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Whoopi Goldberg Talks Narrating The Kinsey Collection Exhibit at Epcot

Jennifer Fickley-Baker

by , Editorial Content Manager, Walt Disney World Resort

Have you seen the “Re-Discovering America: Family Treasures from the Kinsey Collection” exhibit at Epcot yet?

Kinsey Collection at Epcot Celebrates African-American Heritage

Located in the American Pavilion, the exhibit features more than 40 artifacts that span more than 400 years of African-American achievement. Actresses Whoopi Goldberg, Kerry Washington, Chandra Wilson and other celebrities help bring the exhibit to life via touchscreens and guest-activated lanterns at the exhibit. Check out the video below to hear Whoopi share her firsthand experience of being one of the narrators included in the exhibit.


  • Excellent!! I’m exited and can’t wait to see this exhibit on our upcoming visit in a few weeks! I’m glad it was extended past February.

    • I hope you enjoy it, Stephanie!

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