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This newsletter focuses on my life as a Christian writer and my publications.


Transitions are changes involving three parts: beginning, middle, and end. Hospital visits and university studies are examples of important transitions.

In the beginning of a transition, the tendency is to look to the past--the way life used to be. In an hospital visit, the beginning is the story of what brought you there.

The middle part of a transition is typified by uncertainty. In the hospital, you are seen by a doctor and undergo treatment, but will you get better? The middle is also a time of innovation--the university, this is where you take classes that you did not anticipate and, perhaps, find a new passion.

The end of a transition begins when decisions are reached and the future becomes clear as you sprint towards the end. Innovation stops, but productivity is high. In the hospital, you perhaps survived a heart attack: how will you live life differently now that you have been given a second chance?

The classic transition in the Bible is the Exodus Story where the people of Israel struggle to leave Egypt, must learn to live in the desert, and, then, enter the Promised Land. The hardest part was life in the desert, but it was in the desert where they learned to depend on God.

What transitions are you going through? What have you learned?     

Everyday Prayers for Everyday People

In the coming days, I will publish my first hardcover (laminated) book: Everyday Prayers for Everyday People.

This book organizes 97 of my Sunday prayers over the past two years by topic and makes them available for regular use.

The cover is a graphic based on Threadpainting;
“Sisters” (2005) by Sharron Deacon Begg of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.( My cousin, Sharron, developed arthritis in both hands so unable to continue drawing she began working with a sewing machine to create her art. If you look carefully at this print, you can make out that the lines are actually stitches.     
Writer's Conference

On Saturday, September 8, 2018 Capital Christian Writers and Northern Virginia Christian Writers Fellowship are jointing hosting a marketing conference for writers and aspiring writers in Fairfax, Virginia.

If you are curious, visit our website at:

Simple Faith Writing Project

In August I completed a first draft of Simple Faith and began the editing process. This is a significant benchmark for me because I began working on Simple Faith in January 2017.

Editing on a project like this can be intense because one learns a lot along the way that needs to be incorporated in earlier chapters and expanded on in later chapters. I expect to be busy!

Please add my efforts to you prayer list.

More About Transitions

A transition is one of five types of stories important in understanding our emotions. To learn more, read my review of:

John Savage. 1996. Listening & Caring Skills: A Guide for Groups and Leaders. Nashville: Abingdon Press. (

This review is available on my blog,
Click here to order one of my books!

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