Almost Blown Away

David Carter The Courier

An arctic cold front sweeping through the Midwest hit Lincoln Sunday evening, bringing bitter cold and damaging high winds to Logan County.

The gusts caused severe damage to a well-known Lincoln landmark, the world’s largest covered wagon, located at the corner of Fifth Street and Lincoln Parkway.

The wind blew the wagon and its rider, Abraham Lincoln, nearly onto its side. Though the statue of the 16th president sustained very little damage, and in fact stayed firmly in place, many parts of the wagon were badly damaged.

The two left wagon wheels were crushed by the wagon’s fall, and the right-front wheel was damaged. The tarpaulin that covers the wagon was badly ripped and nearly torn off, and there was damage to the suspension and wheels axles.

Nancy Saul, interim director at the Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County, said the wagon is insured and plans for its future will be discussed at a special board meeting Monday evening.

“We have someone out assessing damage, and we’re trying to figure everything out,” said Saul,

“But at this point, it’s hard to say what happens next,” said Saul.