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Oregon State University's fundraising passes $1 billion

By Matthew Kish
 –  Staff Reporter, Portland Business Journal


Oregon State University President Ed Ray recalls nervously launching the university's first-ever capital campaign in 2007. At the time, Ray hoped the campaign could bring in $625 million.

At his annual State of the University luncheon address in Portland Friday, Ray said the fundraising capital has far exceeded that goal. It just topped $1 billion.

The effort has already led to more than 600 new scholarships and 77 endowed faculty positions.

"Your generosity and the investment by those who contribute to the campaign for OSU adds momentum to our effort to ensure that the best is yet to come," Ray said, according to his prepared remarks.

The university's capital campaign started quietly in 2004 with a goal of $625 million. It hit $990 million by the end of 2013.

More than 102,000 people and organizations have donated. The campaign continues through the end of this year.

Ray listed numerous other accomplishments at his annual address:

  • Ray said Oregon State's enrollment is now the largest of any university in Oregon. It's up 53 percent in the past decade to 29,000 students.
  • The average entering GPA this year was 3.57. Nearly 40 percent of incoming freshman have a GPA of 3.75 or higher.
  • Research funding hit $263 million last year, "more than all other Oregon public universities combined," Ray said.

Although Oregon State added students in the past year, Ray said enrollment declines statewide threaten the state's ability to hit its ambitious educational goals. He said the other six state universities combined only added 14 students.

"The Higher Education Coordinating Commission needs a strategic plan and a business plan for 40-40-20," he said. Ray was referring to the state's lofty education goals that call for, by 2025, 40 percent of Oregonians to have a bachelor's degree or higher, another 40 percent to have an associates degree or other postsecondary certificate, and all Oregonians to have a high school diploma or the equivalent.

"Right now," he said, "there is no state blueprint for success."

Roughly 600 business and civic leaders attended the event, which was held at downtown's Hilton.