All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Wednesday 3 September 2014

WLC College India All you MUST know to succeed

There are certain traits that are common amongst all successful people across the globe. WLC College India shares these with you in this blog. These traits are engraved in the minds of students enrolled in the 3 verticals of WLCI, namely – Business School, Fashion School and Design School.

Managing emotions and staying calm during the most stressful of times are the basis of the teaching methodology at WLC College India. Emotional intelligence is achieved with utmost patience and virtue. “Calm, Content and Control” are the 3 C’s that guide you through a smooth life !

Behavioral traits of successful deity’s are listed below, live by them :-

  1. Living in the past will keep you there. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Do not look back and don’t anticipate the future.
  2. Holding grudges will keep you unsatisfied. Let go of the hurt caused by an external source as you never had any control over it.
  3. Perfection seeking individuals lead a dejected and gloomy life. Emotionally intelligent people realize that there is no such thing and hence do not desire for it, rather they use their minds for a productive purpose.
  4. 2 Negative may make a positive, but 1 negative person can bring you down with them; Avoid them at all cost. Negativity is the worst disease that can put our mind’s in an emotional spiral, eliminate all such toxins from your life.
  5. Saying No is as good an answer as Yes. Being agreeable to everyone can pose to be the root cause of depression and stress. Avoid the emotional burden by disagreeing where it seems fit.

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