Third-party vendors unveil security tools for Salesforce

DataMotion and FairWarning just introduced products for data protection, governance and regulatory compliance
By Jack McCarthy
08:26 AM

Just last week made a big move into healthcare and this week third-party vendors are bringing products to market that work with Salesforce's platforms.

Two companies unveiled new cloud-based products this week. DataMotion on Wednesday launched an email encryption offering while FairWarning unwrapped data protection and governance capabilities.

DataMotion's new service enables Salesforce users to exchange private health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) via secure messaging, encrypted email and custom app integrations. The company said the integration will enable organizations to bring workflows into HIPAA compliance and lower operational costs by enabling PHI or PII exchanges between end points such as mobile apps, customer portals, messaging interface Service Cloud portals, or a application. DataMotion features include guaranteed encrypted delivery, content filtering, data loss protection and de-identification.

FairWarning, for its part, announced on Tuesday its new FairWarning for Salesforce, a cloud-based data protection service for compliance across regulated industries, including healthcare. The company said that its offering enables users to tap into Salesforce Shield or event monitoring technologies. What's more, FairWarning can be used to transform event monitoring files into human readable text and will send alerts based on common security and governance parameters.

The DataMotion and FairWarning announcements came close on the heels of Salesforce revealing its highly-anticipated move into the healthcare arena with Health Cloud, a software-as-a-service suite featuring what the company calls "patient relationship management" tools.

So far third-party vendors have focused on security but with Salesforce's DreamForce user conference taking place next week, it's safe to anticipate more and more offerings coming to market in the immediate future and bringing a wider swath of functionality. 

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