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Apple’s March Event

Apple have announced their up-coming event ‘Spring Forward’ on Monday 9th of March. Avid Apple fans will be hoping to hear news of the anticipated Apple Watch and news of other rumoured products.


The Apple Watch Could Be Released?

The big story is the Apple Watch, which was first seen back in October of 2014, with the SDK and invites for App Developers in November 2014. The product has the usual Apple sleek design and user friendly interface. (related post here) But it has had a problem with battery life along with an expected high price.

Apple could also announce the 12” Retina Display Macbook Air, along with Intel Broadwell chip and reversible USB 3.0 upgrades to its existing Macbook Air stock.

The Macbook Pro could also receive the Broadwell Chip upgrade.

The much rumoured iPad Pro may get a mention. The product is said to be a 12.2” Tablet, which will open a new market for Apple. But a few murmurs in the tech world that this device may kill the 9.7” iPad sales. We will have to wait and see, but if the release is true then it wont be happening till late in 2015, (WWDC June??)

Thanks for your time
