
Opening Minds through Art - A life changing experience for Miami Students

In Spring of 2017, six Miami University students – Paige Ferland, Brianne Safer, Lindsey Schad, AJ Tatro, Alex Waldherr, and Joshua – Zak co-presented with Drs. Elizabeth “Like” Lokon and Brad Simcock at the Forum on Aging conference in Cincinnati. These students had a wide range of majors, from mathematics and statistics to botany, psychology, microbiology, interactive media studies, and kinesiology. One thing they had in common is their experience serving as an Opening Minds through Art (OMA) student leader.

OMA is an intergenerational art program for people with dementia founded at the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University. This brief (5 min.) video captures the highlights of what these six students learned from their OMA experience. The video was recorded at this conference, which was organized by the Council on Aging and attended by over 600 aging professionals from across southwestern Ohio and Northern Kentucky.