Tumescent Liposuction Chicago

The good thing is that when your surgery is done through local anesthesia (lidocaine and epinephrine injection) you can go back to work and full recovery less than a week. Of course your surgeon will be in touch with you regarding your post operation medication and treatment because like in any cosmetic surgery once your fat cells are removed, there will always be a time for the incision to heal itself. Watch here about the recovery time you need post fat removal surgery as you can notice the tumescent will give you the maximum result and safety.

To see the real result in your body shape and contour, it might take a little longer I can say about 4 weeks. You can go back to your daily work, exercise after that time frame and start a healthier lifestyle.

See what others say here:



You'll realize that there is no bleeding, or even excessive pain for the patients while this allows surgeon to do the suction quicker and more effective.

If you are obese liposuction is not for you:

This article has explained everything why it is actually counter productive if you decide to go for liposuction when your body fat is already too much, or above 35%. The best medical option for you is to lose weight first, then liposuction will do the body contouring part that you want.