matter of time before the sparks they have ignite! And when they do, look out because these two will be burning up the pages.

What happens with happenstance gets in the way? When both thought all thoughs of love was lost and life gives you a second chance, do you take it or run away? Will Tracy find Giovanni or will someone else step in his way? Is Vincent the man for Tracy?

I loved Vincent. He was sweet, kind, amazing, and he deserved love. I also liked Tracy. She was smart, dependable, and had a good head on her shoulders. I loved it when she stood up for herself and didn't take crap from anyone. I loved how Vincent make her come out of her comfort zone and live life. I also love how protective he was over her and how he didn't give up on her.

This was an amazing addition to this series and I can't wait to see who is next!
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
May 13, 2014
The Perfect Someday
by Beverly Preston

I can not tell you how much I enjoy Beverly's books. This one is certainly another wonderful addition to the Mathews family series.

Tracy is one of Tess's daughters and we were introduced to her in No More Wasted Time. Tracy is now a college graduate and quite a smart young woman. She and her sister are in Italy on vacation and decide to travel to a beautiful sightseeing spot for her to capture the scenery she has always dreamed and add them to her collection. The girls finally reach their destination only to find out that their is a private wedding being held there. JC is the adventurous one and decides that they should crash the party to get the pictures Tracy wants. The best part about this is every guest is wearing a decorative mask. This may work to their benefit!
Giovanni is a handsome, sexy wedding guest. He is instantly enamored by the beautiful Tracy. Upon meeting, JC introduces them using an alias. To not chance that if they get caught to be found. Tracy and Giovanni spend a glorious evening together just getting to know each other. He takes her to the most beautiful out of the way areas to get that perfect shot. They have wonderful chemistry and delicious wine and vow at the end of the evening to reconnect. Tracy types her number into Giovanni's phone and exits the party.
A strange course of events take place and the meeting doesn't take place. It leaves Tracy a bitter taste for the men of Italy!
She is given the opportunity to work for a large vineyard and reluctantly decides that is in her best interest to give it a go. She is not prepared for the journey that this new position will take her. This new found job may be just what she needs to forget the lost love and place her on the right path for happiness!! It may also show her a few surprises and enlighten her on the past events that have made her reluctant at love!
Beverly takes us the reader on another wonderful journey with characters that have wonderful banter, are beautifully thought out and easy to fall in love with! Kudos Ms. Preston you have done a wonderful job!
~~Michele McMullen~~
Profile Image for Julie Kirby.
918 reviews13 followers
July 14, 2014
I actually called this The Perfect Sunbeam in my Notebook (that I use for reviews!)
OH MY! You will not be disappointed. Love hearing about the Matthews family, with the fabulous interjection of the Clemmings Oh and Lisa and Benny!

So its tracy's book, who has always been the sensible, studious one of the three children.

We start with th4e brief but very passionate wedding crashing meeting. Giovanni and 'Maggie' meet at a Wedding, Tracy had wanted to photograph the Cathedral where the wedding was taking place, so as not to disappoint JC got them crashed into the wedding!

They spend the evening together, as Giovanni works out that they are not true guests, Giovanni and Tracy go on to have a perfect evening, she puts her cell number into his phone and after they part she eagerly awaits his call. We spend time with a very angry and fristrated Tracy, who then graduates and has to decide what she wants to do with as a career.

She gets dragged to a party at Lisa and Benny's villa in Italy. Reluctantly she goes and meets their neighbours and yes I was hoping it was going to be Giovanni!

She was quite shocked but the man although very similar was not her Italian. She then spends time working with the neighbours on helping with the updating of their winery.

She soons gets engrossed in work, and meets the brother, again dismissing the fact that he could be her lost Italian. As she slowly begins to get over her heartbreak and although things start of frosty Tracy and the brother, Vincent begin to get to know each other.

Working closely the winery's future business plans begin to take shape.

There is a 'Oh Shit' moment, causing their friendship to go into freefall, and Tracy doesn't quite know why! Vincent is acting very oddly!

We soon learn what went wrong before, why Tracy spent the past 2 years heartbroken. I was so pleased they were able to move on.

Their relationship although it didn't start off well, soon moved towards serious status. I loved how they got on so well together.

