Your Training Counts

Your Training Counts, the annual national trainee experience survey, is designed and delivered by the Medical Council, which aims to inform and support the continuous improvement of the quality of postgraduate medical training in Ireland.

Your Training Counts gives trainees' a platform to provide anonymous feedback surrounding their training post, training school, trainer/trainee relationship as well as their own health and career intentions. These trainee views inform and enable the Medical Council to determine how training is carried out, how we measure against other EU countries, to acknowledge achievements and strengths in the training and educational area and areas that need improving.

The Your Training Counts 2019 Survey is now open and available here.

Previous Surveys

Since the initiative launched, the Medical Council has published a number of reports based on survey findings. Reports can be viewed here. The 2017 report was launched on July 3rd, 2019 and can be read here.

You can follow the report findings on Twitter.

More information on what changes have been made since the first survey was conducted in 2014.

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