

Ubuntu touch, the Linux based, mobile device operating system has been available for Developers and Industry partners for a while now. Announced in 2011, the OS was unveiled and a developers preview was released in 2013 with the final product finally offered to Manufacturers in September 2014, with the hope of devices being released with the OS pre-installed in 2015.

This OS is a replacement for the Android operating system only. There is no seperate download needed, if you are running Ubuntu desktop then you already have the required files to install. Just plug in the supported device, use a few console commands and away you go. The Android OS is wiped completely, so a back up is necessary, should you wish to go back, if the change isn’t your cup of tea!!

This is the first operating system to be available across devices in the same format. The idea is for Ubuntu to be a full working desktop PC on a handset or Tablet. If it’s on your desktop then you can use it on your handheld.

The officially supported devices on the Ubuntu site at the moment, are the Nexus 4 handset, the 2013 Nexus 7 Tablet and the Nexus 10 Tablet. Though there are other unsupported devices able to run the OS they can have problems running it correctly.

Details of the OS features are available on the official Ubuntu Touch page here. For information on supported devices and installation instructions for Developers. Go to the official Developers page here:

For what I’ve seen(sadly not tried as yet)Ubuntu Touch is a slick mobile OS, which is packaged free with Ubuntu Desktop and acts like it’s bigger brother. Nice looking, quirky at times, with some new ideas. Could this be a major contender in the next few years? We’ll have to wait and see when the handsets complete with the OS are finally released, too make a decision as the supported device list is a little thin on the ground to give a fair comparison.

Thanks for your time.