I loved catching up with the others and hearing about the twins! Great book,
Profile Image for D.
761 reviews
July 14, 2014
A beautiful story set in the beautiful backdrop of the vineyards in Tuscany.
This was my first time reading something from Beverly Preston and it definitely won't be my last. Perfect Someday, like a fine wine had the perfect balance of love, heartache, humour and sexiness. She created a story of fate intervening for a second time to give two perfectly paired people a chance at love in the unlikely circumstances.
I love the characters because they were hard working and never took things for granted or expected anything from anyone. And honestly I don't think any of you could resist Vincent Giovanni. He was sexy without the outlandish arrogance. There was no gimmick. He simply was a beautiful man inside and out. You instantly loved his character. Tracy-- she made me laugh with her academic intensity but made me feel her sincerity in her love for her family and those close to her. I loved the sense of family and family respect. Family is what ultimately brought the Tracy and Giovanni together.
Right from the first few pages, I knew i was going to enjoy the story. I love the idea of traveling in a story. There are some very romantic settings and the culture of these other worlds make the romance seem more meaningful.
The story flowed really well and the interrelationships of the characters was fabulous. I never felt like a character was out of place or thrown into the story at random. There were only a few times where I felt like Giovanni, who is Italian (who at times had to search for the correct American term), was suddenly very fluent in English.
If you haven't read anything by Beverly Preston, you should.
Perfect Someday is a great summer read that you should definitely experience.
Profile Image for BadDirtyBooks.
166 reviews47 followers
July 18, 2014
Beverly Preston delivers again!
Even though this is the 3rd book in the series it can be
read as a stand alone.
Prepare yourself for a fantastic ride!
Tracy is the responsible, always plan ahead,
always be prepared, calculated independent
The total opposite of her sister JC.
JC just wants Tracy to let loose and let go of all
of her inhibitions while they are on vacation in Greece.
So, for once Tracy forgets all of her rules and
tries being spontaneous and open and guess what happens?
She has the most
unforgettable time with a man she feels is the only one for her.
After that one, night she
never hears from him again.
It breaks a part of her spirit that she never really gets back
So she goes through the motions of life trying to make something out of her life and not
even knowing how to start! Thank a God she has an excellent support group with her
family and after finishing college and Tracy not finding anything suitable, her family
whisks her away to Italy for a job opportunity.
She has sworn off all men especially Italians.
Which makes life hell for Antonio one of the two
brothers of the winery that needs her financial advice. Vincent on the other hand is the
jerk that doesn't want her around. He is very attractive, but his attitude proceeds him and
is very unpleasant. As they continue to work together and spend time together, they have
a underlying passion for one another.
Will they be able to break down each other and live
by their hearts desire?
Or will they be trapped by their past heartbreaks?
You must one
click to see, but you will so Damn glad you took my advice!
Profile Image for Diana.
186 reviews17 followers
May 15, 2014
My favorite books are those that have a story that grabs you and holds on to you. Those one’s that take over ever aspect of your life. You know, the one’s you think about while making dinner, stopped at a red light or grocery shopping. The Perfect Someday did that for me.

I daydreamed about traveling to Europe, about drinking wine and I don’t drink wine! I was plucked out of my life, and dropped into Beverly Preston’s words. With each page I fell a little more. I felt Tracy’s each emotion. I found myself wanting to climb in and be part of the story. I went from one emotion to the next, turning each page and losing myself into the story. It got to the point, where I was afraid of each passing page, worried not only about what was to come, but of it ending. Every detail rang true, as if you were watching it happen or hearing your best friend describe it over drinks. I found The Perfect Someday so vivid, and alive. I craved more.

I loved how this book, wasn’t full of unneeded drama. The Perfect Someday had no big games between characters, just a full story that kept you on your toes (and maybe fascinating about a life making wine). I was definitely seduced and fell in love with this story.

So, if your ready for a vacation, an amazing story or just a great book: THIS IS IT. You’ll relate to Tracy, she’s the girl next door or your best friend or even you. She lives life with caution, or at least with thinking everything through. And you’ll love the trip she takes you on. It’s in Tuscany, with Italian men! Need I say more…..

