Appointing an (interim) commissioner

Parliament approved the four new members of the European Commission, who will serve until November., on Wednesday morning They are set to replace their compatriots who became MEPs following the European elections in May. As part of the process, the four designates were questioned by the committees responsible for their respective portfolios on Monday evening. Check out our infographic to find out how the whole process works.

The four commissioners-designate are

  • Jacek Dominik (Poland) - financial programming and the budget
  • Martine Reicherts (Luxembourg) - justice, fundamental rights and citizenship
  • Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (Italy) - industry and entrepreneurship
  • Jyrki Katainen ( Finland) - economic and monetary affairs and the Euro

The process of replacing the commissioners for the remainder of the term is very similar to the one that takes place when the whole new commission is put in place. Only this time the hearings in the committees are shorter and Parliament takes its final decision much quicker. The European cCuncil is scheduled to give its approval later on Wednesday.