Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise,
and Performance Psychology



Price: $47.00
Copyright: 2014
Pages: 240
Editors:Edward Etzel, Jack Watson
ISBN: 978-1-935412-19-9
Audience: Graduate and Reference

Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology focuses on a multitude of unique ethical, legal, and related professional challenges faced by sport, exercise, and performance psychology practitioners. The book contains seventeen chapters organized into four sections:

            I.          Ethical Practices
            II.         Specific Populations
            III.       Special Settings
            IV.       Academic Issues

Students will be given a comprehensive look at the most up-to-date, critical issues facing sport psychology practitioners. A wide range of professionals in higher education, university counseling centers, sports medicine clinics, and in private practice will also find this book to be an informative personal resource.

From the Foreword

"In Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, Edward F. Etzel and Jack
C. Watson II have collected a fascinating set of ethical analyses and guidelines accompanied
by rich examples to illustrate the challenges of practicing ethically in sport psychology. The
outstanding contributors present fleshed-out ethical challenges and dilemmas in exquisite detail
across a range of populations, settings, and modes of service delivery. They have truly done
a service to sport psychologists, students, and coaches, and their work will open wide the eyes
of many who had never fully considered these issues."
Gerald P. Koocher, PhD, ABPP
Professor of Psychology and Dean - College of Science and Health - DePaul University - Chicago, IL

News and Reviews

  • Here's an excerpt of a review from Jeffrey L. Brown in Ethics & Behaviors: “An ethics code gives credibility to any profession. Sport and exercise psychology is no different. In fact, (Edward) Etzel and (Jack) Watson have dedicated more than just time to this volume. The have invested their lives and have championed the cause of ethical behavior in sport psychology for a lengthy period. Readers are fortunate to gain insight and knowledge from these two pioneers of ethics in sport and exercise psychology, as well as their cadre of colleagues who specialize in various corners of the discipline.

    In a world of capitalism and competition, as well as an increase interest in sport, performance, and exercise psychology, Etzel and Watson provide the ethical beacon by which any professional in these areas of specialty should be guided." Read more and purchase access to the review here.

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