Profile Image for BooksandBeyondFiftyShades.
1,350 reviews154 followers
July 25, 2014
Tracy Mathews lives life by the perfect moral code.
After graduating magna cum laude in Marketing, she travels to the fabled churches of Santorini to capture the picturesque sunset, only to find a masquerade wedding about to begin.

Tracy is persuaded by her younger sister to crash the ceremony. While donning a mask in Greece, she encounters a magnetically charming, handsome Italian, who entices her deepest desires.

After a brief and mysterious rendezvous with future promises made, she returns home only to realize her dreams of the perfect man have been shattered—until an unexpected job opportunity presents itself in Italy.

Vincent is a fifth generation winemaker in the rolling hills of Tuscany. On the verge of losing his family’s estate, will Tracy Mathews, an up and coming marketing entrepreneur, be exactly what he needs to save his family heritage and his broken heart?

What an incredible love story……One I could not put down, I read it in 24 hours. Romantic, fast paced, bitter-sweet, you will have all these feelings sprinkled with a bit of humor, which I love. Pure entertainment.

The richness of this book shines through, you will connect with the characters and want them to have it all.

This could be a standalone, but don’t short sale yourself, because the secondary characters featured in this book are the main characters in Book 1 & 2.
Profile Image for Nelly.
595 reviews11 followers
April 8, 2015
I LOVED all four of these stories!

Tess, John, Tracy and JC all have a wonderful close family bond. They have each gone through things because of the loss of Richard. Richard's memory is kept alive in all of the books and it's sweet that they still talk about him and that Tom is not threatened by it at all.

Tess, John, Tracy and JC all find these once in a lifetime loves. They aren't looking for it and they aren't expecting it. They go through hard times.....Tracy feeling like she lost her shot in Greece and being miserable for 2 years, JC with the domestic violence she suffered, Tess losing her husband. Shayla having a horrible past with her father and John having lost his father not young and the skiing accident.

All four stories are sad, happy, romantic, passionate and at times frustrating. I didn't want to put the books down. After reading Tess' story I knew I would love them all. This is a great family. One you read about and wish it was yours. The bonds they all share are amazing and inspiring.

I would love to have seen a glimpse a little further out. A peek at kids for Tracy and JC or even more for Shayla no John.
Profile Image for Lisa.
473 reviews3 followers
May 18, 2014
Tracy and her JC visit Europe every summer. This summer Tracy wanted to visit Greece and this one certain spot for the best pictures possible. When they get there, there is a wedding taking place. This was not going to stop JC from getting Tracy in to get what she wanted. What they didn't expect was it was a masquerade wedding. After the wedding while Tracy was studying the sky and man in a handsome mask came and swept her off her feet. When she was leaving after the reception had ended her sister JC talked Tracy into leaving this man her number. Tracy left her number but when she was back home and time passed and never heard from him she was heart broken. On a visit for her Aunt's anniversary party she was introduced to the neighbors. But what that would lead to Tracy never saw coming. Did Tracy ever find love after the intimate night in Greece? Would her meeting the neighbors lead to her finding love?  Whatever happened with Tracy and the mask man from the wedding?
I would recommend this to my friends to read. It is a romantic read.

~Lisa. The Book Nuts
Profile Image for Kristin L..
Author 1 book18 followers
August 10, 2014
The Perfect Someday is Beverly Preston's third installment of the Matthews family stories. This is Tracy's story, and the reader is whisked away in the beginning to Greece, and then to Italy and the beautiful wine country of Tuscany. As always, it is so fun to see the characters that I have come to love from the prior stories - Tess and Tom, John and Shayla, Jaycee and especially Lisa and Benny Levi. (Hint hint - I would just love to find out how those two met and fell in love someday!)

