Timothy Ferriss is an author, entrepreneur, blogger and television host. He’s best known as the 4-Hour guru who helped pioneer the ‘lifestyle design’ movement. This quote is taken from Ferriss’ first book, The 4-Hour Workweek, which I read when I was in the middle of my career change and helped motivate me to eventually start this website. The book teaches people to rethink the outdated idea of working a 9-5 job and to use today’s technology to find the perfect work/life balance.

Ferriss recently debuted his new TV show, The Tim Ferriss Experiment, where he applies his life-hacking rules to a number of different disciplines.

I was fortunate enough to meet Tim and contribute some illustrations to his latest book, The 4-Hour Chef. Here’s a blog post I wrote about it with some behind-the-scenes sketches.

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– Zen Pencils was named one of PCMag’s top 100 websites of 2013!
– Yay, it’s finally the first comic of 2014. It’s taken me longer than I had planned to update the site again, but I’m happy to say my holiday really energised me for the year to come and I’ve already got a couple months worth of ideas for comics that I can’t wait to start drawing. Thanks for your patience.