I enjoyed seeing Tracy come out of her shell and learn to assert herself. She has grown so much as a character. Truth be told, of course I knew from the start that Vincent was Giovanni from that fateful night in Greece. The great part of the story was waiting for the two of them to figure it out too! This romance has the perfect amount of sexy spice along with a sweet happily ever after that is the stuff of dreams.
Profile Image for DCT.
1,035 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2014
This entire series has captured my heart and my romantic sensibilities. Starting with Tess and Tom, then John and Shayla, and now of course Tracy and Vincent. Beverly has a way of transporting the reader to whatever exotic local has enveloped our couple; and in this case it happens to be Greece and Italy. I felt like I was right there with Maggie and Giovanni, as they met at beautiful masquerade wedding in the picturesque chapel that lured Tracy and JC to that particular spot in the first place. Beverly has such amazing talent for her exquisite descriptions and the poetic way she brings her couples together. This is one of those wistful yet hopeful love stories that makes you believe in fate, serendipity, and love at first sight. Thanks Beverly for another wonderful read. Looking forward to JC's story, and something tells me that bad boy Ryan will be involved, lol!
Profile Image for Pearls.
291 reviews23 followers
May 14, 2014
I loved the first two books by Beverly Preston, so when she asked if I would like to read an ARC of the third book, I jumped at the chance.

This is the 3rd story in the Mathews family saga, but like the others, it can be read as a standalone. It follows the life of Tracy as she graduates and moves forward with her life. As a fellow brainiac, I could completely relate to Tracy: part independent woman, part romantic. Set in Greece and Italy, it is filled with romantic scenes as well as angst. I love how the author engages all the senses in the process of reading the story, much as you would when appreciating a fine wine. I truly became lost in the moments. The beauty of the sunset was intoxicating, and that was before the kiss. My heart was broken and rejoicing along with the characters. And I can't wait to book my next vacation in the Italian wine country!
Profile Image for DCT.
1,035 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2014
This entire series has captured my heart and my romantic sensibilities. Starting with Tess and Tom, then John and Shayla, and now of course Tracy and Vincent. Beverly has a way of transporting the reader to whatever exotic locale that has enveloped our couple; and in this case it happens to be Greece and Italy. I felt like I was right there with Maggie and Giovanni, as they met at a beautiful masquerade wedding in the picturesque chapel that lured Tracy and JC to that particular spot in the first place. Beverly has such amazing talent for her exquisite descriptions and the poetic way she brings her couples together. This is one of those wistful yet hopeful love stories that makes you believe in fate, serendipity, and love at first sight. Thanks Beverly for another wonderful read. Looking forward to JC's story, and something tells me that bad boy Ryan will be involved, lol!

Profile Image for Gina.
122 reviews
June 2, 2014
Tracy is quiet, driven, studious, and the intelligent sister in the Mathews family. She isn’t one to take risks, she leaves that to her sister, JC. When a chance meeting with “The Italian” steals her heart, she lets go of her reserve and self-consciousness. Was it Destiny, Fate or just a case of Love at first sight? “People come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.”

Tracy’s story was emotional and HOT! It was an amazing love story that starts in Greece and then brings us to Tuscany where Tracy discovers how to love again and move on from a broken heart. It captured my heart right from the beginning and I couldn’t put it down!

“Italian men flirt like other men breathe, regularly and naturally, as if it’s part of their DNA”
Ha! Loved all the Italian references and description of the region.
Profile Image for Mayas.
1,894 reviews46 followers
April 29, 2014
I don't know where to begin but with a "follow your heart and mind at ALL times". Tracy let a good feeling slip away because of the encouragement of JC. It not only defined her lifes events after but destroyed her and rebuilt a more SOLID woman.

Beverly stayed true to the romance of her novels as well as the education you receive in each novel. "The Italian" warmed my heart with his romance as well as his in-depth knowledge of his passion and family. It goes to show that you don't always agree with necessary decisions but an open mind will get you that HEA you always dreamed of. Lisa was a riot though...

Thank you Beverly for allowing me to escape to Tuscany and Greece
Profile Image for Sarah.
547 reviews
November 17, 2014
My least favorite of the Mathews series although I can't quite figure out why. Maybe Tracy just reminds me too much of myself that I can't totally understand her reaction in the aftermath of "The Italian". I mean really-so depressed that she basically loses a year + of her life? I also didn't feel like we really got to know Vincent that well outside of his love for his vineyards and that he's clearly a very intelligent person. I liked this story a little more the second time I read it, but disliked Vincent even more after learning about the man he considered his best friend! Poor judge of character it seems like!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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